>best state in the union
>majority mestizo

why do you hate us again?

Other urls found in this thread:


You aren't the best state.
You have a strong economy.

Cause your not based alabama

Texas is an overrated shithole

Nope best states are Montana and Maine

>that image
texas btfo

I think it's just bants. Sup Forums is the most racially diverse white supremacist group in the world. Sure, mexicans are lower iq than pure whites but at least you're not civilization destroying allahu ackbars. Just quit acting like niggers.

Can someone please share redpills on San Antonio, New Braunfels, Boerne, and Austin area?

Thank you!

If I move to El Paso will I get a complimentary mestiza

The one in the middle is cute AF.

Must resist...


>Sup Forums is the most racially diverse white supremacist group in the world

Gee I wonder why, it couldn’t be because of r/the_cuckshed immigration. Nobody that’s a white American other than “White” Texans like Mestizo scum.

Us Pennsylvanians and Midwesterners aren’t fooled by race-mixing propaganda because we are actually European. Meanwhile you Texan cucks will be completely nonwhite in one generation. Hope you like becoming a blue state. That’s what you get for not getting rid of Mestizo scum

God I fucking hate Texas
All you fucks act like you say californians do. Your state is #1, it has to be, how could it be otherwise?
Fuck you

Californians and Texans are Juedo-Anglo-Mestizo mongrels. People like me are fully European.

t. oklahoma

all the same girl you tard

This is like hapa men and women

The women look fine, but the men look ugly as sin.

Your Jew lies won't work on me boyo

do all mexican girls look the same or why do I keep seeing those faces everywhere?

Mestizos didn't build it, just silently invaded it.

t.jewish mongrel

If all the ladies looked like those qts I would agree.

was just in houston and dfw earlier this year
can confirm

>Sup Forums overrun with nonwhite immigrants from its reddit colony
Its pottery

>Only one Nonwhite

Will Western Pennsylvania be the next ethnostate along with the Midwest?

All spic women are mostly fat slobs, they along with niggers are the reason we are so fat.


The guy on the right isn’t that bad if he lost weight.

Texans only wish they were this white

>Austin: crowded, expensive shitlib containment zone, SJW central
>SA: lots of conrete, military, Metsicans, surprisingly all right
>New Braunfels/Boerne: still comfy AFAIK

>That moment when even Pennsylvania Cities have more whites then most areas of Texas

Theres a tranny guy I really despise from texas, if any of you texans ever see him and are in the mood for beating up someone, please fuck him up big time .

All Texans are untermensch mongrels, meanwhile Pennsylvanians and Midwesterners and maybe some Northwestern people will led the next ethnostate. They’re also the most supportive of Israel out of any state.

>mexican """civilization"""
You clearly don't live in a place colonized by Mexicans if you think they aren't destroying America.

No, I honestly hate spics more than arabs or niggers.
Spics are the leading cause of America's demographic shift.

Oh ffs NOT those fucking horror faces again. Stop spamming them, it's creepy.

I'm white and im from texas

god those girls are so creepy, can't stand seeing pictures of them all smiling

Americans and telling whose white, these Mexicans are literly considered White in Europe because they blend in PERFECTLY with the people from Spanish, Portugal and Southern France, Americans are literly the stupidest cunts alive, America will remain white it will just no longer be White Germanic dominated instead it will be White Latin.

I’m of European descent and I’m from Pittsburgh, PA

Eat shit Nigexans

you keep seeing them everywhere because they ARE everywhere. we are overrun. open borders madness. the USA is done.


silent? we rolled out the red carpet for them.

they are cute :3

>You here dat Mama, gringos think we white now

You are an amerimutt
Now kys nigger

We need to split the remaining European majority American and Canadian states to form our own nation. Nigexans are Mestizo mongrels who are not our friends.


Since this mutt meme ive been noticing more how swarthy some people look here

teenagers are sort of cute. when they hit 20s and put on 50-100lbs then you see. look at their moms.

would absolutely suck on their toes

Those mexicans are like 10 shades darker then the ones in the top picture, ofcourse those you send are more nigger then white.


