This is not normal
This is not normal
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Of course, its based. How can we make other places as based as this?
It should be normal.
What's so weird about this exactly
>not normal.
It should be the normal for every "gun free zone."
This should be the standard in Texas, no signs should be needed.
I want to sign up as security detail for a Christian church.
Let's make this a thing.
God bless all anons, stay safe - we are in tribulations
Except the last church shooting no one was armed. But southern Baptists are cucks so it's not surprising
It's the new, and, dare I say, better normal.
may jesus guide their bullets
Based Florida
Fuckin a, this is freedom and liberty.
That was actually the surprising part.
We had a joke for years about some dummy trying to rob a church in Texas, while they were collecting tithe, and the Pastor pulled out his revolver, (which was several times bigger than the robbers) with the words "You're in the wrong state son".
Texas is supposed to be the state of "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition".
>1 post by this is
Newfags falling for slides. Sage goes in all fields.
>This is not normal
Op is clearly not familiar with Florida man.
Or Florida in general.
>and on the seventh day the lord provided overwatch with a barret m95
What is the best state and why is it florida?
An armed society is a polite society.
Only pure white societies can afford not to have guns.
you're right it's not normal, it's fucking fantastic
>this isn't normal
>but with niggers, it is
good, finally people are smartening up
>good people defending themselves is bad
Shut up pussy not everything is a slide. The original statement was made in jest.
Good shit. Here in Florida we have our lovely Castle Doctrine that niggers and MKultra activated agents should remember.
That's Europoor logic.
That modification is overpowerd.
I get that having gun free zones only punishes responsible gun owners and does nothing from preventing an actual mass shooter, but wouldn't allowing everyone to carry a gun on them in a building, lead to more gun violence? There is a lot of dumb hot heads out there, who would grab their gun in the heat of the moment and potentially shoot someone who angered them.
Having this sign on every domecile and place of business across the world would single handedly reduce all violent crime by 90%.
Shut up California.
>lefty atheist decides to massacre church goers and their children
>church goers decide to take up arms to defend their people
>lefties: hurr this isn't normal
Lefty genocide soon
They finally realized prayer doesn't do anything.
It is now. This is the only tool the American government bothers to give us for protection.
what does his signature say for a last name?
I actually miss living in Florida.
>you should fear for your life at when you're attending church
>go to church
>get shot
>go try to shoot up a church
>get shot
based U S of A
oh look a religious group overreacting
i'd like to bunch in irrational too but seeing as how there's a fucking shooting every month I'd say that's probably not the worst idea
t. literal kike
>This is not normal
This is where you are wrong. In our churches, when you enter the door, the first room you enter is.... the weapons room.
So the point about the weapons room, is that when you go to church you put your weapons there before entinering the mass hall. So well not so very relevant today, but you really do not need to go that far back in history and you would find it stacked with rifles, guns and sabers
You never know you know, you might encounter a bear or swede before you get there. Closest church, when you enter, you see with once where you are supposed to put your rifle
>play sounds of gunfire in the church
>everyone shoots "back" eventually killing everyone
can i come to based USAland and be ameircan instead ?
To be fair, there was that one guy who grabbed his rifle and stopped the shooting.
If they put their guns in a separate room no one is actually armed
The only people who should fear their lives are criminals and cucks.
I think I know where you fall.
When will the big wigs and shit cunts learn that gun control doesn't work?
Holy shit, I can't believe what a powerful message this is. This shit right here makes you feel safe, knowing that you are amongst other righteous people with guns who are willing to use them to defend their fellows. And it feels so good to read this, too. Gun free zone sounds like you are the criminal while this one makes you feel pretty badass. 10/10 would attend
Sounds like my kind of church. As long as they preach that homosexuality is wicked and fags deserve AIDS.
>number of shootings at that church
Really makes you think
Papa Jesco?
the door closes user and if someone starts banging on the big door you will all hear it
you should fear for your life at all times because you're kind of just a delicate sack of jelly
Based Dad.
