The average IQ of ashkenazi (european) jews is 117

The average IQ of ashkenazi (european) jews is 117
That of non-jewish europeans and whites is 100
Roughly 20% of nobel prizes is won by ashkenazi jews, despite the fact that they make up less than 0.1% of the global population, and jews have made an obsenely disproportionate amount of contributions and inventions to science compared to goyim
You can spew hatred on your cesspool as much as you want, you'll still always be part of a mentally inferior race lower on the evolutionary ladder
You're still smarter than niggers though goyim, you can be happy about that

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Ashkenazi IQ should be zero if you catch my drift

The Nobel organization is jewish and demonstrates an in-group preference
Nobel prizes are also not used for greatest scientific achievement, but as a political event

The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is actually more like 108-110.

Iirc the study that found the mean IQ was 115-117 was a very small study of university students, not the ashkenazi population in general .

Btw , if you’re calling Whites subhumans for having a mean IQ of 100 then that means you must also consider your mizrahi and Sephardi cousins to be even more subhuman din e their mean IQs are 92-95

Ashkenazi jews : 108-110
North East Asians: 105
Whites: 100
Mizrahi and Sephardi jews: 92-95
Nigs: 85

This kind of delusion is the same kind of loser mentality that niggers have when they say stuff like “we wuz kangs . We unlocked the secrets of science and advanced technology then whites stole it from us and lied about the history “

Have some dignity

>Btw , if you’re calling Whites subhumans for having a mean IQ of 100 then that means you must also consider your mizrahi and Sephardi cousins to be even more subhuman din e their mean IQs are 92-95
but user I agree fully
Nice mental gymnastics
I assume you also believe blacks are less succesful than whites because whites are keeping them down, right? To be consistent with your beliefs?

to expand on what I said I want a pure ashkenazi state separate from middle eastern jews

I'm not denying the higher average iq of Ashkenazi Jews, I'm just saying there is an in group preference aspect to Nobel prizes

OP, how do you respond to pic related? Hits a little too close to home, doesn't it?

Ancient judea was one of the more advanced civilizations while germanics, celts, and slavs were barbarians living unbathed in huts in the woods lmao
Nice fantasy

>whites 100 iq
Maybe for Amerimutts
Russians in America have average of 105iq, ethnic Russians have 103 iq. Italy has over 100 iq, and Germans have like 107 iq.

the ((((russian)))) diaspora in america is pretty much all jews

>The average IQ of ashkenazi (european) jews is 117
No it's not, it's 105-107, Checkout Murray Hernstein studies on this. That figure is a lie taken from a study that tested only 13 jewish children, not even close to enough n.
>That of non-jewish europeans and whites is 100
Northwestern European controls gives an average of approximately the same as ashkenazi jews, comparing an entire race to a subset ethnic group within jews is fictitious. Average jewish IQ overall is 96 if you consider sephardic and mizrathim.
>You can spew hatred on your cesspool as much as you want, you'll still always be part of a mentally inferior race lower on the evolutionary ladder
If we are so inferior, why are we the vast vast majority of investors and scientists and brilliant minds over the last 2000 years?
>Roughly 20% of nobel prizes is won by ashkenazi jews, despite the fact that they make up less than 0.1% of the global population, and jews have made an obsenely disproportionate amount of contributions and inventions to science compared to goyim
Nobel prizes are awarded by a committee entirely made of non scientist bureaucrats. It's essentially arbitrary pandering. You are an imbecile to take it seriously, prior to jews becoming financial powerhouse anglos predominantly got nobels.
>You're still smarter than niggers though goyim, you can be happy about that
We're smarter than you jews, because control analysis done on Nordic whites shows an average of 110-112 IQ, vrs the 105-107 range seen for ashkenazim.

Also unlike jews we don't have to behave like parasites to survive, we can survive entirely on our own.


>why are the vast majority of inventors and scientists and brilliant minds over the last 2000 years
gee, let me think, maybe it has something to do with the fact that population wise there are 1000 white goyim for 1 white jew?!?!?

Quite a few have Jew heritage, but almost none of them are actually Jews. Don't talk out your ass. If anything I've noticed the ones all in engineering fields (I know 3 working for intel) all have no Jewish ancestry.

Relative to population we are still vastly disproportionately represented. All the major discoveries were done by whites, everything now is just fluff by comparison. Modern scientists are hacks by comparison to Heisenberg or Newton or Tesla. We literally ARE science and civilization.

