The happening that is upon us is bigger than Nuremberg and Watergate COMBINED


Other urls found in this thread:

Nuremberg trial or the ufo attack?

And what would that be?

Both of those events were set ups by the (((ruling class)))

any clues?

Nuremberg 2.0, this time with real criminals.

Mueller is exposing everything since JFK died.

czheked. Happening imminent? Should I go to sleep?

K...Keep me posted user

i dont have timetables, I'm not a LARPer.

That makes you a larper tho

nice get pepe

Wrong. Trump is destroying more than just the CIA you fucking mongoloid.



I know, my friend. Let's enjoy it together.

Stop spreading this bullshit disinfo without naming any Jews. Israel literally won't exist soon.

What are you talking about?

Surely it won't be as big as HighJump.


Mate. The Jews are going to be exposed and after they are BTFO then we can learn the real mysteries of the universe.

I thought swamp draining was but a pipe dream.
Kwik roondown pls.

>then we can learn the real mysteries of the universe.
I wish. I always wanted to visit Eenner Earth ever since I knew of its existence.


its gonan happen

You don't even need to see the nose, only kikes use that phraseology


How do you know he isn't getting JFK'd before?
I think Reagan promised something very similar back in the day but couldn't deliver.

Because they can't. They would if they could but they can't. The purge has already begun. The Rothschilds are publicly losing their minds. It's all coming to a precipice.

>mfw Nuremberg 2.0 is available to livestream.

Im sick of you yanks and your dogshit

I dont know or care who any of these faggots are and i dont want to. they have no bearing on anyone who isnt directly involved in US party politics, yet you god damned cocksucking faggot act like their shite means anything.

Some twats tweet is not a Happening, make a thread when an ELE is on the way dickhead.

if it doesnt happen I might aswell kms

faggot. This has worldwide implications. the end of the central banking system is upon us.

American politics are world politics scrotum.

When's the happening gonna happen?

>tfw Shin Megami Tensei is real and all the spooky shit in Antarctica is actually the ruins of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado

My body is ready

No idea. But in the back of my head theres this feeling that Trump is going to capitalize on Thanksgiving.

Everyone is at home, can ping cell phones for emergency information etc etc etc


>checked for truth

Both of you faggots are so far up your kike overlords arses that you have no idea whats important. i hope you get raped by niggers so brutaly that you can never post on the internet ever again.

America is not the world shit heads, no of this shit has any implications, its just another kind of showbiz for brainlets like you two to mental masturbate over, KYS yourseleves.

I can tell you one thing: If so many governments are spending hundreds of millions of dollars of their military budgets in controlling Antarctica, preventing any serious exploration effort and not even allowing natural resource prospections, not allowing flight of neither satellites nor aircraft over any of both poles... it's not just because they want to protect the penguins.

There is something in that continent. Something very big. Something only heads of state and military personnel know about.



No sauce, no digits, no pasta.

I want to believe but i stopped believing in happenings along time ago

Your belief is inconsequential to the inevitable.

Its always 'tommorow'.
The merchant right have been clickbaiting gullible idiots for a year saying 'its tomorrow' on their shitty twitter accounts and websites.

>the end of the world banking system is upon us
>accusing anybody eles of benig retardet

pick only one you dirty ponce

confirmed it's all going down at 6:73pm EST TOMORROW MORNING

You can't even spell retarded properly. I think everyone here knows who really is the retarded one.

Tender bong.

why are you so angry bong?

Stupid ponces in this thread

LARP on baby


>the end of the world banking system is upon us

is this another shitty CBTS meme?

>the ufo attack

ignore the jew shill

There will never be a true happening when we’re ruled by the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. If I could print money I’d let you faggots do what you wanted too, while I extracted massive amounts of your wealth (the fruits of your production) just because you slave fucks use my paper.


At 11:40 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1952, Edward Nugent, an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport (today Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport), spotted seven objects on his radar.[3] The objects were located 15 miles (24 km) south-southwest of the city; no known aircraft were in the area and the objects were not following any established flight paths. Nugent's superior, Harry Barnes, a senior air-traffic controller at the airport, watched the objects on Nugent's radarscope.

CIA historian Gerald Haines, in his 1997 history of the CIA's involvement with UFOs, also mentions Truman's concern. "A massive buildup of sightings over the United States in 1952, especially in July, alarmed the Truman administration. On 19 and 20 July, radar scopes at Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked mysterious blips. On 27 July, the blips reappeared." The CIA would react to the 1952 wave of UFO reports by "forming a special study group within the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) and Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) to review the situation. Edward Tauss reported for the group that most UFO sightings could be easily explained. Nonetheless, he recommended that the Agency continue monitoring the problem." The CIA's concern with the issue would lead to the creation, in January 1953, of the Robertson Panel.

What do you not understand about NESARA

that shit can't be verified.


Checked. Happening when?



>why are you so angry bong?
Not only is /ptgay/ still going but now we have the comming storm redditshit as well, this place is dying slowly and its hard to watch.


it's just 2008 Sup Forums-tier cancer
welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

ayyyyy lama ayy lamaa!!!

the fuck is this

The fire rises



Bingo! Keep in mind this treaty, they call it!, ha!, was signed in the 50s or early 60s. What could be surrounding us that we shouldnt know about. UN logo clue.

can you give me a little context to that pitcure? makes it look like theres a hole in the earth and jews and nazis are inside.

The symbols are older than Jews or Nazi's. The earth is a honeycomb.

Relax Lars, you'll get your diversity too

this thread got made yesterday

Atlanta Airport?


Did shit just get double double and trips real?!?!?!?!?!?



Ive been coming here daily for almost 4yrs, i hate all these generals, i have to hide about 15 threads before i can even start browsing.
Dont get me wrong i love memes as much as the next guy but these redditards have just ruined this place, take bogposting for example, the worst unffuniest reddittier dogshit. im starting to unironically hate this place, i used to love coming here, of course it wasnt always great, but now its almost never any good, i cat rememberthe klast time i read a good thread and when there are decent threads you just get these us wankers saying "hurr not politics" or cross posting some gay thread about something some previously unknow us politican tweeted. its like normieville twitter.

Whats the point of having a trump general if every time he breths we get twenty threads about. you say its all b8 but its literally ALL b8 now, 0 quality. America was a mistake and so was canada.

You do realize there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for that gap.
I know if I had a multi-million dollar satellite in orbit I’d keep it inside earth’s electromagnetic field.

leave and then kys faggot

Like the UK?


This may actually be happening, along with the destruction of the FBI.

According to persons who reside near Langley, a large contingent of Marines arrived at CIA Headquarters in tilt-rotor aircraft and when the Marines deplaned, they were armed and moved quickly into CIA Headquarters!

Those witnesses also say that a significant number of tilt-rotor aircraft can be clearly seen on the grounds of CIA Headquarters, parked on the grass around the building.

This is not normal.

Never before has anything like this ever been seen taking place at CIA Headquarters and speculation is now running rampant as to what is actually taking place.
The number of SEALED INDICTMENTS presently on US District Court Dockets across the United States has reached an astonishing 1800 as of Friday, November 17. These Sealed Indictments began appearing on US District Court Dockets on October 31.

Yep. We're just a few more cryptocurrency successes away from dumping big banks and taking back control of our own money.

wew lad, good call

stop pretending that you have some sort of emotional attachment to this board when you've only been here for 4 years

thank you for the bread crumbs, user, very interesting, got lost among the chaff

fuck off weeb.


dis my pepe now...

Preparing for war rite meow

Sup Forums fell for the circus like distractions of politics again

UN logo is centered around the north pole, not antarctica