Castizos > Hapas

Castizos > Hapas

Imagine being this obsessed with race.

that is your argument op


He’s a mulatto aka a nigger.

wanting to be my gf would be enough desu

I like the running one more


>Mongrel 1 > Mongrel 2
Rape baby intellectuals

do you know what a Castizo is? they are the white Spanish ones. Mestizos are the mixed ones

I prefer the one on the right

tfw technically a Castizo cause I am 20% Huron


your president... nuff said.


They're even called Boomers

until you see the full video and get turned off by her fridge body

Thoughts on mulatto girls?

all women are beautiful save those who are obese or deformed


I like them feels good mane

>it's another episode of cherry-picking images for an argument

le epix rake maymay

I work in popular restaurant in my town and I hate to say this image is true. But their all old tho

fucking idiot
castizo is 25% amerindian 75% european (spanish)

can't argue with it


try again hapas all the way

>implying you can a relationship with either
These ranking threads are always made by permavirgins. Why do you fight over things well out of your reach?

Hapa holds up really well considering she's up against one of the hottest women to have ever lived

Eww ER lips yuck

the girl on the right is asian, not mexican

The famous 52% faces.

i see nothing wrong with this image.

Then how is that a fair comparison to a hapa which is only 50% white?


mayli >3

oh owow i am drunk

>20% Huron

....What? You mean a quarter, right?

Is Alba even a castiza? She is 87% European.

hapa means half asian.

castiza means half hispanic.

that's what castiza means. 50% would be mestiza

I read it means 75%.

She is nearly 90%.

The children of a castizo and a spaniard is also a castizo. Not that it's a bad thing in a hispanic context, we generally aren't race autismos. The word "castizo" derives from "caste" and can also be used to refer to something representative of a caste, like a king; so it's not at all like being called a negro in english

>>The children of a castizo and a spaniard is also a castizo.

Castiza + Español = Español(a)
Castizo + Española = Español(a)

pic very related

How come nobody blames the sexist Mexicans for having two words for everything separating men from woman. Castizos Castizas

i am aware of that painting but it is not representative of how it actually was, at least here. Especially the fact that they're called 'españoles' its just plain wrong: they would be criollos at most.


pic is an Asian Castiza:
She's more than 75%, but deffo less than the 90% ascribed to OP's example.

I wanna breed with a ginger nigress with blue eyes
>why live


the one on the right is beautiful. hapa is god-tier.


I'd still marry her, idgaf, if anything I want her more because I know she can deep throat a dick and take a rough face fucking


>shill forgets to activate his meme flag
Back to Sup Forums with all of you.

right lets just cherry pick photos... but if it keeps you out of east asia all the better

And I can only tell you "how it actually was" in
the time of my grandparents and their peers,
who wouldn't shut up about it.

We were a territory of Spain until 1898, and the
traditions/terms only started to die out in the

Having extreme minority status here (when compared to the Americas) made the local
'genetic elite' far more conscious/strict about
blood purity, I guess.

In any case, castiza india vs mestiza china is
a flawed comparison.

Better mestiza vs metiza, or castiza vs. castiza.

the mexican is talking, the purest breed

what does castizo mean exactly
i thought it just meant "spanish", so not even mixed


You could just as easily make this a photo shoot vs pornshoot comparison, the quality of the shot and the makeup really make this entire thread just pointless

If father is White DRILL!!! DRILL DRILL!!! Don't marry though

which one is the hapa?

>the absolute state of Amerimuttia

that's okay, but the Philippines is a very specific case. did the pure blooded Philippine born call themselves españoles or criollos?

russia has a lot of gooks or gook looking people and even arabs in chechland

>inb4 chechens aren't arabs

mongrels = mongrels

Asian + White = Hapa
Mexican + White = Castizo

It's saying that is better to mix with Mexicans than to mix with Asians

whos the girl on the right? i need to fap, please someone tell me her name

why mix at all

no sense to choose the lesser of two evils in this case because it can be avoided

But this is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen

I would dump my ejaculate through either of their cervixes, if you catch my meaning.

The offspring of a White and a Mestizo

>race mixing with castizas is ba-


Full purity of European blood and one drop rule to not be ever broken. Even if a rocket scientist happen to be 98% European - DEPORT

mexican is not a race
castizo is comparable to a 25% asian 75% white, not a hapa

I am just saying that was the point behind OP's post

because u shudnt let pol tell u who to fuck u retard


"criollos" seems to have had zero currency.
What was favored was "insulares" (island born)
versus peninsulares (Iberian peninsula born).

Fairly specific to the Philippines, yes.

>russia gas a lot of gooks
native population that lived there even before slavs and stays within the borders of their national republics
>chechens are arabs
no they aren't because chechens are turkish rape babies

like i didn't think this way before pol

i want my kids to look like me

The is not the point. The point is that there is a group of mestizos and a group of Asians. OP is saying that if you must mix then mixing with one group is preferable to the other

No, what do you mean?

>native population that lived there even before slavs and stays within the borders of their national republics
So like Mexicans?

i've seen asian looking people from the eastern parts of Russia the last time I was in Russia but it is true that most european looking russian women don't mix

though in the eastern parts of russia i've seen a lot of european looking female russians married to chinese

and now with all the sanctions i can't travel to russia anymore, welp

well no shit mixing with a group that is more white than the other is preferable
what a shitty thread

>Actually believing this

Mestizos, Asians and Poo immigrants are the most Anti-American people I've ever met and only come here for gibs.

I would personally go MGTOW if I can't breed with a white woman. Explain why we need more mongrels please?

"muh white babies" fuck out of here larper
>hahah u want black children
i bet ur a virgin

Jessica alba is not castizo , she is 89% white , borderline white

no need to feel butthurt.
if you don't want your kids to look like you ask your neighbor to fuck your wife, mate

>75% white is better than 50% white
IMagine my shock

You can't even spell for shit, It's obvious you're some type of mixed mongrel promoting this shit.
I'm a purebred European in Pittsburgh and I'm going to have tons of white children.

What's a castizo?

A Mongrel

I've fucked both. In fact I've never fucked a white girl, only a 1/2 metis, a hapa, and a quapa. All were pretty great in their on unique way. Don't like full asian girls tho.

And what happened to the peninsulares? I have never met a Filipino that did not look exactly as you would expect a Filipino to look.

But what two things mix to make them is what I'm asking.

3/4 white

level playing field = castiza vs castiza
pic related

*because 75+% vs 50% is a poor contest.

3/4 white 1/4 native American in Spanish castas system