Post ITT if you hate your own country >niggers >spics >Jews >obesity >shitty education system >corporatism >male genital mutilation >liberals >feminists, SJWS, soyboys etc >conservicucks >christcucks >nihilism >watching niggers is tights tackle each other is a sport >gmos, HFCS, soy and fluoride >cardboard homes >get into debt for college >affirmative action >get shot >non whites are sacred cows while whites are treated like shit >little to no public transit, full of niggers >god awful rail service
I could go on. What this country has turned into sickens, angers and depresses me. Why was I born here?
I see know hope. People are too soft, docile and retarded. We need a famine, war, Great Depression to start all over again.
Gavin Jenkins
The change starts with us. Don’t conform, be a man.
Owen Torres
Iranian immigrant here >country is run by retarded goatfuckers >internet censorship >no fun allowed >arabization >anyone who criticizes Islam is severely punished >one of the richest and most traditional cultures destroyed >not even taught about our age old history in school >get hanged >get lashed for anything haram >get circumcised >no alcohol >shitty currency/economy >shitty rail service Too depressed to continue
Jacob Gonzalez
Notice how hard the eternal shart is trying to slide this thread.
James Bell
>non whites are sacred cows while whites are treated like shit you're just a beta faggot and you can't accept it.
Christopher Young
t. saudi shill
Jaxon Reed
>tfw hate non-germans >tfw hate germans, too
Elijah Gomez
I never got this shit about latvian nationalists. What exactly are you proud about? We have done nothing worth in history, never achieved anything, never actually done something worth while. Our country is poor, depressing, doctors are protesting because of lack of pay, our youth is fleeting this dump and we are slowly dying as a nation...
Being Lithuanian nationalist, i get it. They have actual history, something to be proud about and their country isn't as shit as Latvia. Estonia is richest in the baltics and people there are much more friendly and kind then here, they've actually have a future.
Only thing i see from Latvian nationalist is their irelevant SS volunteer larping and licking german feet all the time, Estonian volunteers actually did something and protected their country from russian commies and didn't just go on massacring other people for germans. >Hatred of communism? Our Latvian riflemen literally created Soviet Union, our soldiers literally were main force in the red army and even became most prominent generals and party members of bolsheviks. If it weren't for poles we would've join the fucking bolsheviks as an SSR.
>inb4 russian nope, just an average young latvian who hates this dump Lithuania please annex us.
Christian Jenkins
its okay hans, the last good germans died on a cold field on the eastern front in 1945
Levi Cox
I know, right.
RIP Grandpa.
Chase Phillips
Most of what you say is tip top ! But the praise of the gaylithuanians is absurd ...
Josiah Gutierrez
why is my country so boring?? nothing ever happens here.
Nathaniel Rivera
There's nothing wrong with GMOs. Do an accademic search complete.
Nicholas Hughes
send me your money, life will get more exciting for us both
Jace Brown
Only fascism can save us.
>deep cleaning of corruption and mafia >purge the corrupted and the traitors >expel all the foreign criminals and eastern europeans >put gipsies in concentration camps and let them forcibly work until the end of their days >promote cultural values and traditions >stop importing all the corrupted shit the usa vomit, also block the websites and local edition of (((american))) magazines and newspapers >promote the environment, the respect culture and punish who disrespect the country on all levels
That being said
>this will only be a dream and I won't see my country shine again
Why live anons?
Samuel Price
Wellll shieeet looks like you need more "Cultural Enrichment".
Cooper Stewart
America is being taken over by socialism and communism. Our education system and businesses have been infected with social justice parasites. And the ever increasing amount of taxes is becoming a burden on our ability to save and invest money. Trump was a major win, but I yet think it is still to far off to say things will get better.
>arabs >niggers >gypsies >jews >SJWs >shitty politicians >shitty corporations that works with the shitty politicians >connected to the international finance system >most of the public opposition to the above is boomers who WRITES WITH ALL CAPS LOCK
Ian James
t. Monsanto shill Iran is literally the other side of the same Islamic coin
Eli Carter
Our education system is fucking pointless. You waste 7+ hours doing meaningless shit and go hom and spend another 2 or more hours writing essays or doing projects about it.
Samuel Rodriguez
>stop importing all the corrupted shit the usa vomit, also block the websites and local edition of (((american))) magazines and newspapers You're posting on an american site, you fucking retard.
Oliver Nguyen
>Pidorashkas/vatniks aka pro-putin scumbag subhumans >Everything is shit >Fucking cold 8 months a year >Cucked >Lame fucked up government that is fucking retarded and is about to stay next 9999 years >KGB kike driven dickhead in charge >Everyone from the minister to a shop seller lady is incompetent rude and treads you like u're bottom shit
There are more but who cares
Lincoln Myers
"Refugees" are given everything we work so hard for, just because they're refugees.
Socialist policies give us a great safety net, but also makes us prime targets for "utopias" by edgy commies
We're right next to two of the greatest bastions of degeneracy, extreme leftism and kike cocksucking
I absolutely fucking love my country, and would die for it, but we are starting to take a turn for the worse and go in the same direction as our neighbours. I can only hope it never happens
Levi Lee
Tyler Jackson
Exactly this. I study this shit for a living. GMO will only improve our lives
Jaxson Anderson
you forgot to add intellectually "superior" atheists to your list
Justin Robinson
>"Refugees" are given everything we work so hard for, just because they're refugees.
I thought Denmark wasn't cucked like Sweden? Weren't you guys taking property from refugees to pay for their expenses just a few years ago?
Christian Martinez
Greek Cypriot here.
Gov is about to sell us to the turkroaches and the only nationalist party is full of literal retards starting fights in the streets giving the party and the cause a bad name.
Please sink this island right back into the goddamn sea.
Camden Sanders
I absolutely hate with all of my might the disgusting country I live in, and I live in what is probably one of the best places in this stinking hellhole.
>criminals everywhere >homicide rates through the roof >crackheads everyfucking where >niggers >extremely corrupt to the bone >ignorant, uneducated masses who only care about the result of a game during the weekend >crumbling infrastructure >hot as fuck
The only good thing is that Islam hasn't really reached us (yet).