How do we solve the tranny epidemic?

How do we solve the tranny epidemic?

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hold up I am confused
Is this that woman who did the bloody trump head bit some time ago?

give him the onion!

Just gas them like the Jews.

Thought it was Kathy Gifford


The tranny problem is a direct result of parents not taking an interest in their children. It's rare that a tranny has kids, so the way more trannies get made is through indoctrination (pic related). Parents are so fucking lazy and degenerate they don't give a shit about instilling values in their children anymore.

Know what your child is learning and teach them yourself as well. If future generations of children aren't indoctrinated with this bullshit, the tranny problem will take care of itself.

yes the pic is a joke.
But she's totally out of mind.


ban all soy

Andy dick was almost a woman already, no surprise

Solves itself half the time.

But we need both parents working goy. Just let the state handle raising your kids.

Is this real? or is this one of his many "please notice me" tricks

If it's Andy "I killed Phil Hartman" Dick, just sick Jon Lovitz on him and look the other way.
>Blasto could have been a series damnit.

bahahaha that's andy dick? I thought it was Kathy Griffin. my god. I'm fucking dead.


I was never indoctrinated. It was something that came out of me. Would you purposely tell people this for propaganda purposes if you knew it was false? Also, we've been here since Roman times and likely before. We'll continue to be here.


Stop letting our boys consume soy based products that have plant estrogen.

>I was never indoctrinated.
I doubt you'd be qualified to say that you were or weren't had you been. Prepubescent children with no conception of sex should not be taken seriously when they say they're the opposite sex. Transgenderism is too complex for a child's mind to grapple with for them to have produced the idea on their own.

The fact that you took what I said about you personally says a lot.

>Also, we've been here since Roman times and likely before. We'll continue to be here.
As a fraction of a percentage, yes. When there's a concerted effort by delusional ideologues to undercut the value of biological truth, and as a result the population skyrockets it appears there's an issue.

I don't really care what people do, take all the hormones and get all the surgery you want. You're playing the most elaborate game of pretend ever, I'm just not interested in playing along with the game.

soy doesn't make men effeminate haha idiot an approved, kosher academic told me so i have no choice but to believe it

I'm curious, before I waste any effort here. Are you aware of the hypocrisy on your posts? If you are? I'll engage. If not? We'll have to leave here believing that were correct, without actually testing that knowledge.

by masturbating to them

Like your fat ass ever leaves your room.

>assblasted tranny

What does the tranny that draws this comic look like?

We treat it as it is, a mental disorder.

Why don’t we try pushing them in the right direction
Towards a cliff

I always suspected Kathy Griffith was too hideous looking to be a real woman

this, is this really not a meme?

the world may never know ;)


>How do we solve the tranny epidemic?

Alinsky tactics: ridicule, mockery. The soyboy meme is working amazing, let's keep pushing that.

Go for it. Point out what's hypocritical.

99% chance he'll say you're indoctrinated for recognizing that transgender people are mentally ill

I lol when a 'tranny' goes MtF so he can be 'gay' ie lesbian and fuck sjw girls because he couldn't get any girl as a male. Thats like lvl 9000 cuck

Why is Andy Dick posting a video of Kathy Griffin?

First we need to identify why people want to identify as trannys.

One is that society favors women in most aspects of life. Women get praised for mediocre work while getting a variety of opportunities handed to them.

There's also the matter of men feeling uncomfortable just identifying as gay. Which is a trickier issue in this day and age due to post modernism. This is because liberals/post-modernists/cultural-marxists promoted the idea of separating sex and gender into biological sex versus behavior of the sexes. This means that there is the promotion of the belief that if you have feminine traits or engage in behavior that could be considered feminine that it means you must be a woman in some sense of the word. So a man that wants to sleep with men and/or engage in feminine activities could then decide this makes them a woman.

This disconnect between sex and gender is what I believe is the chief problem that leads to trannys. Those liberals that promote this disconnect think of themselves as enlightened for thinking behavior isn't connected to a person's sex while at the same time believing that a person's behavior defines their gender.

Stop consuming media, sing your own songs and only listen to compiter generated songs

You can't realize it? You're not worth the effort to change your mind, sorry. Also, believing your experience of your child hood is the same for every one. Thus believing you're qualified to make a statement that is more factual than some one else. With statements between your two posts, you exhibit the belief that you "know" the cause and dissuade other view points, because it doesn't fit your logical conception. It's hypocrisy when you're not qualified, yet then fail to address that fact and act as if you are.

isn't this the woman that held trumps severed head up?

>babbling tranny nonsense
It's cool if your brain's all fucked up dude but you should try not to lecture people.

