Faith Goldy comes out as /ourgirl/.
I can't believe we doubted her.
Faith Goldy comes out as /ourgirl/.
I can't believe we doubted her.
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She's brown though...
faith is a cutie. Wish she would lose her fake lips tho.
mmmmph yes Faith is so le based! I love her big plump lips and her big plump tits! She also has many interesting ideas and profound insights to share with the world!
She's part greek they can be pretty swarthy.
Okwy. Now post a picture of her and say she's White.
bet she has a pretty innie
Stop paying attention to alt-thots.
Faith is bae
Truly Socrates walking around among us.
Something just aint white about that goldy girl
why did she choose to get an absurd tan and fake lips again?
She is correct
Evidence of terrified Jews itt
Before the surgeries, what a shame.
I think we should send her out of Ontario for being the wrong ethnicity. She makes a good argument for that. This is an Anglo province. Only much later did Ontario let in the lower southern Europeans.
Welcome to the good side,Faith.
probably somewhere between Havergal College, anorexia, Ezra Levant, being greek-ukrainian, or just being kind of retarded
Good old Niggerlips Goldy. I'd fuck that dried up scrap of leather body and racemix with her.
Not by Canadian standards.
>"muh dick"
every time
Faith and Rage keep me sane. I'm glad that women like this exist out there.
Hilariously, she has no where else to go. Since her little run in with Azzmador at Charlottesville, she has been run out of all non-ethnonationalist circles.
Never heard of her till now, her but me likey
>being a minority means you will automatically be destroyed
civic nationalism can work provided its constituent groups all have a strong ethnic identity coupled with a strong respect for other ethnicities
Faith is based. She is appearing on Millenial Woes’ Milleniyule this year.
good luck convincing people of that
Is she a Jew-for-Jesus? She looks like an IDF drill sergeant. Not to mention that name.
Plus, uh, Ezra Klein made her in his basement.
>Respect for other ethnicities
This literally only exists between whites and maybe the Japanese.
I think if we can convince white people to stand up for themselves and stop being so masochistic, it would work itself out naturally
society is unstable as long as whites continue to self-flagellate, once they have a coherent identity they will be the stabilizing force we need
White altruism is a hell of a drug. The only way whites will gain that coherent identity back is if it's necessary to live. For that to happen you need people to self-segregate.
It's a chicken-egg thing.
>Canadian e-wet holes said this thing on twitter today
Checkmate leftists
It is more the other way around, you CAN'T have a strong notion of racial or ethnic identity. It more or less worked in Brazil (in the sense of not there being racial tensions, Brazil is still a shithole) because of that, since there's been so much race-mixing in Brazil that the resulting gradient you see in the streets makes it easier to believe we're all of one group as opposed to the radical contrast you see in, say, the US.
I say used to work because our variant of BLM has been stirring up racial animosity from the last few decades, which will destroy the small miracle that was Brazil's relative racial harmony.
Sheogorath always gives way to Jyggalag.
>ends your racial harmony
oh my god, no way in hell she said that. If she did then yes! There's hope for civic nationalists and centrists! Faith is so much better than Lauren.
ethnic nationalism is a dead end in the current political environment.
even if you are an ethnonationalist, you can get literally EVERY policy you want with a civnat platform. clinging to explicit ethnonationalism and rejecting civic nationalism is just stubborn adherence to sperg principles at the expense of practical gains.
the same people who shit on civic nationalism are the basement dwelling retards who thought Trump betrayed them because he made a dent in a syrian airstrip. they're impractical misers detached from the real world.
"T-THATS KEKING! I'M NOT GOING TO KEK TO SAVE MY PEOPLE!" - someone who actually considers themselves a hardened realist pragmatist
only civic nationalism can save the white race. you hate it but it's true. if you disagree, you simply aren't serious about winning.
Don't know why I'm so happy but it makes me elated knowing that civic nationalism is just the transitional period to ethno nationalism.Good on her honestly. People like Lauren need to be more vocal that niggers and spics cannot cohabitate with the beautiful aryan race
I feel like this is one of those exploding brain memes.
I want to have aggressive sex with Faith Goldy and give her my seed. So I can turn her into a future Nazi Waifu to save the white race.
Civic nationalism is literally the idea that any race can integrate with society. It destroys the white race because we've developed too much as a society and therefore reproduce less and are much much more susceptible to replacement
>since there's been so much race-mixing in Brazil that the resulting gradient you see in the streets makes it easier to believe we're all of one group
No because the niggest niggers will just murder the lighter skin niggers until only a single vantablack ultrameganigger remains.
I came.
>some autist went out of his way to rename the Iberians to "spanish" and ended up not using the same font to cover his trail
for what fucking purpose?
