My prime minister is a faggot

My prime minister is a faggot

please rape my face

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With all the problems going on in the world this is what your fag meme PM decides to focus on? Apologizing to less then 0.00001% of the population? Canada really is a meme country

What does the 2 stand for

Typical leaf

fuck if I know.

I'm wondering this as well.

"2-spirit" I believe

I think it's 2-spirit, which is supposed to be like the native american version of non-binary.


So they omit the LGBTQIA community in favor of LGBTQ2 now? Bigots

At what point do we regular Canadians rise up and absolutely beat the shit out of this guy for doing nothing but talking about LGBT qrstuv people and Muslim immigrants and yet nothing about regular fucking Canadians who are going out there and working their asses off and paying your fucking taxes every day????

Hey JUSTINE!!! Canadian here. Parents were Canadian. Grandparents were Canadian. Working our fucking asses off over here and paying our God damn taxes! Would like some goddamn support please.

You're fucking done Justin.

I think its replacing the second Q in LGBTQQ which I believe stands for questioning

It was really insensitive of hime for not using the full abbreviation LGBTQQAAIP but I guess he was running out of characters

Fuck off traps are the way of the future
So are muslims.

And you had Barack Obama for 8 years burger. What was he talking about? Canada isn't a meme country. All of us are getting our asses kicked by the liberal agenda around the world and we all need to work together to fight these fucking creeps. We could have kicked you when you were down and Barack Obama was running around acting like a fag for 8 years but that's not the point.

As long as there is bread and circuses people wont
And this goes for all of the west

Obama was a massive fag but he wasnt even half as bad as the virtue signalling pussy that runs your country

Nice deflection leaf, your country is a fucking joke

I want off this ride

I preferred LGBTQ1.3, the new 2.0 patch fucking sucks dick.

I wish I lived in Canada. I would just file for meet bux.
>TFW no cuck leader to give me money

I refuse to believe this is real, everyday you think you have seen it all and cant became more depressed about the world. Now im going to check if it really is real and if it is i will shed one tear for canada. RIP.

When are they adding "P" for pedos?

Trudeau is objectively worse than Barry ever was, or at least ever publicly was. His only saving grace is that he obviously wields a tiny fraction of the influence enjoyed by other world leaders.
Pointing out that they elected Obama as a defense of our country deciding to put Justin in charge of our government is totally invalid. As far left as the democrats may have shifted, even they wouldn't have elected Trudeau. Ousting an economist in favour of a part-time ski instructor is a uniquely Canadian thing to do, and we should own it.

They prolly just mash the keyboard these days, new categories are invented and forgotten faster than they can update their holy books.

WTF is a "2 spirit"???

Knowing Canada, late 2018.

"+" got BTFO

LGBT Canadians are regular Canadians too

Even considered nucking your country
it helps, see Japan for example

Canadian Anime wen?

Two-spirit is the catch-all term for the concept of a "third gender" in indigenous North American societies. It has deep historical roots predating European conquest.

QQ. Queer and Questioning.

jesus every time i think leafs cant get any more pathetic

I'd rather rape your PMs face, but I feel he'll say he won.

>Stickin' Around and Angela Anaconda on nuke roids

Stop being delusional. Obama was just as bad.

At least Obama has the standard politician education. Cuckboy was teaching 3rd graders how to act while Obama was at Harvard law.


fucking Canadians...... America's free open mic night

don't ever change leafs

Hahahaha holy fuck leaf I would be praying for nukes

Meme country. Meme flag. Meme President. Who literally tweets MEMES he thinks are real.

Fucking JUST

That's pretty bigoted would hate for the Canadian thought police to get your IP

>Modern Canadian men

Depressing as hell lads

"America's free open mic night"

Literally the best description of Canada EVER

Canada is a meme country

you can't get neetbux if you're white. No i'm not joking.

>Canada isn't a meme country.

I don't get it.


>I don't get it.

We now Leaf. We know.

Jesus fucking Christ

its gonna get a lot worse before it gets better

"Open mic night" = COMEDY FOR AMATEURS HERE IN AMERICA....and other parts of the nown world.

Have you hiding in a fucking IGLOO or a shack in the mountains all your life?

And Trudeau doesn't even have to look up how "LGBTQ2" is actually spelled.