Those are what 90% of our Latinos look like. Yet you call them white, America needs more European immigration and zero nonwhite migration. We aren’t the worlds trash can.

Because that's where Austin is.

I called the ones in OP's pic white yes i did but not those who you are linking, so please do tell me what the problems is.

Besides genetics, is there really a difference between niggers and Mestizos?

Did i say all Mexicans? DID I? read you fucking mutt

tx makes talking t-shirts? that's great!

They look like fucking Asians, not Europeans. Not even Sicilians look like that.


H-helo w-white p-people.

>t.sheltered naive yurofag who has never met indios and all the hell they bring

Please do tell me what people look like on my continent you fucking mutt, i wouldn't be suprised if you look anything like a European at all.

Keep in mind the Netherlands does have a sizable SEA population due to the colonization of the West Indies. For all we know that might not be a Dutchman speaking.

The people on your continent look like muslims.


>assmad faggots from bitch tier states ITT

>Calling someone who’s 100% European a mutt over actual fucking mutts

Austin/Galveston user here.

All y'all butthurt faggots in this thread are hilarious. Keep it up jealous Yankee kikes.

Europe is far less demographically fucked then we are.

You don't realize it but you're making a case for Europe not being white. The spics in OP would never be considered white in America.

Regardless of what race he may or may not be, it runs deeper than that. We are at the point where this border crisis is challenging the sovereignty of our nation
What good does all that tax money and proxy wars for Israel do if we can't even secure our own fucking borders?

100% European you got some proof of that? because your mindset is perfectly a 1:1 with a lousy American Mutt.

Austin has the highest concentration of nu males, fags, sjws, trannys and whatever else there is in texico.

Yet they look white enough to blend in with Spanish and the Portu's so maybe then your American definition of (whites) and how white europe has been for the last 2 centuries is not correct?

We aren't using bullshit caste systems like you are, these Mestizo niggers are not white.

This, we need a fucking wall before it's too late along with the repeal of the 1965 immigration act. Asians and Mestizos need to fuck off for good.

We're mutts remember? Demographically, the are supposed to be pure white and badass, not have their women passed around like party favors by muslims.


europe needs the euros to return home. we will never repay that 20 trillion $ and europe will be conquered very soon. the zog sold the nation out.

>northern mexico thinks anyone wants to end up like him
we are just trying to avoid the bad ending you fell for

It's always Dutch or Germans who get the most angry on this board.

What bitch tier state are you from snek?


White Texan here. We built the best state while supporting hordes of non-whites for decades. What's your state's excuse?
Lazy asses.

Any post literally means nothing coming from a russian, lol.

Strike a nerve Paco?

no, they all want free stuff and everything is whitey's fault. when the $ is gone they will riot, rape, loot and murder.

Thats because if you fucking New World fags didnt invade Europe in WW2 and surrendered to your destiny the world would have been better off you lousy mutt but instead you did and now you all get to regret and complain on this site.

the state all your white population is moving to, two states north, the place with the really big hills and legal weed

Enough of one for you to reply yank

Yah, he's a fucking idiot.

>Austin has the highest concentration of nu males, fags, sjws, trannys and whatever else there is in texico.
Lol don't visit please, just continue to believe whatever on the tv you hear.
Yup. Plus, Tejanos are based. Their ancestors killed shitty Mexican spics alongside us white men. It kept Texas free and we became our own state.

Schijt neger hou je kanker smoel.

Or maybe it's because outside of laughing at you for not being able to defend your women, there really is no reason to know anything about or pay attention to your country.

>brags about legal weed
I can only assume your from the degenerate state of Colorado

If the Dems can motivate your lazy spics to vote, you'll turn into California instantly. You're fucked demographically already.

Oh hi, Juan.

great work detective you solved the case


We are demographically more fucked, we are 61% European after all.

We need to repeal the 1965 immigration act before it's too late. Otherwise we'll become another Mestizo shithole like the rest of Latin America. Populated by nothing but orcs.

>Mestizo telling me to leave my rightful colony

Fuck off Nigexan

>Muh based nonwhites

Try saying that when they try to kill you once you become a hated minority like in SA.