Can anyone possibly enlighten me on why Chile is the role model for South America...

Can anyone possibly enlighten me on why Chile is the role model for South America, and not just a south american country like the others?

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Probably the IDH and general economic indicators being better than our neighbors

They're way less cucked by the left.
Fuck I wish we had some real right wing party here. We're so brainwashed that even our "right" (Populist crap), claims to be feminist and all that shit.
Fucking fuck Chile, what's your secret?

>Doesn't have anything
>Steals everything from other countries
>Does it better and cheaper
>All countries hate them
They are basically the China of SA

they aren't venezuela, they have no guerilla going on and they aren't in MERCOSUR

Because they don´t receive rapefugees, lack of cucked policies and they don´t have a comunist party

Doesn't look like it tho, they are clearly poorer than other South American countries

>Texas flag
wtf is wrong with you

>Burger education

u really fell for it

They are the role model for white LARPing
Not even argentinians are as good as them

Fuck this wea, we are going full Venezuela now

They're freer

The guy's name is "Me-0"?

Marco Enríquez Ominami

After Pinochet took power, Milton Friedman traveled down there and convinced him capitalism would be better than communism. So they went capitalist.

index of economic freedom.

>all that soy in Argentina

Is just a meme , the commies gonna win this election and we will join into leftshit paradise 3rd world next year

>Hurr I'm just pretending guys

Lots of earthquakes, that's it.

They used to be, but leftist are gaining power.
Their youths are literal stalinists



You know, someone actually did a genome study of the average chilean, and it showed something like
80% European (mostly spanish)
10% Indian (Mostly Mapuche, Aymara and Rapa Nui)
5% Negro
5% Others

Marco Enríquez-Ominami
>Fun fact: 'meo' means '(I) piss', in spanish, so his own acronym, ME-O or MEO has been joked with a lot

We're gonna miss him

Yes, we are mixed, but abo part of the mix is so little that nobody gives a fuck.

ni beatriz ni guillier son comunistas sacowea

We now have to choose between (((Piñera))) and (((Guillier))) for president. Don't let anyone fool you, (((Chile))) is SA Zion underdogs.

Both are socialist which is just as bad, Artes is a real Commie

Temeoo dijo el barsinso.

they kick commies out of helicopters and have a great economy

Do you even know what you are looking at? Just because we import more cooper than other shit doesn't mean we don't have a better economy than our neighbors you idiot. It just means we export more cooper.

We used to, based Pinochet must be revelling in his grave. We're gonna miss him.
*helicopter idles in the distance*

>mi sistema nunca se ha probado!!1

>I don’t know anything about politics

you brainlet

los dos son neoliberales pendejo culiao

termina el liceo

siii, todos neoliberales, maduro y castro tambien


es en serio el post?

comparar una coalicion democratica zorrona con un dictador revolucionario

mejor dedicate a ver memes

literally zero difference

todos comunistas haraganes y ladrones, la misma mierda

en que planeta guillier es comunista?


It's better having mighty Incan blood than negro blood. Negros are the worst.

De verdad creen que van a recibir una respuesta que valga la pena leer en Sup Forums? la mayoría de los weones que hoy están en esta mierda son los pendejos pajilleros que migraron de jaidefinichon y tienen la opinión política que aprendieron de sus papás y los memes.

damn commie ruin everything, rest in peace pinochet.

sorry i meant commies

Wena nido

Dejate de webiar liceano qlo pasado a caca.

Si la izquierda a sido el cáncer que mantiene a Sudamérica en el tercermundismo.

>left tried to cuck them
>CIAniggers do something right for once (i guess even a broken clock is right twice a day) and depose the marxist
>Pinochet steps in
>gives complimentary helicopter rides to communists
>unlike the rural and suburban retard dictators of the rest of SA, he introduces free market economy instead of nationalizing everything because 'muh power'
>country flourishes
>the general resigns once his job was done and democracy is restored

I'd put Chile as a 1.5st world nation. Not 2nd world (excommieland) but not quite 1st world (yet). Still, puts them ahead of the rest of SA (3rd world shitholes)

U-boat loads of Germans live in the south in places like Frutillar, Valdivia, Puerto Montt. Their Aryan heritage makes a difference.

Yes, and negros just arrived, we are fucked

chile needs like 15-20 years of steady decent economic growth to look like a current first world country, so yeah

chile is kinda decent

Saw a vice doc recently where so they did was talk shit about Chile so they must be doing something right

Also Italian nobility came here during the first world war, they brought all their money and made companies and stuff

pinochet helicopter'd all the commies and implemented free market reforms from Milton Friedman

So should be ALL Swype is fucking up

Are you this dumb? Look at their development indicators, dumbfuck.
> Lowest poverty rate
> Second highest HDI(almost identical with the first)
> Stable economy, unlike ALL of it's neighbors
> Highest income in Latin America
> Lowest murder rate

chile is literally the poster child of capitalism fixing a third world country, that's why economists love Chile

> Second highest HDI(almost identical with the first)


Kek, Chile best IDH

Beatriz is a commie mate
>wants to tax the ones that earn more
>leftist supporters along communist parties

Fuck that bitch, the economy is stuck already

You are right, the one i looked was outdated.
Here's the UN source.

1973 and the Chicago Boys.

Even the Japanese know!

>literaly cero diference
>is amerimutt
>is brainlet

56% doesn't have eyes huh?

I have relatives in the north. Very vast, desolate desert. Quite striking, really.

Our military regime was ok.Videla was the only who care more about killing commies than run a country,but we can't blame him since we would do the same

We're completely fucked, even the "rigth parties" accept commie shit, most people are so brain washed they see any kind of hierarchy and economical development as "evil neoliberalism" in action, seeking to oppress all of us.