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I am no longer a civic nationalist
this did me in

>push racemixing in the most lucrative franchise in history
>Film does well at the box office
>"Oh look the public clearly supports race mixing"

Look fake son.

disney ruined star wars buy simply buying it. Star wars was complete now we have 10 more years of it. They are beating a dead horse.

>buy simple bribing Disnoo rooted 'em

He butt looks nice.

Fuck that's hot. Why does that image make me so hard?

star wars was always run by jews, han and leia and the movie director Spielberg... So no suprise.

Cause you are a cuckistani


it's time you accept white women were born to take bbc

With jews, you lose.

Those fucker's arms were so looong. Goddamn, were they abnormally long.

"Do I really have to kiss him, Han?"
"Well, (((they))) say it brings ratings, so yeah, go out there and put your tongue where it must go for multiculturism."

Do you too not get hard at the thought of a sexy white girl being impaled by a massive, long, black rod and having all her sexual desires entirely met?

Only insecure virgins would feel threatened by this. You need to up your game - hi energy!

we know that's you, sven.

shut up you fucking kike

lol in the words of Hulk Hogan she couldn't even get a 6 foot nigger

Han didn't die for this.

Wow episode 8, I only watched like 3 star wars movie and that kino cartoon.

>photos from back in 2016

Your obsession with black dicks shows that you might not be interested in females in the first place,you sure you watch these porn to see a male have sex? or do you see them only because you want to see the male?

I liked Rouge One except for the CGI Carrie Fisher.

helen keller saw that coming. look for the star wars franchise under disney to be at the cutting edge of the cultural war to create conditions favorable for white genocide.

The clone wars cartoon was indeed Kino

you're right. blowing up the trade center was one thing, but fucking up star wars? there's only so much a man can take

because the pimp lets you know she's available.

Her butt looks nicer but she's dirtier.

Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days

This was clear from the beginning. Good job Disney kikes.

Dark forces is better than rogue one
>one white man steals death star plans
>Large squad of minorities steals them

You are not telling me everything user. That man isn't attractive, average at best and women never date down unless the man has money and influence.

Expecting anything else from the cesspool of soyboys

white women are such nigger loving whores

That sounds pretty gay actually. You make yourself sound like you like dick more than cooch.

That must be recent considering everything Weinstein has done.


I'll admit that there's something really special about tall, Nordic women with virile black men, don't you agree?

oy vey i hope the goy doesn't get the plague!

all future generations will think this is totally cool
the dark side always wins goyim

>To the good old days
Watching 2 kikes kiss is the good old days?

throwing genetics down the toliet. White women are nigger loving traitor whores

Leah stole them, you moron. She's a minority.

>clearly not the real actors
>outfits from the first film where this doesn't happen
Star Wars is filthy Disney Jew property, but you don't have to make shit up to prove it.

>I'm a nice man.

spielberg nikdy nerežíroval star wars ty idiote, to byl lucas a co je zaproblém s hanem a leiou? oba jsou běloši

This goes back thousands of years my dude

lol in the 70's over 50% of americans knew hollywood was run by jews.

now 85% don't believe it

>but you don't have to make shit up to prove it
It's because people here will read a snippet, see a picture and then react purely on emotion. Faggots here are as bad as Faceberg.

Stormniggers on suicide watch

It's all so tiresome


Color me surprised -_-

Daily reminder: "Rey" is a working title for the character that was never changed. They let it slip in an artbook where she was labeled "Rey C Mixer". She was designed at race mixing propaganda from the ground up.

Interestingly, leaving characters with working names appears to be a running gag: the oddly named "Snoke" is a working title as well, an acronym for "Sith no one knew existed". Not propaganda, but lazy-ass storytelling.

that fucking picture ruined my fucking day you fucking fuck.


Lies. Swedish people love black people.

Source on this image?


But the black guy is gay, with the mexicani/arib guy.

It was obvious.

Holy fuck that's amazing! It's as though white women actually can't get enough of massive black cocks thrusting powerfully in and out of their holes.

>oh no we lost a low IQ roastie
>how will the white race ever recover
she wants future death by nigger brutality that bad? so be it

>implying interracial relationships aren't normal

They are white.

They aren't common for white people but damn are they sure trying to get us there.

Cause your a vacuum cleaner for kike feces

(((they're))) out in full force today

>Rey C Mixer


Blacks are animals, not people.

Kyle Katarn stole them jack ass. Leia gets them from him. It's the first level of dark forces. That is until Disney decided the EU wasn't canon and replaced that game with the rogue one movie.

Ahh, so there it is. I knew something was wrong with OP's picture anyway, if you actually bothered to watch the last movie you'll see the black guy actually got friendzoned pretty hard at the end. Rey will either end up with Kylo or they'll just go the "strong independent womyn who don't need no man!" route.

Well at least neither of them is gay. So that is something i guess.

"The Jews run Hollywood" is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. "Many of the people who run Hollywood happen to be Jewish because our culture promotes hard work" is an approved statement, but only if you are a Jew yourself.

Wow, rude.

Fuck off you little white soy boy marxist

oh hell nah why is that nasty wh*te whore kissing on a KING...i really hate you cracka...


The worst part of this is that it's just unnecessary. Who gives a shit about this forced love story in an sci-fi movie?

>(((1 post by this id)))
>t. newfag

Nope, they are kikes

>right gets mad about race mixing
>Left gets mad that a strong female lead gets stuck in a romance subplot
>Virgins still mad about Disney star wars
>Chads bored by female lead

Rage is what makes me go

You're gay user, it's time to get out of the niggerclosetcage.

weren't they supposed to make him gay?

The photo isn't real you fucking idiots. Finn will either turn out to be gay or end up with that ugly Asian chick they casted for the next episode.

White seductress is stealing that Kang's purity

Nice ass but the unshaved poon ruins it.


Imagine being a baby having to travel down a 10" vagina


>chinese market bait
>going with the black man

I doubt it

>Literally looks nothing like her.
Sup Forums is right again as usual

Typical american

That kid looks like little Vegan Gains

white women are whores at birth


daz fukd up man

Lifting wont help that guy.