This is what /sci/ thinks of Sup Forums

This is what /sci/ thinks of Sup Forums

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/sci/ can blow it out there ass

get a room you two
Sup Forums the majority of Sup Forums can't see the forest from the tree

Oh really?

>any idiot can jump on the "evil Jewish conspiracy" bandwagon

>you have to learn 1000 things to have an opinion at all
fuck this

lol hop on board the Le evil Jew express choo choo

poster is right, Sup Forums is overwhelmingly full of brainlets. and it has gotten much worse with all of the retarded boomers now spamming the board with inane faggotry.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Kill the non believers, show them no quarter.

Who gives a fuck about what a bunch of nerds think

fuck off pleb

/sci/ is full of people who think passing calc 2 makes them the next Einstein.

he's right though. I was (am) an idiot and even I know the Jews are responsible for all the worlds ills.

My God, they were right

Yeah well /lit/ or /sci/ didn't literally take over the fucking world in the last year and a half... so they can suck a fat cock.

Last point is spot on especially with all of the /x/ tier bullshit in Sup Forums

Yo I he seeing this a foot but u aint be really Knoin wat x be like
We aint our here talkin vampire talkin warewulf talkin grimlena
Jus now n then sum spooky shit pop off in Tha world tmwh need sum talkie u feel me
So sumfime be crossover
But not really so dont be talkin bou wat u aint Kno

but you do need to educate yourself in order to have a well rounded opinion on a matter..
no wonder your country is an irrelevant shithole


Stay mad german cuck

The Dumbass Chad will always win against the virgin scientist

(rolling my eyes) lol Well. La-ti-da

inshallah brother :v)

If the "evil Jewish conspiracy" is so laughable, why can't any high-IQ redditors debunk it convincingly? Seriously, seeing Jewish-influence is fucking up my life, I need somebody to prove that it is wrong.

>at least Sup Forums and Sup Forums require some effort to participate
>you need to at least watch some pedophile cartoons to participate
>we are so smart xD

this is how these reddit cuckolds sound.

Except that aint wat was said... Genius

the problem with the brainlets on /sci/ is they lack the human element which makes them exceptionally retarded.

>"jewish conspiracy"

Except it is. And the same argument can be made for almost anything that isn't politics.

not an argument


a-are we dumb-dumbs Sup Forums :(

Meh, /sci/ is filled with Rick and Morty type wannabes who larp as intellectuals by doing their "I loev sciens" roleplay

t. /sci/ and Sup Forums browser

>/sci/ appealing to /lit/
How pathetic. I remember not too long ago a thread on /lit/ dedicated to lauging at and shitting on /sci/. Everyone on /lit/ hates /sci/ for being a collection of plebeans. /sci/ is the biggest collection of brainlets and rick and morty tier i love science retards this site has. Half of their posts consist of kids asking questions about their homework and the rest is people talking about stuff they don't know shit about.

The if it’s popular it sucks meme.
/sci/ has the same 5 people posting the same faggy threads and they are “small to medium”

antifa larp

The quality has gone to shit. Thank T_D

it was not always like that

STEM PhD here. Most /sci/ posters are larping undergrads. Any given 100+ reply thread might have one or two people who know anything beyond wikipedia-level knowledge.

phoneposters like you belong in the ovens ahmed


Aren't they just a bunch of larpers obsessed with Bill Nye and Rick and Morty?

ITT: /sci/ may have stumbled upon a salt mine
> b-but niggras and joos...

>ivory tower folks knowing anything about peasant society

>/his/ or /lit/ or /sci/
definitely not a /sci/ poster, /lit/ brainlet confirmed.

/sci/ is a joke, full of brainlet engineers

I know you meant it in an academic sense, but the way you formulated it needs some work, hungarian user.

I love the liberal mentality that "Sup Forums is raiding our board".

It means they don't have to accept the ugly truth, that people might have been productive members of their board, while also enjoying Sup Forums. You can't create a strawman with that logic, and you don't have to fear MUH NAZIS with it either.

T. Heavy /sci/ poster.

>oooo handbags

But /sci/ is by far one of the worst boards on this site outside of the math generals

it's true

he's absolutely right
Also most people on /sci/ probably have jobs, and a normal life, so they don't hate everyone to cop with their self-hate

>Sup Forums is also one of, if not, the most popular board. Any board that surpasses a certain population is gonna be trash
he's right
search your heart and know it to be true

>there ass

They might be on to something...


Sup Forums might be trash, but this trash is more powerful an relevant than any "intelligent" board. thinking doesn't really translate into action or relevancy.

