Opinions On Polyamory v Monogamy

Alright, so some chick I asked out said she is polyamorous and said she is currently "dating other people" which I am assuming to be male but am not certain. I don't think I really have anything against this since I wasn't really looking for a serious relationship with her anyway. I have generally considered myself monogamous, but I don't have any problems with a FWB scenario.

Is polyamory morally wrong? Should the only type of realtionship be between two partners? What are your opinions?

>inb4 this board isn't about relationship advice

I'm asking about whether polyamory should be considered something that is okay in our society.

I have wondered how long it would be before females figured out they could have multiple beta orbiters.

No it isn't fucking okay to fuck everybody and be promicious piece of shit on both sides.

Get the fuck out of here with this sexual revolution bullshit, saged

Choke her when you fck her and she will be all yours.. also bring up her dad alot


Take advantage of degen, user

Do you consider actually fucking the chick as being a beta orbiter?

Pretty much that's the plan

Not if that's all you were trying to do to begin with.

Why? As I said I would consider myself to be of a monogamous mindset. I am not suggesting that polyamory is in anyway a good thing just that I don't care if the relationship with this girl is nothing more than just sex.
I would never consider having a committed relationship with multiple people.

Is there a good reason why people shouldn't be promiscuous? I'm honestly asking here.

Slut polygamy is disgusting where one whore just sleeps around and her bf is too beta to stop her.

Mass procreation bigamous polygany is alpha as FUCK and could be the key to saving the white race no joke.

>should other people fucking my girlfriend be okay?
Nigga you gay

1 guy and multiple females is always ok

>Fine with having an FWB
>"I'm monogamous"

The only thing you are is retarded.

Polyamory benefits women and only women because only women can practice it.

Basically flaky sluts

That's the thing, I was never going to consider her my girlfriend™ since I didn't want to have a close relationship with her after she told me she was polyamorous.

Having a FWB and being monogamous are not mutally exclusive.

Theyve always known this

Just do what I do OP, get a forged vasectomy procedure document, pump and dump bitches you know are whoring around behind your back. Then when they're pregnant and claim you must be the father, show them the papers then quietly say, "Guess you shouldn't of been such a whore, huh?

They have no way of denying this since they're stupid enough to believe a piece of paper on sight, and it outs them for being the whores they are.

Enjoy your kid.

Women that want stable lifes, should seek monogamy one male that can provide
Males should seek Polyagamy if they are strong they will be able to have more then one women willingly be by their sides.

Every male is programmed to corral as many females as possible to ensure they carry on his genes.

Monogamy happens when a man can corral only one woman.

Polyamory happens when a man can't even corral one

Evil but ingenious

if one was better than the other than the other wouldn't exist. The mono vs poly question is one that is asked billions of times over millions of years by evolution itself, and the answer is : the both have merit enough by natural selection.

a top tier alpha male should get to impregnate many women. Shit tier beta males genes should be removed from the pool. That's important.
For women its best to be mono, cos a household with different fathers increases cases of abused kids. But from her point of view, if she can get a high tier male seed in her, she should take it

If you're white, you shouldn't have a FWB. You should be making white babies with a single woman who will help you raise the children. The time for poly is long gone. If you get one or more pregnant, you're as good as the blacks because your children will turn out to be garbage.

You may be monogamous but don't mistake a friends with benefits situation for a monogamous relationship.

If you ever want a good relationship, just assume polyamorous to mean unfaithful.

I definitely get that and agree with you. There is no way that I was thinking about turning this into anything very meaningful.

It's mostly acknowledged as a sin, a sin known as adultery: having sex with someone you haven't married with.

For one, I don't support polygamy and I don't think of my self as polyamorous.

Polygamy != Polyamory by the way

As for adultery being a sin, I think that it is certainly debatable as to whether it is immoral to have sex out of marriage.