LaVar just took a huge dump on Trump who helped keep his son out of a Chinese prison for the next 10 years...

LaVar just took a huge dump on Trump who helped keep his son out of a Chinese prison for the next 10 years, what does Sup Forums think of this?

Both are full of themselves. None of this is a surprise at all.

>black father publicly claims shoplifting is no big deal
>and the person that kept his son out of a chinese jail is nobody
and then we act surprised with those crime stats

>do his job
>throw a pissy fit when doesn't get a tip

ayyyy lmao

Trump said nothing wrong desu. He should've left them to rot. They're grown ups who committed a crime in a country where working camps still exist. They knew what they were doing.

I fucking hate that these niggers get no punishment for this.

How is he ungrateful? Trump helped his son, not him? And his son said thank you?

>american president should leave american citizens in prison in enemy prisons

nope lol (>implying he had anything to do with the release anyway)

Why does things that LaVarr Bell says get any media coverage. Why do so many black people care about the things that he does? He shouldn't even be a person any of us are aware of

Both of these guys are fucking clowns

So if the pizza guy delivers pizza to your door and then calls you ungrateful for not giving him a tip, that makes you an asshole?

That's a fucking bullshit reason. They weren't under US jurisdiction when they committed the crime.

>enemy prison
The US has no obligation to get people out of the the consequence of actual crimes the commit in other countries. Also China is a huge strategic partner of the united states, they are certainly very different philosophically, but hardly enemies

Angry post but not a great one. Take a breath and rethink.

How naive

because america is just one big WWE show now

America is literally China's most important partner

Obviously. The president and/or administration act as global ambassor (s) for the US and additionally as protectors of our people. Historically, whenever our people get in trouble abroad as tourists and we may be facing an international incident, our leaders pull those people in and handle punishment internally. We've always done this. The one recent time where it didn't happen, Obama faced a scandal for it. And it was a point of discussion during the last election the the Democrat led administration failed to recoup a citizen found guilty of a crime and left that American to rot in North Korea for some time.

Trump doesn't deserve a tip because he is the pizza guy doing his damn job. I mean, imagine the pizza guy going to your Dad's house and demanding a tip for a pizza he delivered to you as part of his job. What kind of insane bullshit is that?

In what universe is that justice?

>The US has no obligation to get people out of the consequence of actual crimes the commit in other countries

>it's the POTUS' job to keep black people out of chinese prisons


>niggers in charge of understanding basic decency
surprise surprise

What makes you think any of this is about justice? This is about international relations and preserving the image of a nation. There's a reason diplomatic immunity is a thing and cops don't go busting into cocaine and stripper filled embassies willy-nilly all around the world. Making sure international incidents play out nicely is far more important than some rinky dink Chinese trial. Trump doesn't want to be known as the guy that left an American to die in a Chinese prison over a 30 cent item fresh from the local sweatshop, especially a relatively famous American. He's got an image to preserve for how the world can treat Americans and that's more important than anything.



>Trump helped his son, not him?
>why he be grateful for helping son?
ask me how i know you are a nigger


top keks

God, we could have had this beautiful queen instead of the dotard in charge now

This will take up all the news and people will forget about the tax bill that will completely hamstring the American people.

You let this happen, Americans.

Basic decency from the guy he didn't help? Does your dad tell the mail man thank you after he delivers those loads of semen to your mom's pussy that she asked him for?

So if you're walking with your son and he drops his phone and some person picks it up and hands it back to him and your son says thank you, it makes sense for that person to turn to you and demand that you thank them as well?

well played sir

Funny how when someone else runs trump's media manipulation cycle he can't stop bitching about it

Based Lavar playing 5D chess while drumpf can hardly play checkers

He just needs Melania to calm him with her golden shower of love.

She hates doing it, though.

Wasn't very big baller of him

>keeping your son out of a Chinese prison is the same thing as picking something up that he dropped

Post a timestamped pic of the back of your hand. I bet I know what color it is.

>that nigger tier comparison and logic

fact is trump is much more evil than lavar

>a nigger can only conceptualize things in terms of muh dick and rape
surprise surprise

Something I want to know is the truth about those reports that Melania was planning to divorce him from last year before he won. They sort of dropped off that story and whenever the two are together at events, she always bats his hands away and doesn't let him touch jer?

What are you? A house wife?

Trump prefers to get pissed on

She also hid out in New York half the year, and apparently sleeps in another part of the White House.

