What does Pol think of Benito Mussolini?

What does Pol think of Benito Mussolini?

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That's George C. Scott you faggot.

Thats not benito Mussolini.

Bald people are subhuman

Fascist shithead.

Pussy who neglected his military and could hardly conquer Ethi-fucking-opia.

A real pioneer in sustainable bio-fuels.

They say he made the trains run on thyme.



>cold hardly
I can't tell if this is a meme or you're just retarded.

>mussolini was born in 1883
>confusing the 1896 invasion with the 1935 invasion
>american education

Fucked up in greece which was a major mess up for Axis

is that yakub

It's said he accomplished getting the trains to run on time

so, there's that

>fucks up the greentext
>wants to delve into semantics
Oh gee sorry. “Hold” is what I meant to say, you drooling autistic reject sperm.

Seems like his neck would hurt with that head posture.

Worst mistake was allying with Hitler

Kind of a fag but props for organizing the lazy italians for one last hurrah.

Looked great hanging from a lamppost, like the rest of the fascists will.

In my Italian class, my friend memes him and then we both meme Silvio. Good times.

he was cuckblasted by his mustachioed (((friend))) from the north, embarked for war completely unprepared and betrayed his party's trust and expectations.

but i guess he was afraid of ending up as a german target. and quite rightly so.

desu we could have went alone too
even if germany attack us fighting on a single front war on the mountain like ww1 would be much easier expecially without the embargo that blocked our industry

Fuck ovtta here.

pastabey is back

trump cribbed his whole fucking style

>1:48 and on
what a madman

Italy is a joke,Benito Mussolini kanenas den tha ginei.



You are a subhuman.

Jealous of italian success.

I'm not sure how my post was derogatory towards Mussolini, better than calling him dogshit retarded for failing to invade Greece. He, alongside Silvio are simply a funny bunch which correlate to our fucked up sense of pol-tier humour.
You should turn off your gay flag soyboy

hard to say that in hindsight, especially since we've got the absolute state of the west in front of us and it's hard to imagine anything worse.

but yes. i agree.

He seemed like a pretty cool guy. Kept good company.

>t. literal descendant of criminal waste dumped on a shithole desert prison island by the brits

He allied himself with a nordcuck autist instead of making alliances in the mediterranean. but well.... hitler was his BFF so i don't mind.

non white


>non white

why this kind of posts always come from this flag , LOL

the most interessing thing is that germany couldn't have used the blitzkrieg against us because of the mountain
also if i am not wrong the emergency plan for a breaktrought from the alps was flooding the rice field in the nord,i don't see why the coudn't have done the same thing in ww2 too
obv the regia marina could have easily taken the kriegsmarine even alone
are you the smelly women fag too?


*gets shot and ends up in the hospital but the medical bill is unpayable*

Is that all you have to say in reply to the question that I asked you?
Still using that meme flag also, go and show your true flag.
Why are you so mad? :-DDD


did lots of good for his people and country
decent guy

A retard, he gave info to the allies, because he was jealous of Hitlah

Dance for me puppet you're so mindfucked

Are you okay
Can you speak the language of the country and people you're defending?
You're simply not okay mate and I honestly think you need help, unless this is some method of getting you off because you have strange fetishes

Need Mussolini memes, i'd like some mussolini pepes.


Mussolini was a little wannabe Hitler. Fuckin useless in the war and borring.

I think he was referring to the notion that Italy had trouble dealing with Ethiopia. The Second Italian-Ethiopian War was an overwhelming victory for Italy

wuz he anti jew tho???

>germanic subhuman doesn't realize italy was fascist before his idol country

I like him

>wannabe hitler
>the first fascism a wannabe hitler
i bet you don't even know d'Annunzio

Don't understand why germanics are so fucking retarded.

Literal human trash.

I agree with many of the ideas of Giovanni Gentile and Mussolini. However, I don't think Mussolini was a fantastic leader. He was an incompetent cuck in the end, Hitler's lil puppy. Should have remained "neutral" through WWII like Spain and Portugal. Italian army was also useless, should have worked on that more before trying to restore the Roman empire, lel.

Benita reminds me of my Great Grandmother

Mussolini was so cucked we replaced him with the Mob and he didn't even notice till he dangled like fish bait over the crowd that lynched him and the rest of the 'alt-right' of their time.

wh*Te subhuman



aren't you American, yourself?

>Coming from an Italian with a kekistani flag



fuck you krauts, you and the niggerese left us for dead

american education at it again


Albanian subhuman living on stolen greek land.

Il Duce is great. Italy and Germany United together against Jewish Bolshevism.

I honestly believe he is a deliberate troll/shill to divide and conquer, seen this a million times. It always comes from the meme flags that x isn't white.
I'm not even American!
I'm Australian for fucks sake, your picture is retarded.

>those skinny lady arms and potato head
it was for the best

He played all the greats

He's okay, just terrible at war.

he probablly is my dude
imo he's some incel who never got attention so he just does what Ikebey does and gets lots of (You)'s

>italy and germany
>germany bombs italian battleships with cruise missiles
>we're friends

We were never friends subhumans.

>sent 5000 soldiers for taking the french alps
>got BTFO by 212 french alpins soldiers

Kek, shitaly is a joke

>you and the niggerese left us for dead
M*ssolini was a retard and got his just reward. He didn't even have his own nation under control so we had to deweaponize Italy.


fuck you subhuman

I'm in the cypriot side of Cyprus and I'm nor t*rk not Albanian
Your from _____ country therefore you're __not actual resident___ logic is retarded Benito was a dumbass who started WWII by inspiring Hitler even tho he was a massive fucking wanna be Julius Caesar loser who invaded some African country with spear men as defenders and felt proud of it. Your country is a massive fucking joke you changed sides because you didn't want to get digged to deep into the ground Greece fucked Italy in the ass hard than Hilary clit fucked Berny


Patton is fucking amazing.

>low angles to give the impression of height

i was at the british museum and the fucking anglo dogs had an art exhibit on italy's defeat like they were happy niggers were getting the upper hand, fucking subhumans, no wonder london is the way it is

More like Bendito Pussolini, fagcist

I honestly think that these type of people are sexually motivated by (you)s truth be honest, it gives them such a kick "trolling" people which if true, is very strange.
How is your weather in Sweden, my friend in the Balkans is starting to get some snow. Seems pretty comfy despite the muslims

Looks like le 56% man

Mussolini was a poser buffoon like every Italian.

The trains ran on time.

>"our alps"
This faggot acted like his country wasn't 3/4 in the Mediterranean. No wonder he almost lost against Ethiopia. kys

Truly the worst ally.

italians are dirty greaseballs

take a shower please

Venetians are the only true Romans you are all Lombard Goth Vandal Moor and Hun rape babies.



>moors didn't make it past sicily
>all italians are arabs
>sicily was under viking rule for a longer period of time
>italy not white

British education does it again.

jesus the wh*Te/goblin butthurt is strong ITT

fuck you nigger

Us Italians made Europe what it is today, we were the ones who kept the nonwhite hordes out. Ignore these Amerimutts and other forms of Niggers. Places like Libya, Tunisia and Somalia are our clay.

>calling meds subhumans
We southerners weren't the ones paying for material with fake currency like zimbabwean monkeys

cant handle the bantz, luigi?

italians smell so bad honestly. do they even know what showers are? or are they too busy trying to fit their microdicks in pasta holes

why the white background, Pierre?

I am genoese you mulatto moor rape baby. I was calling the germans subhumans.