Anti commie dump

Anti commie dump


Here you go op

real communism was never tried.

I wonder why.






Agreed, but you know exactly what we mean by communism. And it sucks. Also communism will always turn into a ruthless dictatorship, historical precedent. All you win is the semantics argument because real communism is impossible.


Pls go back to your containment board.
This is a weapon and lolies board you dumkopf


Best part is he has a cib and his bare chest cadet buddy is staring at him like he has two heads.

get the fuck off my board polshit

The only correct response is pic related.

>my board

sad fucking day when /k/ supports fucking commies. jesus christ, the fuck happened to you guys.

I blame fucking phone posters, you leftists pieces of shit. fuck outta here with ur bullshit. Commies can suck my cock now and forever.


In addition to pic related, the "no true Scotsman" defense really should be called the "no true Communist" defense, because literally every commie uses it to excuse communism's century-long history of deaths by the hundred million.


get the fuck off my board polshit
k is and always has been progressive you fucking shitlord


He got kicked out.

but REAL communism really hasn't been tried
name 1 communist country that had no white people
go on I'll wait


>how dare you oppose an ideology that has killed 100,000,000 people in the last century, nazi!


not true communism
they have food shortages and famine

If true communism means successful communism than true communism is oxymoronic.

Nazis have killed billions you fucking idiot pick up a fucking book next time you leave your basement but you won't because you're scared of big strong POC and you should because they could break you in half shitlord

get the fuck out you don't belong on k and we don't want you here

alt right troll

I thought that was a requirement.


Billions? lol, wut?

they can't be innocent if they oppose progress

This argument is a formula that killed over a hundred million people 1900-1999.

>only billions
How dare you you fuckin nazi! They were responsible for the deaths of 180 trillion jews. My grandfather's uncle's niece's shoe salesman's wife was personally executed by Hitler himself!

>k is and always has been progressive
how about, fucking NO?

You anti-semite! Your downplaying of the hall-of-costs won't go unnoticed! Do you think the deaths of 666 Quintilian innocent jews is funny?


Any form of government can turn into a ruthless dictatorship. Some just make it easier than others. Communism, with a strong, entrenched bureaucracy is ideal for abuse -- moreso even than monarchies or theocracies.


>that wasn't communism it doesn't count because it wasn't successful

Christ almighty this is cringey.


No, /k/ has always been liberal. In that the belief that ordinary people rather than an entitled privileged class should be entrusted with arms is a traditionally liberal position.

Modern "progressives" are the elitists who claim to care about urban violence and the like only because they don't want to admit that growing up in a gated all-white community left them terrified that "those people" own guns.

Tell me more about how the goals of /k/ and the left align so perfectly.

Because its true?

Where did you see these communists?


"Classical liberal," unfortunately, is a term that has been so buried by modern American understanding of the term "liberal" that you're going to be completely misunderstood unless you explain yourself explicitly every time you use it.

This isn't even sort of weapons, why don't you stay in Sup Forums my dude.


That is why I did indeed explain it, and we should never stop explaining it and "let them have it." It's always worthwhile to confront leftists with the fact that allowing all law-abiding citizens the right to bear arms is a more liberal position than any horseshit restriction they support.


No because it reads like an RT comment section and it's just as bad as the liberal memes on the same subject matter. Lurk more.

Oy vey, you ethnocentric heteronormative problematic white male, how dare you imply only 666 quintillian of Jahweh's chosen people were callously murdered by Nazis. Hitler personally raped 10^342 Hebrew children to death. Now let me cut off your son's foreskin as reparations!

>muh traditional defintion
Stop. What libral means has been redefined and accepted into public conscious. The traditional definitions are in all effects dead. Stop wasteing everyones time by saying shit like "librals think everyone should own funs" and then then wondering why everyone thinks youre dumb.

Is this one of those "If you vote to bar felons from owning guns you're essentially asking the government to rape your wife" because this false parallel meme is fine on those "Wake up" pages but it seems out of place not on Sup Forums.

Fair point!


T, libral

It's a holocaust denier attempting to make fun of the holocaust in a really ham-fisted cliche'd way.


t. nogunz ad hominem memer.

maybe they shouldn't have stood in the way of progress

see Ceding it is taken as nothing less than as an admission that they're right, which they aren't. It's not about "muh traditional definition," it's that a lie has been repeated so often that many people accept it as true. That doesn't make it true and that doesn't mean lies should not be exposed.

Not confronting them on their bullshit is no different from perpetuating it yourself.

T, mad cuz im rite doe

God damnit I took the bait look at me go

If you really wanna waste your time playing the webster dictionary game then enjoy your futile battle against both sides of every debate. Its not like the left gives a shit about definitons anyway. after all, hateing white people insnt racist :^)

>If you really wanna waste your time playing the webster dictionary game

>It's not about "muh traditional definition," it's that a lie has been repeated so often that many people accept it as true. That doesn't make it true and that doesn't mean lies should not be exposed.

If enough people come to believe in the horseshit "power plus privilege" definition of racism, does that mean we should shrug, say "Oh well," and accept that only white people can be racist? No, because it doesn't matter how popular or unpopular the truth is, that doesn't make it not truth.

> triggered commie.

No it doesnt, im not saying that. What i am saying is that the left doesnt care about facts, definitons or even logic. The left cares about ignoreance and what feels good to them. For years people have been throwing definitions, statistics, and logic at these uni brainwashed sheep to no avail. And the mainstream moderates have accepted the far lefts new definitons. Tell anyone to describe a libral and they will never decribe the traditional libral. Its a pointless battle, the only thing thats worth doing now is voteing them out of power since debateing them is pointless

That is all the more reason to call into question their unthinking acceptance that reserving the right to bear arms to a privileged entitled few is somehow liberal.

>having to try this hard
Oy vey indeed

A true god among men


This has been demonstrated to be one of the common traits of communism though

that's a cute couple

>it's now looked down upon to appose the deadliest ideology in human history

>Highest award is an AAM
>second highest is the good cookie

why do they always select the biggest shitbirds from the lower enlisted to go to USMA?


Indians aren't people you moron.

you two will not be missed. communist devils

My Lord do you fags not get that you're the problem. Literally anything /k/ has been all about for years you niggers can't just have fun. No you seem to only exist to ruin threads and never contribute.

Is some liberal Reddit sub running one of their half a year "hurr I'm lel trolls XDX" who can be the most retarded contest?

>implying guns work in space



Modern powders contain their own oxidizer and will work in space. The expanding gasses will still go down the barrel, though it probably won't be as potent as it would in atmosphere.

>though it probably won't be as potent as it would in atmosphere.
look another brainlet


no it's not you're just stupid


>this thread

Also not even remotely /k/ related.

fishposting is the only reply you deserve


>bullet doesn't have to overcome atmospheric pressure in barrel
enjoy your ignorance stupid fish poster

>more gasses escape from chamber in a vacuum