>sept 23rd
>north korea
>las vegas
>the prophecy
>saudi arabia
>year 5777

what the fuck is going on?
why is NOTHING happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because fags on /pol love to over-exaggerate and make drama in order to create meaning and purpose for their miserable lives. BLACK LIVES MATTER

Because all of those occurences were ABC agencies trying to lure crazies into doing something on X date.

Nothing will happen, just as it always has.



>2017 in a nutshell

>saudi arabia nothing
Except the purge that just got rid of a dozen or so corrupt princes of which one was one of the most wealthy people in the world

>pizzagate nothing
Still real though. Just need to redpill people

>weinstein nothing
Except more and more sex scandles erupting of which some are of pedo nature (also playing into pizzagate redpilling people about how stuff works there

>September 23rd nothing
Nothing was supposed to happen. It was just meant as a sign to show our progress in the revelations

>las vegas nothing
Except being an obvious cover up and certain jewish tricks at work

>tfw you voted Trump so shtf
>tfw only unimportant shit happens

you forgot to mention

>birth certificate

and many many more.

ur a bitch


>Only a never ending present, in which the Jews are always right

THIS >>>>>>>THIS >>>>>

The BIG one is coming...

its already here. Just not in planE sight, Wonder what people noSe vs what they can prove.

,he said on Sup Forums.

Thats the jewish vegan youtube guy, grats on that bs

If you don’t believe anything is happening, you’re either blind, retarded or fully indoctrinated by the kikes. God bless you all.

Get an automatic weapon and make a happening. You fags are waiting when we should all be going to Vegas, getting COMPED and killing innocent people.

Im still right though


Tomorrow major happening. A police force in the Brussel-Amsterdam-Cologne area will be whiped out.
Don't be scared guys, joining the police doesnt make you immune to retaliation. Only cops who deserve it will die.

fuck off hyde faggot - it was never funny

yes stuff is happening but it is some high up elite chess with no effect on our lives

It's all a big play. A distraction.

Watch Hypernormalization. It's on YouTube and its free.

This. We should have get a new date any day now

rothschild assassination though user

kys kid

You guys are fucking stupid. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has extradited people to the United States. King Kike Netanyahu is about to get arrested. Mueller has 1500 indictmnets. JFK documents indicate Jews did it. Hillary is losing her mind.

Everything will be revealed.


just because your countrymen are demoralised faggots doesnt mean we have to be

t. damage control

Aah ha ha what are you fucking stupid?

I'm just here to fuck with people and pretend I knew about this stuff all along if shit like pizzagate is true

sage cause you're a faggot and don't deserve my bump

if you keep believing you will just be even more disappointed


It's happening, you just have to notice it



You have a really funny definition of nothing.

I didn't yet see ONE thread for the 10,000 more docs dropped yesterday, admitting US Communist subversion being top priority and spearheaded by muh civil rights movement, which was engineered.
I think it evens mentions JEWS at one point

fucking slide

Everything isn't as bad as it seems to you. Go up the stairs, and then go outside and look around.
The Good Lord didn't mean for you to spend your life in your mother's basement.

Its the same faggot shit perpetuated by the same faggots, gossiping and trying to bait happenings like sadistic little girls. There are too many older individuals on this site who want all this wasted time to amount to something, there is no arguing these points, either things happen or they die a failure, this is how indoctrination works.

your mother has a really funny definition of fidelity

> Hillary is losing her mind.
That ought not take long.
Her good looks is the only thing that could go quicker.

>y-your mom hehe

trump winning was the big one and used up all our meme magic. We have nothing for another 100 years now. Our arrogance was our downfall.


I gave up a few months ago

hence the CBTS thread cancer
paranoia's last stand

Vegas was pretty insane

Because life rarely runs like a Tom Clancy novel you bitch. The world geopolitically is going nuts. Happenings are in progress. We are witnessing just slices of what is happening. Stop being a brainwashed dweeb.

There's not enough context. I've heard from both sides saying, "CIA demonized civil-rights by associating it with communism" to "CIA besmirched civil-rights by saying it was commie subversion"

We would need someone all the way at the top to tell us what to make of it.


>nothing is happening
you're slowly being bred away Hans, that's what's happening.