No homo, seriously which one of them would you do.
Who would you fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yurio when he's 18+
>Maybe Georgi, Minako, Sara, Taco
all of them
at the same time
patrician taste
>tfw Georgi is far more relevant that Chinese boy but isn't in the posters
I would happily just watch them and fap.
The one that sings YOLO
Based Best Boy Georgi does it again.
I only know the front three so them
Yuuri is always my answer
Because Mari said that they weren't sure Makkachin will be able to make it. We have to remember that Makkachin, despite how best boy, he is a geriatric dog and choking is a pretty serious thing for a dog.
I hope he makes it through. Victor is going to be very shaken up about it though.
Guy in the back with brown hair seems like best boy. Am I correct?
No, he's a siscon.
None of them because I am not a faggot.
>he's a siscon
So in other words, he's best boy?
>not liking cute boys
What a fag.
Liking cute boys is not gay.
good taste
Feminine katsudon.
Not even a fag but Thai is so damn sexual.
This. There's a lot of delicious boys in this show, but Phichit is literal perfection.
Phichit is cool, but title of perfection belongs to Leo.
One of the few shows were non fags can debate about best boy and they are all likable.
Pretty much all of them except Georgi and Chris, but especially Victor. He is the fucking embodiment of sex.
Is everyone in this thread a literal fag is or is this a joke parading around in these Yuri on Ice thread? No way heterosexual men are debating which guy in this show is more sexual or the most sexual.
>except Georgi
Fuck off Anya.
He's a great boy but I don't really want to be cursed and stalked.
What a fucking whore
Nigga must be the star of Olympic village parties
The real question is what order would you fuck them in.
Consider: stamina, power, your need to be able to walk the morning after.
I can't wait for this show to finish so the lot of can fuck off to tumblr to write a 5 page essays on victor staring at yuri. YOLfags make the most pointless threads.
>you need to be able to walk the morning after
Thai and Pig, obviously.
Too late
The obvious choice, Viktor.
Why do people do this so often? Do they just not know the name of the show or are people actually too dumb to realize how to spell ice?
>stamina, power, your need to be able to walk the morning after.
Yuuri can only provide 2 of 3, I think that's a fair compromise.
Are you trying to be funny or don't want to accept reality of fujos swarming on Sup Forums.
Yuuri on Lice.
Would you eat this Katsu-don?
Poor Chris. He seems staring at Victor.
victor's eye looking kinda weird here.
siscon's hot sister
Phichit if I can guarantee I don't get STDs somehow
be fucked by:
Eros Yuuri
>that brief but salacious moment where you catch him planning to murder your entire family
Yandere Victor.
Holy Quints of truth
I want Eros Yuri to destroy me physically and emotionally.
all of you retards need to stop posting your fujoshit threads every time you handflap the previous ones into being archived
anyway id let jj fist my anus into prolapse and choke me with his style
and phichit but everyone knows hes has crabs left over from detroit
What is his endgame? Cultivating the perfect rival to crush him later one and prove his superiority before retirement?
The one who's voiced by Mamo-chan. Yummy!
>wasting JJ's butt
I don't understand.
Maybe he wants to actually lose for once.
Viktor has no idea what the fuck he's doing. But at this point he's just in it for the katsudon.
I think he knows what he's doing. He seems to fit the obfuscating stupid trope too well. That smirk to the reporter before diverting the focus probably means she guessed right.
I guess it could be a red herring, but I still think it's weird Victor dropped everything to be a coach suddenly.
>these lyrics
Thats pretty christian
I want to join his anti-abortion youths for life group and take his virginity
If he's grooming Yuuri to be a rival I can understand it, he spent so much time being at the top he got bored winning so easily.
Even if it is his goal I doubt Yuuri would mind, it was his dream to compete against Victor as equals. Victor would probably retire afterward either way given his age, Yuuri doesn't have many years left either.
If Victor's only goal was to train someone to be his rival, he wouldn't have picked someone who fails as hard as Yuuri did before Victor came along.
Which ones are the homo ones?
