>"It's actually kind of sad that so many people in the alt-right obsess over religion. I mean being Jewish has nothing to do with how you act as a human being."

>"I myself had Jewish grandparents in Denmark, even though I'm not a Jew, since religion isn't a race, but what you believe in, haha."

>"Even if a white ethnostate were to be created, which it won't, at least I hope not, I think Jews would be quintessential to the survival of that national. I don't see how any nation in the world today would thrive without a substantial Jewish population."

>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."

These are all direct quotes from Lauren Southern at the UCI meetup.

What did she mean by this?
And more importantly how will Finnknight react to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Moarpheus you've made this thread three times today. Go back to browntown.


Too bad Jews are shapeshifters

one minute a Jew is a religion the next minute it's an ethnicity. No matter the situation anyone who criticizes them is an anti semite though.

Fuck kikes.

Shill harder

You shill for civic nationalism. Fuck off.

You have now summoned the spirit of the finngolian white knight , be careful what you wish for user.

My ex-wife was a mixed breed mess with Dutch blood so she could have been Khazar too. Explains why she would always spontaneously abort, no child could live in a possessed husk.

She needs to get in the oven.

>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."

No one except a Sup Forums-poster from the US could come up with this string of words.


But yeah, Lauren Southern is also rumoured to be a MtF trap, and its original name US Larry Simonsen NYC, and is related to Larry King from RT politiKANGZ

She's also claiming to be Independent since leaving rabbi media, but this isn't true since she is now seeking refuge money under Pogrice. Pogrice is a left wing news outlet that endorsed hollande. The vice chairman's brother runs a right wing Zionist news broadcast in tel Aviv, and is managed by Bibby N's PR administration on some levels as it also spreads anti Iran propaganda. Basically RT for kikes. George Osbourne (UK minster) also works for both said companies.

Always look out for controlled opposition. It might just save your life.

She has been browned & blacked too.




I still love her



Can people please stop paying attention to this thot?

she has a tranny voice you faggot


>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."
My mission in life is over ; _ ; I'm removing the twitter auto-refresh

>proud cuck

kek the absolute state of that guy hes been at this shit for months

but why does she look semi retarded

Still better than an average valley girl accent.
Her voice is sexy.

Gonna need a direct source with audio/video with times she said these quotes.

If this is true I'm unsubscribing on YouTube.

Daily reminder the alt-right is controlled opposition


you think her voice is sexy because you have gay inclinations.

Would still plant seed in her field.

Stop projecting

Uh oh. Now what?

Finnknight status:

anybody using the term or self identifying as altright is a shill, dangerous and to be avoided at all cost.

finnbro you might be my favorite poster

Lauren Southern being a Jewess makes me like her even more


Alt-right is how they can organize us and move against us. We're a leaderless resistance, and that is our strength.

poor Murdock Murdock

WHERES THE FUCKING FINN? I need to see him try and spin this. I just have too. In my life I've never met someone so pathetic to defend some bitch that doesn't even know who he is. It's astonishing

Leave the slant eyed crusader alone. He loves Lauren Southern in a special way.

Where is Finland?

Can you shit houses stop bumping this thread pls?


He hung himself.

Laura looks like....


>>"I myself had Jewish grandparents in Denmark, even though I'm not a Jew, since religion isn't a race, but what you believe in, haha."
>>"Even if a white ethnostate were to be created, which it won't, at least I hope not, I think Jews would be quintessential to the survival of that national. I don't see how any nation in the world today would thrive without a substantial Jewish population."

pol btfo yet again

I used to be mad on her, I still think she's very pretty but I find her videos so boring, she's just been repeating herself for nearly three years. Also the reason why she has an ugly boyfriend is because she's insecure, if he was attractive she'd be worried that he might go off with somebody else.

He is mentally ill, spamming lauren threads for a while year now daily.

Also read this, I don't think it is possible to be even more self-unaware than he already is.

Well to be quite honest i haven't really even cared about these shill threads for a while.

Eww wtf she's a dirty slut!

Speaking of mentally ill
Here come the paid ones.

She's also a POO burner






>Even the best of the controlled opposition kike shills should be killed. -Aryan Zyklon 88b

Traditional lulz conservative girl my arse!

Just like Tomi Lauren, she is nothing more than a fake conning dumb people. She is a fox news breitbart drudge the blaze basically.

Youre in these threads more than the Finn ffs do you get paid to be here?


I was out drinking for my birthday, what was the 150m get?

Race war is next Thursday.

You've got talent

Honestly >"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps." fuck the bitch

Lauren Southern is /ourgi-

But still Lauren is bae

Can't trust a Jew. There goes that. I hereby declare that I am withdrawing my monthly contributions to her patreon.

I never understood the amount of white knighting by my countrymen


There's IDs on this board, newfriend.

I just waned to add something to my last post


It's been open knowledge to most that Lauren is jewish for months, why are people making a big deal of it now? Next thing you'll be posting about is how you've just learned that Richard spencer is controlled opposition

thats a man, user.

>>"Finnish men are some of the absolute worst men in the world. I would honestly never want to meet one. I think the reason they're so despicable is because they spend all their time in saunas, overheating their own brains. This in turn leads to them becoming annoying alcoholic soy boys with low testosterone. They just orbit around you all the time like creeps."
Hahahahahhhhhhhahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah Finn knight BTFO

Time to move on to the better lauren then lad

She can come here and sit on my 14 cm. Fucking whore.

>people actually believing the troll

im sorry finbro


I myself am doubtful of the so called "redpilled women", but unless you literally provide me a link with video or something even coming close to a source.

You are wasting all our times.


bloody simpletons

top lel. you wouldn't even care about jess if her ass wasn't hanging out of her shorts


so many fuckboys


Yup. This guy and the Nazi flag always attacking in every thread, while:
Finnfaggot and Latvian are in every thread defending.
Really makes you think


Would you stick your fingers up her ass and lick it?

Moarpheus is so fucking hilariously mentally insane

No that's a privilege I leave to my ass and my ass only


Why are like 80% of the alt-right in the US not white? It's always these LARPing brown guys.