>Sup Forums is obsessed with this jewish money addicted bitch
>Sup Forums is obsessed with this jewish money addicted bitch
Why not?
>if you have money your a jew xDD
Plesse be my sugar mommy tay tay
fpbp OP btfo as usual
Whoa...taxes were a fucking mistake
hating on wealthy goy
you are the untermensch
You don't get $150m/year as a singer... wtf? Since when
She's not jewish!
You're surely joking, I hope
Mostly because she has a really pretty face. That's about it.
one of us
Her last tour grossed 300mi dollars. Her tickets are expensive as fuck
She started her own record company, ran by her father. They're not having to pay most of the proceeds to some kike producer.
Outside of a club or dive bar all tickets are expensive as fuck. Welcome to the 21st century.
Holy fuck she'll definetely become a billionakre
its easy to make up absurd numbers for this kind of thing. best possible worth is probably like 80 million. she could have sold 150 million in a year but artists see a fraction of that. its like pewdiepie. that dude is probably worth 20 million tops.
If some of you faggots had the testosterone of Ms. Swift, the work ethnic and business skills maybe the white race would have a chance.
tay is going to lead us into the great revolution
i think that site is off with their numbers. she still sells out stadiums. and is solo and writes her own music.
Both of us know you're either going home or going into the ground.
I went to her concert in Australia with my family, my dad had to pay over 4.000 dollars for 4 tickets lol.
Considering there were 80.000 people in the stadium, its pretty obvious shes that rich
$4,000... to see ANYONE...
What the fuck is wrong with your family?
It was a birthday gift for my sister...btw at least its australian dollars
>australian dollars
Still, thats a lot dude.
Proof of jewyness ?
Proofs . NOW .
Plenty of smaller venues out there that are cheap.
Nice try, Schlomo.