>ashkenazi (european)
checks out

>Working for Intel
>No Jewish ancestry

Race Religion Number Math + Verbal SAT
Wh Unitarian 1,745 1073
Wh Quaker 894 1037
Wh Judaism 25,600 1030 * Jewish Avg
Al Quaker 1,009 1029
As Hindu 4138 1029
Al Judaism 27,374 1026
As Presbyterian 3195 1022
As Angelican 197 1019
Al Hindu 4,741 1012
Wh Hindu 82 1004
As No Pref 17987 1001
As U Methodist 662 998
Wh Mennonite 952 990
As Unitarian 49 986
As Episcopal 444 983
Wh Chistian Sci 830 979
Wh No Pref 99,076 979
Al Mennonite 1,063 974
As Methodist 1108 973
As Quaker 25 973
Wh Mormon 6,400 972
Wh Episcopal 19,555 970
As S Baptist Conv 332 966
Af Unitarian 64 966 *Top Black
Al No Pref 137,305 963
Wh Luth Missouri 8,038 963
Wh Un Church of Christ 7,066 962
As Wesleyan 32 960
Al Luth Missouri 8,624 959
Al Episcopal 22,109 957* Episcopal
Wh Presbyterian 32,019 956
Wh Angelican 1,765 956
Al Chistian Sci 989 955
Al Presbyterian 37,353 955* Presbyterian
Al Un Church of Christ 7826 951
Wh U Methodist 23,470 949
Al Mormon 7,594 948
Wh Other 20,125 947
Wh Lutheran in Am 23,380 943
As Christn Reformed 298 943
Wh No Answer 44,397 942
Al U Methodist 26,037 939
Wh Afr Methodist 144 939

>he takes nobel prizes seriously

Soebody's been drinking the kike koolaid.

Whites don't realize that the way they see blacks is the same way we see them.

the iq of ask. jews range from 111-115 ,the union behaind your kind is your strenght

>ashkenazi jews
ASH - ke - NAZI

You forgot about Wernher. Btw yes today's science community is fucked beyond belief and mostly just idiots without any vision. I know what I am talking about since I am confronted mostly with mindless morons every day...

t. a drunk geneticist

of course we see, but your kind is nothing more than a upper middle white class iq with really strong ingroup preferences,

Mizhrahi jewfag here, 136 IQ, your point is no point at all.

Again wrong, Murray Hernstein numbers are the best indicator.

Control analysis on ethnic groups within whites show that Nordics have an average IQ of 110-112, and Aryan descended Brahman class spiritual leaders with European dna have an average IQ of 125.

Lynn also estimates that Hellenite civilization more closely resembled our Aryan ancestors, and they had an average IQ of around 120.

We do. And people who are evil and smart are much more dangerous than evil and plain stupid.

This is why you've been kicked out of every country you ever parasitized, and will be again.

Your scientific achievements simply aren't worth the moral debasement and degradation you bring to a country. Kikes are way worse than niggers.

desu the jews ive met irl have been dumb as fuck and require long repeated explanations on how to do basic functions in the workplace.
giving them directions is hilarious, they will pretend to know better every time and get lost.

most white people are thick as fuck but the average jew seems to be thick and incompetent at the genetic level, either these test results are a lie or iq is a meme. pick one

user, they should fear the goyim. The goyim outnumber them, and plus there are a lot of non-jewish geniuses. Why do you think they are trying to get rid of the white goyim?
The opposite is true. US average is dragged down heavily by niggers. Whites are 104-105, higher than any European country.

Yes jews are super smart. Now why do you have to be mean to the dumb people? You so much smarter we no competition for you. You still scared.
The reality:
>Need to kill inferior cattle
>inferior cattle resist to be killed, Goes into hiding
>what if we say inferior cattle is superior
>superior feeling cattle comes out.
>me superior, gib me dat. No you stupid catttle you no get.
>cattle too stupid to figure out whats happening.
>gets killed
>but we superior cattle why you kill us.
>we innocent! we only do good.
>look all this evidence. We not stupid.
>attracts other stupid cattle that thinks he the best cattle.
Gods selection is beautiful.

Superior genes, superior people, superior culture, and yet, Jews insist on living among “inferior” cultures as parasites. Why don’t they go to Israel? Why aren’t they among other superior israeli people?

Obama got a Nobel prize for blowing people up. It means nothing

They work hard and always take care of family/tribe first. That IS intelligent.. Why aren't we doing more of that? And for God's sake, don't say it's because THEY won't let us... Makes you sound like pussy Dems (the ones bringing down our average IQ) when you talk like that... Yes, it might be exactly what some people (including Israelis) want.. But does NOT neccessarily have to be the case. In fact, if we did more to recover and advance our own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health we could outshine all other nations and peoples.
just saying

The majority of jews live in Israel
Why do your 85 IQ spic relatives choose to flee their shithole to go be chicano parasites to white americans, though?

Ancient Judea was way, waaayyy before ashkenazim developed their high IQ, which didnt happen until the middle ages, when only the smart ones were able to make money (since they werent allowed do manual labor and had to make due with money lending and the likes) and have children, passing on their high IQ genes.

The people of Judea were no different from their neighbors in the area, many of which also produced magnificent civilizations.

I don’t bate Americans, I live happy in Mexico, and I won’t migrate to anywhere. People do that because of socialism, supported and teached by the (((intelectuals))) in universities and schools.

>my subhuman people are ruining white countries and leeching off of their intelligence but it's actually because of the jews
fucking kek
the 85 spic IQ hard at work folks

>controlling for specific jew pops and not whites
As safardic jews to your analysis and see where we get. Face it semite, Ashkenazi is the talented tenth of your semite death cult


>the jewish man is keeping the white man down!!11

Jewish orgs promote jew superiority.
What don't you get about this?

>add niggers and spics to the average IQ and that brings down christian IQ haha looks like I win again goy xdxdxdxd
this is literally how retarded you sound
does the 100 goy IQ also come with low self-awareness?