>Tch...those Sup Forums kiddos are so anti-intellectual...
what a bunch of pseudo fags lol

>small insular board of groupthinkers will be better

Behold the intellectual powerhouse that is s4s.

absolutely 100% true. fucking retards here cant take criticism either.

computer science doesn't count as a real scientific field

>not realizing post was non-ironic


Good thing Sup Forums doesn't think about them at all, they are like every other shitty half dead board except for a few near and dear to my heart.

If /sci/ was a place, which one would they be. I'd say portland; too smart to be infested with niggers, but still full of faggots.

>requires effort

Who gives a fuck what /sci/ thinks. Unless it has dramatically changed the last couple of years, it's just a bunch of students who take themselves far too seriously, and spout bullshit straight out of the textbooks in their fields.

I've got a MSc in chem eng and thought that board would be the most fun. But god damn, was I wrong.

The brainlet to normie ratio on /sci/ far exceeds that of Sup Forums.

>pol spilling over
so that's how brainwashed normies tries to explain the sudden redpilling amongst their peers

He's not wrong though. Sites like 7chan and 420chan are miles better than 4chain simply because the community isn't a circle jerk of pre teens trying to be edgy retard. It's not popular, so you won't get casuals ruining things. This is why 4chans rules state you don't talk about the website. Because it turns into...this!

day of the rope for pol posters when? they are dragging down the collective iq of this site.

those insults would be better directed at Sup Forums, and they would probably agree with you. It's still problem solving though, titles are for pretentious fags

This. /his/ and /lit/ are mentally retarded

If /sci/ was so full of "intellectuals" why has said board not created some new working theory, developed some new breakthrough, or created a new technology or even had some positive effect on society at all? It just goes to show those who view themselves as smarter than others are nothing more than pretentious trash with their head in the clouds elbow to elbow with everyone else

/sci/ doesn't understand biology, and /lit/ hasn't read Evola.

Meanwhile on "le intellectual" /sci/

Sounds like a Jordan Peterson fanboy meetup. Good for them, I guess?

> yet Sup Forums is little insecure

A new breakthrough or invention might be a bit of a high bar for smartness.


>being a board centered around just consuming information that others just hand out to you
pick one

I like Jordan Peterson. He's an exceptionally smart man. He just hasn't had the enlightening first hand experience with true degeneracy, and he's a bit too traumatized by what he has learned of genocides. If he were in his twenties now, he'd grow up to be the next Goebbels.

They're right, if the collective IQ of Sup Forums is greater than eighty I'll eat my fucking MAGA hat.

Even so, what measurement of intelligence does /sci/ have other Sup Forums? Does it not show that Sup Forums is fairly intelligent to research and uncover corruption? Pinpoint locations on a satellite image for artillery strikes? Talk about society as a whole and how certain changes would create a more positive ideal society for all is not intelligent? Besides, /sci/ is right there with the rest of us - on Sup Forums, typing away and doing nothing special.
/sci/ has done nothing of note.

At least Sup Forums had some nice memes...
And today's Shitposter-in-Chief one of them.

Sure, I'm not claiming /sci/ is any smarter than Sup Forums. I'm just saying that it's not reasonable to expect any discussion board to actually do any contributions, regardless of how smart the people in it are.

Well we do disagree with 97% of scientists™

This will cause massive butthurt because its true.

That's my point though - a whole board supposedly full of intellectuals who have the gall to talk shit does absolutely nothing with said intelligence

I've examine /sci/

Bunch of stupid posers LARPing about knowing science.

Anyone with a question about science at their level would get it out of a textbook. These guys make it up.

The majority of Sup Forums worships pic related as if he wasn't a Jewish puppet/occult autist whose only achievments were to further kike geopolitical supremacy and discredit any nationalist ideology.

The majority of pol is pretty retarded in that regard

/sci/ has always been a place for students to mentally jerk themselves off.

Zero originality. All first-year textbook bullshit.

Oh shit source? I could see this being true.

>/lit/ requires effort

Dumb we are so

Fuck, turns out OP was right. Sup Forums is infiltrated by literal retards:

Obvious psy-op trying to get /pol distracted with some fake ass in-fighting.

That's exactly what /sci/ is. If they applied said intelligence to what Sup Forums says, they would see that Sup Forums is not just "evil racists" but are saying credible things.

It's literally what all of Sup Forums thinks of Sup Forums. This is a containment board. It exists solely to keep you people from discovering other boards.

There must be some stupid as fuck people here

Choo choo mofos

/sci/ is the dumbest board on Sup Forums. I don't know if it's organic stupidity or just overrun by activists.

/fit/ here.

We're the best board there is. We have our share of idiots but no board comes close.

>implying /fit/ isn't every other board with muscles

for teh lul

>implying there's nothing to learn about what's happening to society

autistic sciencefags should kill themselves, it's the reasonable thing to do

Don't forget freshman physics majors who regurgitate Wikipedia pages.