You've never held a firearm in real life, have you?
The sound of a gun shot is louder than you understand. Everyone would immediately know it was some fucking faggot playing with his phone and not a real gun.
Jesus didn't mean people should buy automatic killing machines.
What Jesus meant is that if you're smart enough to not own a sword, then you should sell your clock and buy another clock. As this man is smart enough to profit in the clock trade.
>you should'nt have to fear for your life when you're attending church
fixed it for you
Well thanks to the fucking left it's a new normal.
No. Be a Jew somewhere else.
Play sounds with what? You got a stadium concert-tier speaker handy?
-throw a firecracker
-scream "red guy got a gun"
- hide under chair
- watch the shit show enssue
>you will never use a tankette to film a nature documentary in a ghetto
>mass church shooting
>increase security at churches
So if airport security was increased after a terrorist attack, would that be an overreaction too?
-everyone looks at you like a retard
- some guy tackles you
- you get thrown out and called a retard
Come back user, it's still awesome here.
I hate that that fact either went wholly unreported, or the media spun it out to sound bad.
>People could've gotten hurt!
>But people still died because the god samaritan wasn't fast enough, see this is why you should always wait for the police and why we need to confiscate all guns.
Yes, that would be Islamophonic
i guess you never saw a crowd lose control,
saw it once, crowds don't think, they act on instincts
>you should fear for your life at when you're attending church
Our politicians already decided that generations ago when they decided white hegemony was bad.
If your community is less than 80% white you absolutely should never let your guard down
They laugh at your Californian lisp and politely ask you to leave, my well-documented friend.
Considering how much of a bitch the Texas shooter was by dropping is gun and running as soon as he saw someone else with a gun this will help things.
The 4th wasn't a hoax, Anitfa just bitched out.
>This is not normal
Florida is not normal, so it is totally normal for Florida.
Mine already has that, mainly the "Christian biker" bearded beer-belly guys with the biker vest and some former Marine manlets whose best days were 15 years ago in the "Corps" who maddog everyone like we're Al Qaeda and say a bunch of bullshit like "we're the sheepdogs" like anyone gives a shit about them.
Guess you've neither been to church nor experienced this vefy thing happen on several occasions every month of October. They have those in the bay area, right?
Difficult, but plausible
an alarm ring every day at the exact same hour, nobody care, because it's normal, but when it ring once when it shouldn't, everybody panic, that's how human nature works, arm a full crowd and instill them fear, and the smallest thing will trigger a overproportionate reaction
Pls nerf
Kek reminds me of those fake security cameras you can buy to thwart thieves
there is a reason his callsign is God
In old times weapons were always left inside the church in the entrance. It was called armory/weaponsroom or some shit, i dont remember. But anything further than that is blasphemy
It's almost as if the victims were law abiding Texans, where guns are banned from churches.
It is completely normal. I carry a gun everyday as do most of my family, Including my 60 year old mother. Us Floridians refuse to be victims.. In all honesty if you don't carry a gun, you aren't white
>more guns = more safety
You lot make me ashamed to be a burger
It shouldn't be normal, you're right. But what else can you do when leftists- and sometimes terrorists, attack and kill people en masse like they have been?
I'm sure your point is to ban guns. You haven't thought this through, user. Murder is against the law. Terrorism is against the law. Outlawing guns isn't going to mean anymore to these kinds of people than the laws against murder & terrorism.
Chicago and California are good examples of places where gun laws accomplish nothing.
People have owned guns longer than I've been alive- and where I live, we had a shooting almost every weekend at somebody's barbecue. My family & neighbors joked about it. That was in the 60s.
As far as obtaining weapons is concerned, our southern border is wide open to gun trafficking. Our own government runs guns & has for decades.
The right may own more guns, but the left needs to stop agitating and radicalizing impressionable people to the point that they flip out and kill people.
This one is good.. just get rid of the sports teams
Christians letting the scum know they're not to be fucked with. Good for them.
fucking based
>every disagreement or bar fight turns into a massive gunfight