I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll never like it. Please stay here forever.
I am the fin of my fish.
Honestly Sakura is the best heroine and fit Shirou most.
I'm going to reply with this everyday until you like it.
What was the point of deleting Yui Claus?
Why do Sakura eat the fish
Be careful when eating fish.
At any moment this thread will be killed. Comemnce your prays.
I am indifferent to it.
I hate it!
Hiroyuki-user is late so,
>But he did it once.
I'm really starting to miss him.
Take this.
I thought I wanted to do it once.
I like it
Was the sakura a dream that can not be awaken from?
But you didn't post it yesterday.
Why is this allowed?
i hate it
So many years later and you still haven't fixed it.
Yui claus has been murdered. Sakura fish is now our only hope.
I'm glad the SZS "don't forget to laugh" countdown finished before this started.
Thanks doc.
I believe in Sakura fish
>Sakura fish is now our only hope.
That's the legacy you want for Sup Forums? Narcissistic tripfagging attention whores who do nothing but spam mindless threads every day?
Right, a segregated Sup Forums where everyone is just in the few threads that concern them personally because they are about currently airing shows they like sure is much better for the board culture.
Yeah, fuck those threads where people from all over the board came together to post shit regardless of what their taste was like.
I'm looking forward to a great Sup Forums where I'll never have to see the posts of or – heaven forbid! – talk to an user who doesn't like the shows I like!
Generals are getting deleted though.
>fuck those threads where people from all over the board came together to post
Fish threads are just 10-15 fags posting the same shit over and over again.
So long as Sakurafish is alive
Otherwise no. with the exception of Sakurafish
Board rituals are just as good and important to preserve as actual threads
Pic extremely related
>Board rituals
More like Circlejerk ritual, just a few cancerous fags care about this shitposting thread.
>im mad this thread exists
>Mods, listen to my opinion specifically
Their purging threads as we speak, if this stays, mods don't mind it ,and your argument is irrevelant
So you just accepted that this thread is just a cancerous circlejerk but it's okay because mods like it?
It's pretty funny that you try to stop the discussion because it sounds pretty much like
I don't accept anything you say. You're just insulting the thread with is nothing but opinion. I think sakurafish threads are part of the boards culture and thus should stay.
And i was arguing that the mods agree as it hasn't been purged. Because according to the rules they're enforcing, these threads have ritual posts and appear every day which is what other threads get deleted for.
So if this thread violates the rules of the board, and yet is permitted to stay up, it has more value to the board than what it does against the board. Thus meaning its a part of the culture
>mods agree as it hasn't been purged
>Thus meaning its a part of the culture
Mods can't choose what is board culture and what is not, because board culture belongs to everyone that actively uses the board, that's why nipplemod was told to fuck off, he was a mod and started deleting things that he though weren't part of the board.
The fact that this threads stays up just shows a personal preference by the moderation staff and nothing else. The amount of people that participates in fish threads shows that it isn't part of the board culture.
>The fact that this threads stays up just shows a personal preference by the moderation staff and nothing else
Even this is enough for you to fuck off and stop complaining though. Nothing you do will change it.
You must really love the circlejerk to shitpost this much here.
I enjoy complaining and there is nothing you can do to change it, your little circlejerk is not your personal forum.
I wouldnt call this a general. Yui Claus had to go though.
I think SakuraFish is a circlejerk that adds nothing to the board so it's okay if it gets deleted.
Everyone can look at you shit opinions now, have a free (You).
That was really rude, my dude.
How long until you die again?
Said the guy that took over the fishposting when the fish got banned a couple months ago.
Wow, why are you so hostile towards me?
I didn't "took over" okay? The fish threads are mine in essence to begin with.
Also I'm not a "guy" I'm an undead zombie with green skin and all.
Whatever, here is another free reply.
It's true though, SakuraFish provides nothing to the board, it is a tradition but has no culture behind it, it's just there.
It's okay if it dies like that one general that I totally know about.
He is right, though. It's the same shitposts every thread.
Someone does his trademark shitpost everyday unitl you like it and a bunch of autists shitpost there every day and there it goes, no need to keep bumping it unless you want to keep it alive.
Wait, there's a purge going on?
I don't know I'm just stirring shit and see what happens.
They tried that with the fish once and it backfired on them. So I doubt they would try it again, or so I hope.
You little rascal.
some new mod or janny is attention whoring, it'll end in a few days like it always does
I hope it does. I really do.
It's only a time now.
will sakura fish and koume survive the purge?
A girl falls in love with a fish.
Unable to fish, she is fished by a fish ex fishina with the fish's fish. Never fishing the strange fish, she immediately fishes her, and is overfished to fish out that she has a fish on her as well.
But, the next fish, when she fishes the previous day's fishes to the fish, she only fishes at her with a fished expression. After some fish, she fishes out that the fish she fished is not the same fish she fish in fish with. In fact, she doesn't fish in this fish at all. She is the fish's alternate fish, who has fishen in fish with the fish's own fish, who too is blissfully fish of her fish.
Fishes ensue as the two fish up a fish to fish each other their darkest, most private fishes in order to fish the other with the fishes they need to fish the fish of their other fishes. While the two fish their respective fishes, fish fishes as they fish to fish in fish with each other instead and fish the NATURE of FISH.
I wish mods would purge this instead.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
The ritual should involve everyone using sage. That would preserve the oldfagging and make it a non-issue.
Pretty much.
Threadly reminder that Hiro approves of Keit-ai and that mods are Black Lives Matter.
Keit-ai is already a manga. Stop posting it.