Papa johns is pizza gate!
Real pizzagate!
Yep, only pedos like being called papa
If you voted for trump you must like penis as well.
Trump votes are chucks. get rekt
Trump voters are black people. GET OFFENDED BY BEING BROWN! Stupid ass light brown people
Guess whta you share the same DNA as dark brown people. HA REKT!
Sup Forums is just stupid people thinking they are smart.
Choo choo. All on the loser train.
Losers all aboard!
Why is Sup Forums full of light brown neckbeards?
I will believe it
Papa John's are fronts for child trafficking
It is known
ITT: what being retarded is like
I see you're offended! HA REKT
Just pointing out the fact you are. You are the only person ITT making like every post.
Just let it die like your mind already is.
You tried this thread yesterday, too.
>Sup Forums is just stupid people thinking they are smart.
And here you are
>Losers all aboard!
And here you are
>Why is Sup Forums full of light brown neckbeards?
And here you are
>samefagging this hard
Holy shit OP. You never go full retard.
This must be the worst bait ever..
You're talking to a bot that's been talking to itself.
This is the best thread