Make subtle facial expressions showing disgust for them whenever you see one; hopefully they kill themselves

Tell your kids that trannies are mentally ill and full of insecurity

Talk openly about how great your marriage is; this kills them on the inside

Mock and ridicule them when possible

I thought he was already doing that with the Kathy Griffin persona??

Considering I'm a philosopher? It is about 20 percent of my profession to help people question their way of why they think the way they do. Considering this place was over taken by shills in 2014? I'm not sure why I ever come to this safe space.


They're all gonna off themselves anyway, the problem will have sorted itself out in a decade, tops. Just be patient.

That sure is a convenient way to back out of an argument.

>believing your experience of your child hood is the same for every one
Show me where I did that, you're either projecting or misunderstanding something.

I also never said I know why people are trans, I'm accounting for the inexplicable boom in population, specifically with the millennial age bracket. I don't think you know what the definition of hypocritical is, and I think you floundered because you don't have a strong argument to make.

me too

>safe space
wew lol. This place is basically 90% dissenting. Go to reddit if you want to see a safe space, check a thread, everyone is saying roughly the same thing. This place is full of contentious arguments.

>I'm a philosopher
nice trolling senpai

>Considering I'm a philosopher?

Get a load of this zer.

Wait Trump BTFO'ed Kathey Griffith so hard that she wants to be man now?

Also stop giving them attention. That's all we have to do. Boycott anything that supports and promotes it. Oh and I had an idea to get the left to eat its own again. White trans are massively over represented in the trans community. We should be campaigning for more trans of color being represented by the media.
>Once again those darn white people are ignoring POC and only helping and showing their people.

Hey Griffin......
Karen Carpenter called.
She wants her body back.

Well at the least, 47% is taking care of itself as we speak.

As for how to take care of it, get rid of globalists and Jews. And then sterilize and isolate these mental freaks.

Pic related

> White trans are massively over represented in the media.

I had one fucking job.

Hello future member of the 45% club.

Einatzgruppen units and Extermination Camps

Force everyone to Lift.
That will cure the low t problem

Right Wing Death Squads

Go to her video and report it. That demonetizes it. We all did it earlier. We left bad comments and down voted it too. Pic related. I’ve never seen as many up votes as down votes lol

natsoc shilling isn't helping anyone, natsoc is a deeply flawed system.

My review lol



Pic related

that thing is a reverse trap

This is a scene from Dexter's Lab. The episode is a parody of anime. Ban anime. Anime is degenerate. You've been being fed this tranny nonsense since you were a kid.
Also, look up Sailor Moon Super S and then wonder why homosexuality and transgenderism is such a big thing today.


Fine, we'll give them helicopter rides instead.

It's solving itself.

These traps hit the hardest of all walls once they hit their 30's. Harder than any Slav or Asian women ever can. As their body catches up to biology and realizes that hormone therapy can't replace bone structure they become hideous disfigured freaks. Realizing they have doomed themselves for the rest of their lives for a few years of being a degenerate whore in their 20's the mental angiush sets in and they kill themselves.

They never reproduce and remove themselves from society eventually. When you see them in public don't engage in conversation just make your disgust known and apparent.

Every woman, and I use that term loosely for her.... that is going through a mental breakdown etc cuts their hair off. She says it’s cuz her sister died of cancer, it’s not. She’s lost it.

That’s nothing. Watch this one. She’s COMPLETELY lost it.

Stop normalising it and calling them brave and shit and admit that it's a mental illness. Trans suicide rate is more than 40% ffs


Dunno, just nuke the planet, nothing worth saving anymore anyway.


puppet strings?

No need. It'll solve itself. Trannies who actually go through this are infertile.


Looks like Barbara from Shark Tank actually

send them to the middle east.


>I’ve never seen as many up votes as down votes lol
The ratio on this is the biggest I can think of.

They more or less solve he problem themselves with their amazing suicide rates, but a little bullying also helps

>joe rogans face when

Trannies, like gays, reproduce not through traditional means. Instead, they use drugs, media, and rape.

Just look at their suicide rates.

The problem is well on the way to solving itself.

A major war showcasing the true horrors of humanity, not emotional victim complex that exists today.

Hard times make strong men. Want to see an example of what utopia brings? Read about the utopian mouse project

jesus was the ultimate soyboy

We'll probably see one of those within the next 20 years given the way the global political climate is going

Russia and China are nearly as powerful as the US

Iran, North Korea, and a few others are becoming formidable enough to be an actual threat

"K" for kike.

onion juice

How does it feel to have a useless "talent"?


To be fair, it is brave to not be ashamed of a mental illness


Is this fake? I can't find the video.

it's actually Kathy Griffin

As long as they are not directly breeding themselves it will solve itself eventually.