Leaving Sup Forums

This net has been too far infected by gynocentrism, you all can chant "roastie" and "soy boy" but in reality you all will jump to save a feminist if one tripped off a building.

MGTOW is no different either. they want to coin themselves as chauvinist swines but they are no different than the pussy eaters they call "blue pilled"

shill thread SAGED.

Bye soyboy, not like you actually regularly posted here when Soros isn't paying you anyway.

What the fuck are you talking about pulling that bullshit?

t. soyboy

See you tomorrow




thanks for the pic foggot

>I am from Sup Forums.jpeg

So good
I hope this has been tweeted to him and will be repeatedly on that sock account of his

Tits or gtfo newfag


that saying you borrowed from us oldfags

nice try but ectogenesis or BE GONE THOT


There is only one possible and inevitable answer to our future

100% soy free

lol if a feminist tripped off a building I would yell out "Remember, you're equal!" and enjoy the impact.

I would right there but I would be scraping her leftovers to donate to research and selling her jewellery to fund the science.

>you all will jump to save a feminist if one tripped off a building.
Who do you think tripped her?

Why they are tripping over themselves like they have been for the past four decades with liberal policies and establishment family court.

Well played
also saves me from my fear of heights while we're at it