Just a reminder, when your sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner this Thursday...

Just a reminder, when your sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner this Thursday, rich white males stole this land and killed millions of indigenous people.

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All of the dead teepee-niggers is what makes Thanksgiving worth celebrating.

Every nation that exists today is a result of someone conquering someone else. Also when the Europeans arrived (and long before) to the Americas, the native tribes were all killing each other over vegetables and beads.

So get over it.

I am so glad I am raising my daughter to such a good progressive. The amount of hate and bigotry in this country is making me sick. I thought back in the 2000s that old racist white men were dying off. I guess I was wrong.

Thanks guys

That's exactly what I'm grateful for Willie.

K, thanks! Pass the mashed potatoes, please!

you know that the indians were in league with the ant people right?


Can’t wait for some pecan pie tbqhwy.

Land was not stolen, natives were savages who routinely violated agreements and treaties, often started wars with colonial and according to virtually ALL contemporary sources were just barbaric murderers in general. Their failures at said wars are their own fault for prodding the bull, cucks.

that's what filthy beaners are trying to do to us lol

Ant people?

>rich white males stole this land and killed millions of indigenous people.

To the winners go the spoils.

You don't hear about Italians complaining their land was stolen from the Etruscans.

show us her tits

Actually most indigenous people sold their land to the US government.

Stole it how? Was it all illegal? Was it previously owned?

And that’s why I’m thankful

GTFO faggit.

and proud of it bitch. And we will do it again

should have finished the job
and not let more shitskins in

Get over it whiner lol

man sure did got me lmao

we had a wars with these indigenous "people"
they were weak, unorganized, savage and unable to defend "their" land. They lost.

Fucking degenerate.

mfw thinking about my ancestors colonizing American and killing millions of undeveloped, primitive savages.

Thanksgiving is a day for Americans to be grateful for the fact that we're smart enough and strong enough to take whatever the fuck we want from retard brown savages

Reminder that Dems simultaneously believe that it was terrible how the natives were wiped out by foreigners immigrating uncontrolled into their lands and yet want to allow foreigners to immigrate uncontrolled into America.

Educate yourself you ignorant bastard.

>The Truth About The Native American Genocide



>People who believe in selectively-and-hypocritically-applied generational karma to justify their anti-white bias

Not even once.

stop virtue signaling to people that hate you and go give your house to an indian you low integrity pos.

ah. I've been had

Indian tribes were constantly taking land away from each other, it was their way, and it was nothing new for a stronger tribe(whites) to take over land.

The commanche and apache once "owned" little land.

The Souix were originally from Canada, before they took land away from the indians in Minnesota, then they took land away from indians in the Dakaotas, then took land away from indians in colorado, montana, wyoming, etc.

There was really no such thing as "ownership " of land, and certainly not any ownership of parcels of land by individuals.

The indians pretty much let whoever was stronger take whatever land they wanted, didnt really matter if the stronger tribe was red or white.

>came from siberia
Really makes you think.


At least we let some of them live and keep their traditions, if the Chinese got here first they would have eaten all of them.
No pity for the conquered.

the white invaders were wrong to establish government, not because they killed a bunch of dirt niggers.

lmao git gud at war redman


Indians were savage as fuck. Routinely practiced mass murder, torture, horrific executions, raided each other, committed mass rape after battles. Hatred of white people is the only reason history has been so completely twisted. Europeans came and found a savage and violent people and they conquered them through savage violence. This is the way of the human race. Always has been. Stop crying and go back to your casinos you feather niggers.

>tfw literally going to have to listen to SJW sister talk about how evil Thanksgiving is this Thanksgiving

What is his accent? It really bothers me that I can’t place it.

>rich white males stole this land and killed millions of indigenous people.
Inspiring we pulled it off while being such a small minority vs a hemisphere of shitskins.

Hopefully after the robots replace our brown workers we can have a phase II against America's enemies.


Slap the bitch down then.

>rich *jews stole this land and killed millions of indigenous people.

Even on the smallest, basic most fundamental level organisms are constantly conquering and consuming each other.

It's the very building block of life, which liberals are diametrically opposed to in every facet of life.

They are the people who want to see their family raped by muslims, their neighborhood turned into Cleveland, Ohio and their wife blacked by a nigger so they can be the ultimate cuck.

They are a disease, a scourge upon the natural order of things. Their only destination in this world is extinction.

We must let them meet their end without dragging us all along.

Pretty much.

WRONG! That's a fucking Talmudic concept that Jews came up with thousands of years ago, and I would gladly get rid of all of you first and then see how many battles we have when all of your kind has been moved to Madagascar

fuck you and your son.

Just a reminder: Squanto was a Christian, and lived in England. When the Pilgrims showed up the natives in the area were pre-christianized. Any good corn-nigger accepted white rule and white civilization, the rest were savages who deserved worse than they got.