You don't deserve her, she's too good for a NS, she deserves a Mussolini hottie, not a Hitler cuck
I hear conflicting accounts of the racial harmony in Brazil. Is it (or was it) actually a thing? Is there 'color-ism,' like how light-skinned blacks in the US are usually perceived better than dark skinned? What about the Germans in South Brazil?
>you can get literally EVERY policy you want with a civnat platform
You can get repatriation, closed borders, and the end of anti-discrimination laws?
Yeah I don't know why they did that. Portuguese and Spanish are pretty much the same thing in terms of race, italians too to a lesser degree
how do i stop being in love with her
>civic nationalism can work so long as people don't look after their own self interest for some reason
in this post: a 56%er trying to frantically not be killed
And Roman's are anything from the Iberian to peninsula to the greek countries right? I'm not sure, just that that map, although with positive intent, isn't very accurate. And celtics are every in western europe, kinda hard to tell them apart
>one wants birthright
>the other wants $$$ for citizenship
and of course, it's a fucking american, every goddamn time. You're not a nation, stop trying to do nationalism.
Wow my comment was autistic, sorry. I was typing way too fast and didn't reread the comment. But you get what I mean
By removing her makeup
If I remember correctly it was the image of the Portuguese with the text "Iberians" underneath it, I have no idea why someone would feel triggered enough to separate the two. I just wish the retard who changed it understood that the people weren't based on geographical countries but rather general cultures and ethnic groups with overlapping similarities. There's a reason it doesn't say "German" or "Polish" anywhere on there.
I hate nu-Sup Forums.
A catholic, virginal, conservative, civic nationalists.
>One in a million.
It has positive intent, but it's just very very inaccurate, that's why I never personally use it
What I like best about her is how she was in the exact place and time to have the only live streaming video of the car crash in Charlottesville. So lucky!
uhhhhh didn’t work
1. They're "/ourguy/" or "/ourgirl/"
2. They accuse you of Jewry.
3. They promote the agent like no other thread. All day, every day. Nothing organic to it.
4. They say, "At least agent is doing something – what are you doing basement dweller!"
5. They accuse you of being scared or a shill.
6. They defend the eceleb within seconds using many IPs to control public perception.
7. "reported"
8. Everyone who rejects the "based Jews!" lie is automatically the same person.
9. Mis-use of the term "redpill" when everyone knows the first redpill is out of the Matrix controlled by Jews
10. "He/she wasn't always redpilled but now they're full 1488!"
Can I give you goys a protip about the eceleb spam? They dont care if you call them names. They want attention, video views, and bumps. If you want to hurt them just stop paying them attention.
Let them post and shill their own thread. Stop being newfags and engaging.
Thank you.
>Civic nationalism is literally the idea that any race can integrate with society.
It pays lip service to this sentiment out of necessity, but realistically, what civnat policies would lead to mass 3rd world immigration? Civnat is a significant step forward in this regard, because it has a principled opposition to mass immigration without directly conflicting with normies' antiracist programming.
One of the biggest problems with ethnonationalism is that it requires everyone to start from square one again and re-evaluate everything they know. Civnat offers a palatable alternative that eases their anxieties and operates comfortably within the antiracist neoliberal paradigm we're all suffering under, while still offering solutions to the 3rd world invasion.
What you guys see as "cukking" is actually a part of its subversive genius. Augustus was careful to cultivate his image as the leader of the free Republic, even as he centralized power and operated as a king. Was he "cukking" or was that just political finesse? Napoleon did the same. Leftists did the same in the early 20th century when they first began their subversion. As much as Sup Forums champions themselves as detached realists, you're all a bit too sincere when it comes to your political beliefs.
This guy knows what's up.
God damn.
Is this app the worst thing to happen to rosties ever?
Pretty sure she just stated that although she wants to be a civic nationalist she knows that niggers and spics can't co-habitate with europeans and so therefore need to be killed. So she's 1 in 7 billion
It's just a tad inconsistent, not even inaccurate. I can see your objection, drawing a hard line like that, but it's not precisely wrong.
Faith I'm sorry for every time I called you ugly skeletor
surgery was the right choice
I agree that civnat is more palatable right now, but unfortunately it cannot result in an 'ethnostate in all but name' because even if we ended the refugee programs, ended illegal immigration, and raised the bar for legal immigrants, we would just be displaced by a milieu of East Asians and poo-in-loos instead. Ultimately, the only hope is policy crafted to encourage migration from only 'historical sources' (pre-65), and don't think for a second the Left won't notice and call that what it is, ethnonationalism, even if the words 'white' or 'European' are never used in the policies themselves.
sage and report eceleb slide threads
She's not "our girl" you dipshits, she's just moving rightward with her audience in order to take in more shekels
You are correct. Most people on Sup Forums seem to understand very little about optics or what it means to appeal to normies.
Brazil is a shit hole.
