Draw/pol/ art/pol/

A thread dedicated towards the revival of Sup Forums related art, all mediums welcomed.

Post your own OC or request from the drawfags present down in thread.
Either way, have fun boys and be sure to submit a doodle at the very least!

Is a dedicated discord server a good idea?

Useful links

>great free introductory course

>Download these videos of Glen Vilpu teaching shit. start with the head then go to the body then follow with motion mega.nz/#F!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA



Previous Thread: →

Other urls found in this thread:


>all mediums welcomed

Hell yes, now this might evolve into an actual art movement

Hmmm, MMD sounds like a fun thing to do for a little bit. I wonder how hard/easy it is?

YEs, trying to transition from draw/pol/ to art/pol/, not gonna do it 100% right away just in case any anons miss it. But I think it is the correct course to be a bit more broad in our definition.




Fuck you I am great

To the user who encouraged me earlier, here's my first real attempt at drawing since I was like ten. It's a start!

posting traced and scanned requests


Very interesting thing you got going here actually.

That's great user! I hope you stick to it and become someone great!!! Make sure to rotate your images on paint though kek!

another user colored this one


we should start thinking about a sistematic way to organize and creae propaanda in this case, finding the target, understanding the needs to fill, etc

I should totes get a drawing tablet, this is embarrasing

As much as I'd love to, I think we need to get good first!!!

You can work on paper and pencil and scan your work in for a bit of rendering.

A Polandball image, with a big sign at the top saying "the path of diversity" with various countries (UK, France, Canada, Germany, etc) all gladly going down it, but at the end, you see other countries (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, etc) all sad in a shithole, and in-between the two groups, there's America, seeing the shithole, going "oshitoshitoshitoshitoshitoshitoshitoshitoshit" while creeping closer to that.

we can delegate anons who are not interested in drawing itself to researh the psycology of propaganda while we have fun with pencils

I went through touching up the little bits

How about actually making art that expresses your views and emotions? Propaganda is no longer posters and quality artwork, it's all about news and memes, you know?

Yeah, i will, couldn't find my camera battery for a while but now I have it so i'll start soon

Impplying we can change anything by drawing shitty pictures :^)
Jokes aside, do you think free makret genetic mods will be the future fro fumanity, humans and "humans" alike?

We need to take baby-steps here we can't be thinking about organizing anything if we don't have the artists and as said. Ultimately, you will idealize your points of view, that should be propaganda enough.

Logistics is an integral part to just about any war and right now we lack supplies (artists).

>pic related shows organization, might, and a common cause

Yup, we need great images!

to the guy in the last thread who was trying to get a morale patch made up, if you're still around, i'd recommend going to /k/ in the patch thread (its always up) and ask them or you can check out what the vendors already have

>How about actually making art that expresses your views and emotions?

I may sound dumb, but I don't know how to do this. Everything "artistic" I make always resolves in a mere technical excercise

Very cute, reminds me of a wii avatar

I think it's ok to just have fun and make things that you like

You meant something like this?
I thought, maybe it could also be that they are somehow being driven toward it, like with a traincar or such. Probably possible to include (((them))) as well, somehow.

Hmm, just draw the things you like?

Read some loomis or comparable and stop arranging deformed symbols on a 2D plane. You are tumbling down the malayfag route.

That's pretty much what I was thinking.
I don't know about adding (((them))) into it though, the message is okay without it. As for the train car, these countries are willingly doing this, so that wouldn't make much sense.

the moment I'll start shitting up entire threads by myself you'll have room to compare me to mike, memeflag

I thought we would somehow need to imply that there's no going back once you start.

Make sure to vote!

We're going for a redpill, not a blackpill.

It's certainly not one of my best but just wanted to make a little draw for thread

Thank you!!! Every bit helps!

Here's a higher resolution version of the OP image that I made

If you're thinking about emulating propaganda in the modern sense, political cartoons like those of Charlie Hebdo, Ben Garrison and etc usually have a punchline (muslims are bad, DNC/hillary is corrupt) usually focusing on current taking place. Another is the IOTBW where they took advantage of the anti white racial environment and used a simple message to trigger quite a large range of people or the "new sweden flag" which was basically a turkish flag in sweden colors to show muslims ran the country. If you really want to get artsy you have to set parameters as to what it is you want to mock or want to depict as positive.
You can make it like a cliff slopping down (slippery slop) or conveyor belt (goes one direction).


>still a jaypeg for some reason

Thanks for the update! Saved and replaced!!!

I'm not really thinking about that right now, I need to focus what little drawing time I have 100% on getting good.

ok user tell me what you think


Done. Don't have time to do a conveyer or the dirt on the ground, feel free to add it.

Just remembered, before I leave, I have a request of my own.
Could someone draw a skinhead and a sjw arguing over wether blowjobs or anal are the only true way to have sex, then comes along an alt centrist with sunglasses and a fire shirt, says why not both and gets happily fucked from both sides by them.

>Id thinks I'm Indian

Any tutorials for GFX?

/r/ a drawing of Europeans sitting together with accrued power through hard work

It will act as propaganda for 20 something year old Whites to do today. Fuck games, make power as a Race. It needs to project power, but unity as well.

Looks good user. Just remember to turn it right-side up when you post.

Good potential here, user. You may find this webpage helpful. Scroll down to the figures.




>png is smaller filesize than the jpg

Found this as well

Idk how that happened

Yes, thanks.

.png is not only lossless, it's ideal for a picture consisting of few colors.

Ahh okay

Wtf that's contradictory to my view of National socialism. Thought it was against such degeneracy in pic related

I never got the ones who tattooed themselves head to toe either or out of shape.That to antithetical to the concept, unless someone was attempting to add paganistic elements of body markings but I'm not familiar with european tribe history.

>people will make waste their time making trite and overused Nazi pinup art (which is completely antithetical to Nazism anyway) but won't do pregnant Anne Frank pinup art which would actually be hot, innovative, and edgy


art history major here

this thread has some of the worst art i have ever seen.

Post your work.

Yeah it's degenerate

Why do you like pregnant anne frank so much? Also what's your real flag?

Thank a lot i'll look it up . I'm studying so i can't right know i tell you that to make the hidden goldstein in the thread rage also Heil my friend











>Why do you like pregnant anne frank so much?

I've been masturbating to Anne Frank pregnant/giving birth fantasies since middle school.

>Also what's your real flag?



Not even a fashwave faggot and that's aesthetic as fuck




i want to start drawing some sweet natsoc anime tities, but im a poorfag, plox recomend good and free drawing softwares

Paint Tool Sai

Vincent viriot is the source for most of those


I drew a giraffe :D


Nice stippling tbhfam

Technically if stimpling the lines should be stimpled as well, but nice drawing and composition.

I didn't intend for it to be stippled. I'm more of a lines guy love to crosshatch, but stippling looks so good so I figured I try my hand at something new


Eesti is besti

Sort yourselves out, anons.


The more you know

>mfw fanart outdoes the original
