Anyone here /kkk/? Any stories? Tips on joining? How do I go about it?

Anyone here /kkk/? Any stories? Tips on joining? How do I go about it?


Nice try fbi

5th generation here. I learned about this place from some skins I did time with. AMA

The KKK is controlled opposition, don't join it. Nowadays, it largely consists of low IQ redknecks. The intellectual part of it is gone, The KKK is a shell of itself

KKK is just a meme these days. Now neck yourself faggot.

That just means that its culture needs to change. Sup Forumstards would probably quickly rise in the ranks and make it more effective and respectable.

Was it always assumed you would join? How openly do you discuss it among your social circle? Any good stories?

Bullshit. This guy is probably "based black guy"

This. Sage.

t. CNN

Did you encounter and feds?

I'm white, not le 56

KKK doesn't exist. Go shill somewhere else faggot.

pic related & sage

the KKK is now just a FBI honeypot



Ask the Democrats, it's their thing


Fuck off you kikes, Democrats are not racist because then they would be the party we should be supporting.

>muh based pedes
you need to go back faggot
>I'm too fucking retarding to support the racist party even though that's the only issue I care about
go ahead and support them then, partyfag.
have fun donating your money to jews you fucking moron

Ask the democrats, its their thing

yeah breh I'm a grand dragon AMA