Onions raise T by 300%. The invaders keep dicking, the only way we could fight the poisoning is by enhancing the race with white juice. Onions clean your balls, user. Why aren't you juicing onions yet?
Onions raise T by 300%. The invaders keep dicking, the only way we could fight the poisoning is by enhancing the race with white juice. Onions clean your balls, user. Why aren't you juicing onions yet?
onions are good as shit.
I think garlic helps as well.
both make your sweat smell rancid though.
My mom used to lock me in the basement and feed me nothing but onions.
If you've got a solution for the stinky onion sweat problem, than I'd love to hear it. I love me some onions, but I also enjoy not smelling repugnant.
That's not gonna raise T
Onions are delicious. Does cooking them change anything, because I love cooking onions.
tell me about you...
Just shower regularly and use high quality fragrances. But only one, don't be a /fa/g
>normies hate them
>increases test. by 2500%
>cures hpv and multiple forms of cancer
Take the onion pill
stop memeflagging
Whoops, forgot to take that name off.
But the German flag is a memeflag
Does garlic have any effect?
Do you have the code for infinite 8th level MP? Should be fun to fuck around with Flare for a few screens
>this goblin is California
>this goblin is McCain
Yes, but only a minor in comparison to Onion juice
If you look into this claim even a little, the only research done was done in Iran, a country that relies on its onion farming.
This is another shitty leftymeme akn to amerimutt. Expect more onion posting.
If you need further proof, look at how shitty the OP is.
>watermarked meme
>meme is constructed with shitty filters and "retreaux" aesthetic
>meme is utter shit
>memeflaggot poster "forgot to take off his flag"
Soros really wasted his money with you fucks, didn't he? If you want to boost test, stop eating soy, consume animal proteins, eat cholesterol, and lift weights. Literally the only fucking things that do it. If you want to throw some onions in, go for it. Caramelize that shit, but onion juice breaks down the lining of your stomach and for anybody who is even slightly overweight this is going to compound so many fucking problems.
Once again, say it with me
Also fuck you for besmirching FF3, sage goes in every field
It stops vampires
Yes... but this is a good meme. And I am not a libcuck.
can I put my chart into this thread as well for those who perhaps may want more information, it does not go against the onion lore.
Trump will win in 2020.
Also, you're right
But it's still against Israel, so why do you suggest that Soros is behind this stuff?
>onion juice breaks down the lining of your stomach
Then just eat the raw onion
You're welcome.
Top tier post user.
The fuck do you think is in raw onion, soyboy?
Onions, garlic, mushrooms. Only vegetables I eat. Well sometimes spinach too.
Spinach raises your T, too. Eat your veggies or you'll never get big lads, our moms were right all along.
>the only research done was done in Iran, a country that relies on its onion farming.
well, onion is a rare memetic staple of food. It doesnt hurt to get it into your food palette. Pro onion memery is definately not soros, especially if iran gets more funding.
More funding for iran = more dead jews, so its good.
we shouldnt forget garlic though, garlic is pretty potent as well. Plus you know, the people here need to learn how to prepare food again, by helping this onion stuff they may choose to prepare other native and healthy european foods. Depriving the processed food crypto jews theirs money and driving more into local markets hopefully.
Nobody will juice a fucking onion but they are good at raising testosterone..
Just need to add the below to your diet and avoid soda and soy etc..
Garlic and ginger
Brussel sprouts
Red grapes
Red meat
Shrek's farts are fighting mortality, because he drinks his juice.
There's a shitton of things one could do with these ingredients. Good list.
just reading about onion toxicity
they say eating garlic and onions can lower your blood pressure. looks like if you over do it, it can cause anemia too.
so don't go nuts with this if you do want to start juicing onions
I have low blood pressure all the time so does that mean I'm gonna die if I juice me some onions
lowers blood pressure.
eating an onion salad right now
Bitch what you are telling people to avoid potatoes? Are you retarded??? Otherwise picture was really nice.
I just purchased this
Amazing price for a Vacuum Blender. It's actually too suspicious a price, because a real vacuum blender normally cost a few hundred Euro. But I'm willing to play the risk.
They only ship to Germany, so I used the address of a German mailforwarder.
I'm not going to use it for onion though. That will taste terrible.
I'm going to blend some Apple juice, with a little bit of cabbage, which also neutralise that Liberal shit hormone.
Recipe? I can't find a good one online
Take some cocaine with your onions
t. Doctor
google garlic + vitamin C
it'll make your dick harder and your nuts bigger
fuck ive been eating a lot of onions lately, am i going to grow a dick?
Am I reading this right? You gigadorks think the idea of eating a fucking onion is groundbreaking?
I've been scared by the thought of some bean shit turning me into a tranny that subscribes to liberalism ;_;
Think you should be more worried about political memes rotting your brain.
tit or GTFO attention fag
it never fails
TestQuest: Rise of the Onion Knight
Purge thy temple of the phytoestrogen devil!
You might get lip fuzz and a big clit.
Western diets have been an unconscious shitshow for almost 100 years now.
I think the real question here is... do you honestly think this is about onions?
this is a weak lefty meme to make the altright smell like onions (it makes your BO smell like onions)
dont fall for the smelly body odor high test food jew
Comiie faggots