Crane Game Girls Galaxy

It's that day of the week.

This is a shit anime, delete this.

Of all things to reference.

>there are people who actually enjoy this fucking garbage


Thirteen (13) years old.

I dunn get it.
It's actually a lot better than the first season was. Chalk it up to the writer change.

I dont get.


I was gone last week and missed the thread. It was a pretty great episode. Hikaru, the teal girl, is too cute.
JK Meshi reference? Kyotoma confirmed for bros.

RIP Dark Gorilla.

Can't believe they all got caught with boyfriends and had to shave their heads to apologize to their fans. The idol world is scary.

Apparently the ED has been on sale for a week but I can't find it on nyaa or jpopsuki or youtube.

>there are people who don't support Dark Cherry's invasion

Such is the fate of Cren Geeru fans.
And it's a pretty neat song too.

It couldn't be less subtle though

I'm too lazy to check but I recognize the traditional Japanese breakfast table flip. I hope they reused the same graphic resources for this.
It's extra funny because they show the table only with 6 cups of tea before it happens. The food appears out of nowhere.

You just enjoy fun things.

Hikaru is a miracle of the galaxy.

Hikaru and Rei are too good.

Miracle of the galaxy.

Yami shibai reference? Studio confirmed for bros.

I didn't watch that. Is it the poster? They're doing a lot of references lately.

Nah, I was just fucking around. The "come and take a look" sounded like the yami shibai mask guy "itterashai, mitterashai, the stuff is probably normal.

It's a movie called Brazil.

>windows 10
>clusterfuck of desktop icons

Hikki a shit.