Political Compass Thread



how fucking autistic are you


it's over 9000


Spekr is a crock of shit. They moved me to the left because I said religious groups shouldn't be exempt from taxation.
I think if you're gonna tax, don't make exemptions. Doesn't mean I like taxes, or think they should be a thing.



You're a cuck.
Centrist is superior.

The 8values thing intrigued me, so I took it as well.


you are like my about 5 years ago

What changed?

Holy shit what a faggotlmao

Libertarian Internationalist?!?!



shill thread, sage


> soon >:(

Those kinda of post are cancer.

Go take a shower.

You glow in the dark



learning not to be retarded

almost centerd

this probs


a lot of things, but short story:
>ended high school
>went to university
>started to drink vodka with local neo-nazis
>get into drugs
>dropped out
>break contacts
>promise to stay sober
>except alcohol
>stay drunk 1 and half a year
>reduced drinking to once a week
>go to another university
>live for someone else money and hate myself for that


These are really different from each other in some questions



are you guessing or have you taken the test for that many years?

I feel like a faggot



Progressive Centrist? No u

Guessing, the official test isn't very accurate anyways, I seem to always score down and to the left of where my views should place me.
>(((almonds activated))) @ test creators

I do and it makes me euphoric and desolated of feeling, I'm lost but was found.

I have a 12ga between my legs right now..they are listening ; )

that's not progress


allah made me do this

and this


Political compass is biased and outdated, use 8values faggot

brown/yellow person that doesn't belong in America


NatSoc larper


human garbage

going to be thrown out of an airplane

NatSoc larper

going to be thrown out of an airplane

going to be locked inside his house as it is set ablaze

almost not a faggot like the rest of his brown race

that's because you are one

meme lord

If you are not somewhere in the green and white, you don't belong in America.

Inshallah, brother.



The path to nature and the relinquishment of "Man's Law" for Natural Law.

We bros!

Why does 8vaules always class me as a disgusting fucking neo-liberal?

Roast me

Yo we're like the same! (OP here)

you will grown out of this

What am I?

>NatSoc Centrist

Because you were soft on the topics of drug decriminalization and/or abortion. These two categories make or break the way 8values scores you.

>(presumeably) Nazi economics and nationalistic policies
>civil centrist
>SJW social politics

wut ze fug

I am for decriminalizing drugs and for regulated abortion (cut of point at about 8 weeks that is). Are these really neolib opinions?

>Are these really neolib opinions?

On their own, not particularly. But they cause your scores to wildly skew to the liberal end of the spectrum. Political compass was even worse about it.


I took the test before summer and I was a social-democrat.

>2000 +14 + 3
>not being a moderate conservative

I consider my self as a liberal (or libertarian i guess is the correct term in america so i should lean liberal on the civic spectrum, but i despise to be called a neo-liberal.

I'm NatSoc

how did i do


I was expecting slightly more libertarian than authoritarian but I'll take it.

I moved further up and to the right in the last year because of you fucks

Am I a Jew?


You are a total faggot. Why are you here?


>switch from Sup Forums to Sup Forums 4 years ago
>started bottom left corner
>gradually move to the exact center
>I've officially crossed the line
Stop doing this to me.




>I'm NatSoc
You have cancer.

feels good.



South Africa represent

Why am I not a fascist? Our scores are so similar?
Right Wing Populist sounds gay as shit
>Feels bad man

we aren't special dude

also what does this mean

Markets 51%

Nationalist 87.2%

Authoritarian 83.1%

Tradition 67.4%

Seems about right.

Ideology: autocracy
what is that?

>be fascist, hard right, catholic integralist
>political compass gives me this
it's the fucking Boomer Compass™, lads

All of these tests are bullshit. On one I'll be AnCap and on another I'm a Neo-Liberal

now THIS is more like it


>Economic Axis: Market
you gotta get woke my dude

Fuck equality my dude


>>complete and total economic equality
>>(((darwinism))) of the markets
>which way western man
choose a different path and come home to christ




Sounds like some one is trying to get an average on anons



You're a wizard user

I feel like many of the statements on the site are very vague. It's not an accurate representation at all but it's close enough.