Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1749

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DJT belongs on Sup Forums.

Ah, back when things were peaceful and simple.


Uh, so this one is not getting deleted?

It probably will. Others have gotten up to ~200 replies before being deleted.

Stop being delusional.

Why haven't you been banned yet?

I have. Several times.

The autism I could admire at least.

He's unbannable. Deal with it.

Then roll over and die already you dumb cunt.

If I die, I won't be able to make DJTs anymore.

Why hasn't your IP range been banned yet?

Sup Forums can't afford to rangeban my area. And I have VPNs anyway, so it'd be useless.

Which is a good thing.
Why can't you accept that these threads belong on Sup Forums now? Are you seriously that stupid?

Looks like my mined word number is finally starting to slow down. Well, at least until I finish NNB.

Are you just going to keep doing this all day every day until you get your way?

You're not accelspammer. No one cares about DJT except DJT, and you're being a drama queen.

Because I don't want to have my opinions disregarded just because of my nationality, as it happens way too often on Sup Forums

>Are you just going to keep doing this all day every day until you get your way?

Fucking hardcore. I wish i could afford Vpn.

Well you care enough to spam here for hours instead of just ignoring the thread. The thread has only advantages, and zero disadvantages (as well as having been for for you know, several years). That's not gonna change.

They'll probably just wait until this one gets up to 50 posts or so, and then move it across to Sup Forums again.

You won't have your opinions disregarded because of your nationality, it's gonna happen because you're a fucking retard.
Quit it.

user, this is the second thread i've been in. Have you ever considered more than 1 person has a negative opinion of your behavior.

Sure, because countries have never been bantered out of Sup Forums, right? It happens, it's annoying and it hinders productivity. Now go shit on some other thread.

I unfiltered DJT just so I can say this everytime I see one hahahahaha

I am positive no one except bitter autists cares, yes. Normal people just ignore and move on.

I believe in you user, please keep up the fight for as long as you can.

why would you filter literally 1 thread lol

>bitter autists

What a great point. There can't be many of those on Sup Forums

>"waaah the mean Sup Forums posters will disregard my opinions waaah"

>I unfiltered DJT

Welcome. Glad you could join us.

Good argument.


RIP me

What took you so long?


a hero

Perhaps you might want to use the English thread to learn the difference between "English" and "Japanese".

How shit do you have to be at reps to build up a thousand of them?

If you miss 1-2 days you could easily get over 1,000 reviews.

I had a back surgery last week and didn't come home for a whole week

I've never cared about DJT. However, I care about the board I love the most suffering like this because of one whimsical mod trying to listen to a shitposter in a thread that got attention because of a public ban.
Just look at all the posts made against these threads, most of them reek of /qa/ and shitposting.

You're not very bright or you haven't been in touch with his escapades, have you?

>Literally afraid of the flags

If you can't take the banter use a fucking proxy.

It's been good posting with you tonight. I've created several threads myself. Sorry this had to happen to your folk. Hope you're doing well.

Godspeed, VPN user.

>/qa/ must be invading the 2nd fastest board on Sup Forums for people to enjoy seeing a general be deleted

So the OP of these threads is a BR then?

Stop arguing and teach this small american loli how to speak japanese.

it's wellknown that the public Sup Forums channel on rizon is literally full of newfag qa memers that pretend qa isn't full of crossboarders complaining about their home board

Yeah, he's a hue. The Sup Forums flags reveal all.

Has anyone actually learned how to speak Japanese from DJT?

Thanks, user!
I appreciate everyone's efforts.

I am.


yes, he confirmed it here

It has been months. Months upon months. A tear rolled down his cheek. All those arguments. All that shitposting. All the memes. The radical freedom, the compelling content, the chillin' beats, the cannot, the living in different worlds. It was all for nothing. It was all nothing compared to now.

They loved him. Then they hated him. And every time he turned a new leaf he ruined everything all over again.

But this time, he could do it right. This time, he could help. All that spam, all that flooding, all that narcissistic schizophrenic autismal obsession, the months of experience shitposting with VPNs and mobile networks and privacy programs. It was all coming unto one.

And he was the only one who really knows. The one that fights the mod.

>I am

Gross. I hope you are not from the south.

>huehue in charge of not being retarded

Why am I not surprised?

>Sup Forums
>second fastest board on Sup Forums
Man, I have no idea how much someone can be this out of touch with the world.

Of course.

I'm not from the South.

Brazilians IPs banned when?

What boards are faster? Sup Forums obviously, but Sup Forums is dead.

Maybe Sup Forums?


I mean fluently

It would still be good to get rid of the rest of the Brazilians.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums for example. I don't know the specifics, but Sup Forums is in a position lower than fifth fastest board at the moment.

Take a look for yourself. It doesn't include Sup Forums or some other NSFW boards but Sup Forums is maybe around position 6 or 7 if they are included.
I also learnt today that the traffic on Sup Forums has actually been shrinking the past few years and we are back to 2010 levels.