Pol wants to deport the girl on the right

Why do you hate modest women, pol? Why do you defend whores?

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Because she has a fucking bomb

I don't hate modest women. The sooner the west embraces Islam and turns it's back on degeneracy the better.

Deport them both. Problem solved.



Coz Left one iz native, and the right iz a mudslime degenerate loser that couldnt even get civilization into its original country, have to come to the rich civilized whitey countries instead... Seriously for once you africoids, please do something for yourselves, just for the whitey stop taking care of you shit walking turds

Morality forced upon you under threat of severe punishment isn't morality that should be respected: pre-conventional morality is expected of of infants and little children.

The "whore" is more moral because her decision is at a higher stage (Post-conventional).

Woman on the right has backwards ideals.
The woman on the left has liberated ideals.

Sup Forums hates both because it doesn't know how to talk to girls

Christianity done that pretty fine until the Jews used it as a platform. Take away Jews you take away multiuglyism, therefore you’ve taken away Islam = Christian country = Christianity women.

She modestly holds retarded beliefs. If I could unfuck her mind with my cock, I might consider keeping her around.

Mske them both into fundamental Baptists

Girl on the right is a Caucasoid


because the one on the rights brother and his mates wouldn't think twice about gang raping the one on the left

>women the left, free to do as she pleases, lacks moral guidance ends up fucked up because weak mentally not worth breed, western society may not be the best, but atleast you have freedom, and those that fail society can be seem as un worthy to waste time with, on the brightside you can try multiple times.

>women on the right, chained, a slave to GOD and the man, too stupid to fight, too stupid to question, will just likely get raped and acid throwed on her face (implying she any good as a potential mate is autistic) you'll never know if she un worthy to give you good strong children, but you know is a braindead retard, on the brightside you can try 4 times

id rather have whores around, and try my luck until i find someone good enough to breed

then to have braindead coverted retards whom i have to beat the shit out when the refuse to fuck

The girl on the left votes for politicians and policies that bring in more of what's on the right (mostly her brothers and other adult men tho).

Both should be brought to the pit and executed.

It's about blood first and foremost. Now kys ahmed

women being 'liberated' only makes it easier to fuck them

putting my personal hypocrisy aside, people dressed better before

based burger

>t. Mahmoud

we want to deport the adult muslim MEN flooding in as 'refugees'

if refugees were actually just women and children(under 12) it would be workable, we could integrate them with white husbands.

but the majority of refugees(over 50%) are adult males. the other 50% are split between women and children, and 'children' by current definition is under 18. most of those women belong to one of the muslim men coming in so they will not be integrated. the muslim men keep their families isolated and segregated from our cultures.

women/children refugees would be perfectly acceptable if they were the majority but they are not.

take a look at history: only way to civilize the uncivilized is to eliminate all the adult males and integrate the females/children into your culture.

Because they're racial aliens. Next question

Oh, it's THIS thread again

Yes. Problem?

Virtue signaling isn't modesty.

The right is probably as much as a slut as the left but her religion forces her to cover up.

pol wants to deport both

This sounds more like it.

it would be funnier if both were dressed like the one with the red shoes. This picture is absolutely boring, and proves to me that we need neo liberalism. Now more than ever.