"2 Spirits"


Do any other countries acknowledge the Q2 additions or is it just canada?
All I hear is LGBT in the UK

Yeah but open mic night amateur comedians are usually terrible. If we are consistently giving you laughs, we should be headlining a professional show, yes?

le weed man isnt the ghey OP. dont be stupid he was a ski instructor who was banging every ones wives... of course that would be a pretty good cover and he would just be pretending to be a chad. if he was screwing every ones trophy wives then he should have at least 1 bastard... and his wife shouldnt look like shes 70

We're not laughing. We're cringing, because you're main comedian (Trudeau) is bombing on stage.

naw. thats just a meme from some random native tribe. we never had '2-spirits' and all faggots were killed

Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.

went to ottawa for groceries since i was there for other shit.

>towel-heads all over
>random few whites

i looked a nigger in the eyes and i was filled with rage. fuck

Electric Bugaloo

Did someone steal his bike too?

your future is set in stone. It involves immense pain and suffering and fire.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Fags are insufferable nagging cunts so they get a lot of exposure and attention from the Governmemt. Average Canadians go about their business and don't complain, pay their taxes and get shit on. Welcome to democratic tyranny of the minorities. The truth is we really don't have it bad enough yet to do anything about it. The average normie thinks everything is fine, he doesn't realise there is a concerted effort to undermine the society he grew up in. He has a slight sense of unease when he sees more and more Chinks but that's about it.

Reminder that the minister of immigration is an actual iq 70 Somalian that has the goal of adding 10% shit skins per year, every year to our country

>calls Canada a meme country
>POTUS wins because of "meme magic"

it stands for 'Males' & 'Females', the only 2 genders Trudeau honestly, secretly believes in; amirite?


REMINDER: Justin Trudeau is a practicing homosexual. None of this should surprise anyone

Lmao'ing at your brainwashing

How come all Kek posters are Brazil quality posters

I honestly do not follow his every step but is he overemphasizing his allegiance to the LGBTQ2PZ-Community?

We are a meme country. Hopefully someday there will be some kind of ultimatum where whites start going into terrorist activity here or the whole system falls apart. I'm really hoping the Turner diaries become real.

looking at a nigger is like staring into the void and realising theres nothing looking back at you

how do the normies react when the jews reach their endgame? at what point do they wake up?

I fucking hate him, not an exaggeration my blood boils when I see him

Uhh what about all 1473 other genders and orientations? This guy is a fucking bigot

They're trying to gaslight natives into thinking they were all part of a monolithic culture where trannies were tolerated and not murdered out on an ice floe. In order to understand Justin, you have to realize that he is really the representative of the kind of thinking which results in a bunch of native kids being seized from their parents and regularly raped and indoctrinated. The Liberal government oversaw that then and it's essentially doing the same thing now threatening to seize anyone who engages in wrongthink's kids.

But hey, at least Justin has legalized SOME drugs.

>king leaf
top lel, faggots

2 Balls
2 Tits
2 scoops!!!!

>looking at a nigger is like staring into the void and realising(sic) theres(sic) nothing looking back at you™
sometimes you Leafs are perplexing

2 stands for all the people who identify as a number. i'm a 583 myself.


Can you add enough fucking letters to that acronym? Jesus Christ, just call them degenerates, that's what they really are.

fake and gay

when was canada persecuting gays?
great stuff tho, lime wasted on nothing but virtue signalling, paid by the tax payer

anyone remember when it was just LGBT?

what the fuck happened

How can you be "practicing" something you are born with?

NZ Prime minister isint much better.

For weeks before the election all she talked about was the housing crisis and child poverty (brown kids, white kids are well looked after by their parents here)

Then she became leader and now all she ever talks about 24/7 is fucking REFUGEES.

Everyone here is getting angry about it, including her supporters. "Why are you trying to bring in more foreign poor people, when we already have people who need help"

It just never ends with these SJW assholes. They cant actually fix anything, so just seek to virtue signal.

hes truly a terrible meme

>not LGBTQI2S+
quite frankly I don't think this man is progressive enough to govern such an inclusive nation as ours

People are born committing the act of sodomy?

whoa that's your leader? LMFAO!!!

He seems like the ultimate beta soy male and he must looooooove cock


We somehow elected a living meme bigger than Trump to run our country. This is why Trudeau wins all encounters with Trump.

Oh, he'll murder everything left that made Canada a land of hope of promise in the process.

Brotier gets the brown people and progressive vote, Cons win, libs back to 3rd.

People are born homosexual, yes. This is an established fact, are you actually not aware of this?

what have you done to the LGBTAIDSNIGGER communiy that the elected representative of the regular canadian people have to apologize to them?