So what's the problem? It's not Lavar's place to say thank you, and it's really weird for Trump to sit there and cry about not being thanked by Lavar.

He isn't his son, dumbass. Also call him "nigger" but you're objectively inferior to him in society and you know it.

>Brazilians trying to be in charge of deciding inferiority
surprise surprise

No, I'm just an avid viewer of the world's greatest reality show and I'm wondering what happened to that plotline from the beginning of the season.

I heard DeVos is the next one eliminated.

Oh yeah because it was a brazilian who said it the truth isn't the truth, right? We're talking about this man who has a net worth of $4 million while you're just joe nobody (just like me) pretending you're superior to this man even though I'm 100% sure you know you're aware you're garbage compared to him but calling him "nigger" makes you comfy but newsflash he is still more relevant than you and richer than you

B-but he's black.

>brazilaians in charge of assessing net worth on an anonymous crochet forum
surprise surprise

Inbred Drumpfshits vote against their own economic interests

It isn't about not thanking him dumb ass; it's about acting like a nigger and shitting all over someone for getting his kid out of a foreign prison.

>shitting all over someone
Nice fake news there. Unless you think not saying thank you for something that wasn't done for you is "shitting all over someone," you limp dick.

>The father added: 'What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out.'

Sure sounds like shitting all over him to me

why the racism?

How's that him shitting on Trump? He didn't actually help LaVar, he helped his son. His son that said thank you already.

Also it would probably help your case to offer those quotes in context rather than hot take form.

>lavar continues to expand the big baller brand

Not even his job, a good President would have let them rot in hell. Instead he made the country look like stupid wimps by asking for their release. Especially considering when he is campaigning so hard to get jobs and shit back from China, this was one stupid move. If anything, he should have let them rot until the end of his term or until Lavar begged.

>That was a nice thing to do for my son
There. how about understanding common decency and how to act like a civilized human being you fucking nigger

Am I the only one who find it ironic that the racists who always talk about civilized blah blah are always the aggressive ones in their opinions? They talk about hang people. They talk about letting other races get fucked.
They're remind me of those "moderate" muslims who don't carry the attacks but wish the violent ones do it.

race is a social construct buddy. Racists aren’t even real

Why do you expect to hear that from him? Why is the media asking him to say thank you?

Your president isn't acting like a decent presidente. He let it show that he did it only to get praise. If you had a brain you should be worried that you president do things only to help his image.

fuck ball and fuck drumpf and fuck black people and fuck white people

Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Niggers will never be satisfied with anything white people do. They have to go back to Africa.

"Who?" LaVar Ball told ESPN on Friday, when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter. "What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

Its literally just as it sounds.
Can't even say a nice thing about the guy who kept his criminal son from getting sent to a commie work camp for 10 years.

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums

And Trump said "I should had left them in jail" because their father didn't thank him even though they did. Trump acts only thinking about himself, it seems. Don't you think that's bad? Don't you think he'll act the same about other matters?

One day trump will learn appealing to niggers is a fruitless effort so long as you have an R next to your name. They're exponentially more enslaved by democrats than they ever were during the 1850s

>One day trump will learn appealing to niggers is a fruitless effort so long as you have an R next to your name. They're exponentially more enslaved by democrats than they ever were during the 1850s

>helping niggers at all

They're both retarded. Why does trump even care? LaVar ball is just some guy and he's the POTUS. But he's made 3 fucking tweets about this already.

>The risk is that you'll make a bad situation worse, and I certainly don't recommend this approach to everyone," he writes. "But my experience is that if you're fighting for something you believe in — even if it means alienating some people along the way — things usually work out for the best in the end.

To distract us from the JFK files that never fully came out as promised

>comparing the President bailing your son out of Chinese prison to a delivery guy not getting a tip

>nigger mutt children's dad finally sticks around to raise them
>dad is a nigger who justifies stealing and making jokes about it


>what is an analogy

7% of the population is responsible for 50% of the murders in the US.

It's a retarded one

It was a pretty fucking stupid one.

>Why does trump even care?
I used to think it was unironically 5D chess and controlling the media but he is actually incapable of handling rejection

It's all worth it, though. Just look at this beautiful specimen, this is the future of America and it's beautiful.

>moved thread
no fun allowed.jpg

athletes getting more special privilege.. he should send em back over the great wall

>thread moved
B-but I thought Sup Forums was Sup Forums

Fuck that nigger

Nig Gonna Dindu Stuffin

Janitor found out he gets overtime for working on sundays