LaVar just took a huge dump on Trump who helped keep his son out of a Chinese prison for the next 10 years, what does Sup Forums think of this?
LaVar just took a huge dump on Trump who helped keep his son out of a Chinese prison for the next 10 years...
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let the floorsqueak monkeyball man feel important for a few minutes
way to say thank you
It would make my day if they pissed Trump off to the point of him saying "no more schools that receive federal money can spend their funds on sports scholarships." Pissed me off to see all of those niggers getting thousands of dollars to dick off in and out of class.
Federal funds already don't go to college sports
Yeah, but the other funds used for sports could be used for something else that the funds are covering.
>Nigs gonna Nog
Every time you help them. Solution is do not help them until they publicly beg.
Trump should have let those criminal niggers rot in prison.
He better not have given up leverage on anything important to bring them back. I voted for trade deals, not bailing out more niggers when they do nigger things.
Trump just wanted to win some points with the black community and it backfired tremendously.
Trump should've learned by now that no matter what he does, he'll always be denigrated and admonished for it. He could single-handedly discover the cure for cancer and achieve world peace, and he'd still be hated for it. He should stop trying to placate his enemies.
>helping out a nog
Trump had it coming this time.
Exactly. It doesn't matter how many times you talk about your based black friend, the majority of them are already in the left's coffers. Let's just keep saying the Democrats are the real racists though *squeak squeak*
Why would they use ticket funds to pay for anything other than sports programs?
He’s playing it like the Alpha that he is. Them 3 are his bitches now. He determines their fate. Ain’t nobody gonna run up on top dog in the yard. And he just established that he’s top dog. Haters gonna hate.
Lavar seems to lack a frontal lobe
In theory that would be great, but you're never going to cover the hundreds of scholarships they hand out for every sport per year with just ticket money. Save for a few schools, most athletic programs are a drain on college funds.
See that’s where you’re wrong. Federal funds may not be used but state funds sure as shit can be. So what happens is the federal funds are used to plug the holes in the budget caused by the state funds being used for sports. So technically they aren’t used for sports but vicariously they are used for sports.
>t. former university accountant
Lavar is an attention whore. This response gets him the most attention and keeps him relevant on ESPN for another week
Niggers gonna nig
That doesn't matter, the nigger is going to shit on Trump as usual this means nothing. The main point was to get the dindus out of Chinese jail, so the left won't have anything to scream about to disrupt Trumps emerging US/China friendship.
China is 1,000 times more important than some Obama-voting 70 IQ negro.
Get the rope
He really didn't have a choice. The media would have gone berserk. Someone like Nigbama or Clinton probably would have made a trip over there and negotiated their omg this is what a real President is like...and on and on.
niggers are ungrateful and ignorant, its why he "raised" a son who would go to china as a guest and think it ok to shoplift.
typical ungrateful mongrel
Bumping so people can see how they have to subsidize nigger football and basketball scholarships.
Systemic corruption. A purge please. Across the board. Fuck it.
Should've let 'em stay in there until he could personally get them out on the next China visit. That way the media circus would have them all either shaking hands and thanking him, or sperging out like dumb ingrates on camera as the presidents offers them a ticket to freedom in his presidential jet.
Trump didn't do anything, brainlet. It's Diplomatic agents that sort this stuff out.
It was the best outcome for both sides: China didn't want to imprison them for 10+ years, they just could not release them just for whining "I'm an American" - that would mean losing face.
But when the president comes over the deal is more or less done - no one loses face over it.
Still, basic decency would mean to thank the president for enabling this deal, even if he would probably have had to pull a diplomatic stunt to stop the release.