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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1749
>learning Japanese is ""problematic""
Thanks, 神様.
Did they delete the other thread?
What do you learn on Sup Forums?
Has it begun? Do we have to finally migrate to /jp/?
Hopefully not
DJTs are supposed to go on Sup Forums now.
>blog about real life shit and 3DPD
Normalfags don't belong on Sup Forums.
Someone post the authorization screencap for the newfag mod.
Sup Forums - anime & manga
You dumb fucks. You never belonged here in the first place
Check em, Sup Forums
It's not like we haven't tried that a thousand time already, you know
Yes, please keep deleting djt but none of these.
Let's try to stay on topic to see if the thread lives. What are you reading, DJT?
According to all known laws
of aviation,
there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.
Four year old comment...
>Trying to validate your errors with a 4 years old screencap
DJT sure is dumb.
How to ship like a fujoshi. And it's getting worse thanks to the on-topic gestapo.
Why does テーマ = theme?
I don't see these guys making 50 threads a day. You are by far our biggest cancer right now, make no mistake
キノの旅 and 惡の華
Do you see "Use by XX/XX/XXXX" in that post, though?
Mods pls
Might have different roots, in Portuguese it's "Tema".
The owner of this site and various other things have changed since then.
We normally only average 2-3 threads a day. All new threads would wait until the old one had fallen off the board.
Same thing is happening now (waiting until the thread falls off the board before a new one is posted), only we have 50 threads a day because the mod is a cunt.
Go create a discord and have fun blogging about your disgusting 3DPD girlfriend there you fucking trash.
Probably French, considering how japs tend to be frenchboos
Yes, and Hiro himself said he didn't know what to do about DJT, since it's considered a traditional general here on Sup Forums
It's tema in swedish as well. Probably other European languages also.
>50 threads a day
That's JoJo you're thinking of.
>we have 50 threads a day because the mod is a cunt
The mod didn't shit out these threads, you did. You are the problem
Is there really a point to continue doing this when there's a functioning thread on Sup Forums?"
I wouldn't call them the biggest cancer, but they are part of the issue, so they must be deleted and purged anyway.
Not an argument. Times change and so culture and rules that aren't written. Do you see anything on the board/site with the indication "Use by XX/XX/XXXX"? No What you're saying is just dumb.
Except my girlfriend is 2D.
>Times change and so culture and rules that aren't written
Thanks for proving that you're new here. Now go back to Facebook.
Why do you keep trying to justificate your errors? What is happening right now is a consecuence of your actions, assume them.
ESL please
Very nice argument, faggot.
God, you're such a little fucking bitch about this. If you want to whiny until you get your way, go ahead, but don't expect me to feel sorry for you. Generals are cancer and I hope your thread gets permabanned across all of Sup Forums
Yes, being able to see other people's country flag is shitposting fuel. We can't also talk about fringe weeb shit without upsetting Sup Forums normies either.
Explain to me how this is anime or manga and why it deserves a thread up at all times.
Stop living in a shit country then.
Why do you think you are allowed on Sup Forums? Fuck off to Sup Forums where people love your shitty normalfags meme.
The mod is making them fall off the board.
>We can't also talk about fringe weeb shit without upsetting Sup Forums normies either
Literally admitting that DJT is offtopic blogshit and not actually about learning japanese.
Reminder that a literal HUE is autistically spamming these threads out of impotent rage. God bless flags on Sup Forums.
Because there's one that is staying up at it's new home on Sup Forums duh
That doesn't say anything about Sup Forums. Stop using a 4 year old screencap as your only argument, it doesn't work.
Why the fuck is this thread still up?
When you come to delete this thread again, please make sure you take this one along with it.
And rightfully so. This is neither anime nor manga-related after all. Yet, these guys keep shitting out new threads as if that'll help their cause
>literal fakku thread on Sup Forums
I guess those are fine now right?
No surprise there, It had to be a shitskin for sure
Well I hope I can still ask a question within this shit storm...
この上ない confuses me. Without the nai it would make sense since it means "come on top" but with the nai.. huh? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the sentence.
Fetishes thread totally Sup Forums related right guys?
It means the pleasure of cumming inside
If we get mods to be consistent and delete the draw threads, there's a chance they will reflect on their actions.
By "fringe weeb shit" they literally mean "late night anime", user.
>its ok for me to spread shit because others also do it
No you child, no.
it will take you maybe a little over 2 hours. just do it.
Drawthreads are fucking disgusting and filled with beggars. I hope they're deleted too.
このうえない is an expression added to an adjective that means "extremely -adjective-"
Fuck off.
Beggars and compliment seekers.
While in DJT we're all learning and cursing each other, they let that beggar-alley full of cocksucking go on.
I was a drawfag once, but gave up participating after it became a request shitfest, and not a "anime fans draw fanart and share it".
/jp/ has a nice approach of no requests, but the mods over there are even more autistic than the ones here and NO FUN is allowed.
Fuck off.
This is pretty disgusting too.
I think it's very telling how DJT's main argument is "lol these guys are bad too!" instead of giving a solid justification as to why they belong on Sup Forums in the first place.
Your reasoning is literally
>other cancer exists, so this cancer should too
But all you're really saying in the end is that none of this shit, including your own thread, belongs here.
Cmon, guys, the mods are incompetent retards, but that's hardly news. All you have to do is continue to make threads as they are being removed and continue to post normally in these threads, not turn it into a salty metafest.
Is this your first time checking the catalog for new threads? Literal shit gets made and deleted right away all the time.
The only thing that doesn't belong here is shitposters like you.
user, any chance whatsoever you had of being allowed in /jp/ set sail with this clusterfuck of a response.
銀のくつ, it's the cutest shit I've read this year.
I'll read 魔女と猫の話 by the same author afterwards, looks pretty good too.
I bet mod-chan would like this author.
Why is this thread still alive?
There's literally a thread that is being used normally on Sup Forums. Why can't you just use that instead of trying to do this here?
The different between Sup Forums Japanese learners and Sup Forums Japanese learners is that Sup Forums learners delude themselves they aren't learning Japanese just for anime, manga and jap games.
I guess meta-discussions are still allowed.
>being used normally
lol no it's not
it's literally already racist shitflinging and complaining about what board the thread is on
You mean the Japanese Thead? That isn't a language learning thread.
>reading native material while a thousand autist a have shitfits about this thread being here
Feels comfy senpai
None of you will ever learn it anyways I have no idea why you bother.
What are you talking about? I used /jp/ for years before giving up on contributing there too. It was my oasis from these shitty drawthreads we have here.
I wonder if those threads are still going on, there were threads where half of the feedback came from me.
Meanwhile in the Jojo general.
Sup Forums has no Japanese learners, stop spreading misinformation.
We provide an environment for Sup Forumsnons to learn Japanese in. Japanese which is then used to consume and translate anime and manga.
Some people seem to think /jp/ would be an acceptable alternative for DJT than Sup Forums. I'm saying theres no way /jp/ would take you in after these threads decided to shit the bed.
Then report it and stop using it as your argument you enormous retard.