>China clearly yearning for Pitchit-kun in the preview material
Taco is a homewrecker.
Victor didn't do a lot of homework on Yuuri before deciding to coach him, seems he saw the video and jumped at it.
Obviously it's because he saw the video of him doing his routine and saw some potential.
It would be good for both of them since one of Yuuri's dreams was to skate on the same level as his idol.
Yuuri is definitely angling to surpass Victor. If Victor saw Yuuri as a rival that would just make it mutual.
He has been since the start for that matter, he just didn't have the confidence to assert it.
Victor was probably grooming Fairy first but he was being too much of arrogant brat so he dropped him.
That sexy piece of shit doing a pose. Anyways I can't believe you guys are using this thread instead of making a new one.
Probably helps that Yuuri has an eight year advantage over Yurio.
Phichit is pure.
If Yuuri is one of the best skaters in Japan than why was he saying that stuff about his skating career being underwhelming? Seems he always fucks up in the big competitions and only skates good when he's alone or with close friends.
Phichit is pure now that he was inspired by Yuuri and Victor and is dedicating himself to his coach.
You can be the best in your country but then not so great when compared to the world. But also Yuuri hated himself.
I have to wonder if loneliness causes him problems, he seemed so alone in the beginning.
Did Kubo just admitted to writing a love story instead of a sports anime
Look at this face. Yuuri's going to lose hard without Victor.
Fairy, so hard that it makes him cry
one of the Japanese fujoshi artists I follow just requested that someone make a Yurio's grandpa x Yakov doujinshi. We still have a long way to go before we can reach their level.
This is the most neutral expression I have ever seen. I can't tell what he is feeling there.
Looks more dead inside to me. There is no longer any feeling.
He just looks sweaty to me.
The shadows beneath his eyes were used last episode because he was sleep + anxious. Here they probably mean a slight negative feeling. It's not neutral.
It's food poisoning.
Russian mobs
I'm picturing Yakov complaining about Victor to Yuuri and telling him a bunch of old embarrassing stories. Victor will be sneezing non stop in Japan.
Because Yuuri was depressed and down on his self. Yuuri is quite an unreliable narrator early on in the series as the show tells you that he isn't. I mean, it's easy to forget to qualify to the GPF is very, very hard thing to do. We wouldn't know how well he did if his family didn't break the news that Vicchan died and decided to drown his sorrows in food the night before the FP.
And it's pretty easy to see why he sunk into depression so easily. That failed season was also most likely his best season before the GPF fail. He was Japan's ace skater and finally got to qualify GPF, which is the third most important skating event (after Olympics and Worlds), and it went down in flames. Then he couldn't get over his GPF fail that cost him a shot at the Worlds by another collapse at Nationals.
But athletes like Yuuri are not rare and performance anxiety is a bitch.
it's him looking at yakov after his fp and realizing skating his autobiography program isn't complete unless it ends with his eyes on victor.
Yakov tried to give him a kiss after his performance it just wasn't the same.
Finally we have some Vicchan and bae on merchandise.
Makkachin looks kill here.
I think depressed Yuuri is going to make a comeback.
Reply to this post or Makkachin will die next episode.
This, until he bonds with Yurio and realizes he needs to stay strong for Victor and Maccachin's sake
If he's really that dependent than hopefully he grows from this.
A strong bond between the athlete and the coach is essential and Phichit knows that.
Fuck you.
Poisoned pirozhki.
Emil for purest biqt and JJ for Smug Christian Canook bottomslut funtimes
After all those hugs, confessing his love on national television, interlacing fingers while holding hands, forehead bump, touching hair whorl and a kiss, he thinks the tie pull was embarrassing?
Anyone else think it's pretty dark that this anime actually went the route of choking a dog for eating food off the shrine of another dead dog? Like holy shit, what sadist wrote this?
Because hugs, confessing his love and intertwined fingers weren't as aggressive as pulling down on Victor's tie and telling him to focus on him and that he was going to show his love (for Victor) to Russia. As much as people like to think that Yuuri is a dom, he really isn't.
Although I did like how Victor treated him like a queen though.