I don't want America to descend into such a state.
Leftists are hell-bent on it.
I would prefer literal hard totalitarianism as a corrective force to what leftists have planned.
>in the sense of not there being racial tensions
I spent about a year in Brazil, and every light skinned person I knew despised people with dark skin. The people I was around may have had something to do with it, but I didn't get the sense at all that there was racial harmony, just a vague sense of minimal tolerance at the most.
>Civic nationalism is literally the idea that any race can integrate with society.
It would be more honest to say that it's the idea that your race alone doesn't preclude you from integrating with another groups values, which is true. I'm not willing to toss someone like Thomas Sowell in with Michael Brown.
>what civnat policies would lead to mass immigration
Meritocracy instead of birthright. Enjoy your 2 billion Asians, and a couple dozen not braindead Africans. And lets add some dozen millions spics for good measure.
Gee, guess what that gets you. 56% is what. You tried it, you failed. Live and learn, nigger. Your "palatable" option also has no philosophical foundation, it's just $$$ for citizenship. It's got no defense against the left, and that's why it always turns left, either losing outright or morphing into them as with the Buckley "conservatives". Live and learn, nigger.
Reminder that civic nationalism is multiculturalism, not simply everyone who disagrees with white nationalists.
Civic nationalism is the reason we are in this position in the first place. Go back to plebbit
I don't mind it, but the portuguese and spanish are very much alike in terms of race and culture, and romans are just way too broad. And it's hard to pinpoint celtics because most of them live in either spain or wales ( could be wrong on the last point ), I get why people use it and the message is positive but yeah i'll say it's more inconsistent than inaccurate, doesn't annoy me or anything but I always feel like I would get called out for using that pic
>When you blow all your power level doors off their hinges.
>You can get repatriation, closed borders, and the end of anti-discrimination laws?
You can get the last 2 for sure. And you're 2 steps closer to the former if you really do want that. What policy gains has ethnic nationalism ever made in the US? What victories have they had beyond spreading memes? ethnonationalism is dysfunctional because it attracts impractical people who approach politics in a clumsy hamfisted way.
Oh you
In everyday society (as in controlled environments: work, school, colleges, stores, etc), whites, blacks, and everyone in between get along just fine. Race will never be brought up and no one will really discriminate you for whatever color you are so long as you are tolerable to be with or good at your job.
Things are going to get more interesting when you remove the control: when you are walking home alone, when you are alone at the bus stop in the middle of the night, seeing some young poorly-dressed black male coming your way WILL make you at least anxious for your safety. That said, you will almost never feel this fear if the black male in question looks like he is going to work or is middle-class or something (i.e., gives signs of having been "tamed").
Then you get to the statistics: as with everywhere else, most violent felons are black, to the point police has been oriented to racially profile. Blacks can't get to the most coveted university courses (which we do through a national exam vestibular) or to public jobs (which are also achieved through exams). Single motherhood and teenage pregnancy are also highest among them, as is poverty.
She's literally just saying what you want to hear so you pay for her patreon you cuck.
I've herd Israeli "music" and it's utterly abhorrent.
Actually, civic nationalism is believing that people don't need to integrate, see
Don't know who those 2 guys are. I'd say what i'm saying is pretty much the basic definition. And niggers don't have values, they'd need to atleast be aware that they have values to uphold. We don't need to integrate with shit, look at south africa, we're attacked when we're the minority. non-aryans ( other than honorary chinks and japs) cannot and will not integrate. They're useless to the evolution and forwarding of society. They all need to be enslaved and be used purely for farming the lands for our people
So Brazilians have mostly reconciled these things (their aversion to racism and the racial lines society is divided) by a belief in meritocracy - at least in theory, if not in practice. Who cares if you are black or white, what matters is your competence, and so on. But this situation basically leaves it wide open for leftists to begin the whole muh institutional racism spiel that is bit by bit eroding the relative racial harmony we have.
we're talking about jews in general
as opposed to a downward slide from ~90% to 56% between 1965 and 2016
wish mods would delete and ban all threads about these fucking vloggers, this is meant to be about politics not fucking youtuber retards
>I spent about a year in Brazil, and every light skinned person I knew despised people with dark skin
Where did you go? I mean, even the most racist people here are really afraid of being explicitly racist and will use all sorts of euphemisms.
I won't deny that I haven't listened to Jewish music. It does sound pretty good, sorry but it does. Got into jewish music when I went into the KKK official website. Haven't listened to it in a while but when I was an Israeli loving cuckservative I would listen to jewish music nearly every day when playing lol.
equally abhorrent
Which part of civic nationalism requires open borders? You're an idiot and you don't know what you're talking about.
that makes 0 sense. you think ted kennedy was a "civic nationalist"? the term itself has only been widely used in recent years in WN circles.