Onion juice triples testosterone levels

New Thread continued from Spread the news, feed soy boys with onions

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onion juice is terrible
onion rings are the true chad food



Link to the research


Our former PM eats raw onions. Unfortunately it couldn't protect him from party backstabbing and being ousted by a literal kike.

what does this have to do with anything


>trying to viral market a faggy broscience book this hard



Gods Glory was passed down to Eugenia duke in the form of the worlds best mayonnaise recipe.

all subsequent mayonnaise recipes are flawed and wrong.


Soyboys on suicide watch

But everybody eats onions you retards...

>shrek is love, shrekis life

So we have it all together now. Vodka, Mayonez and raw onions will turn you into a winged hussar.

1g of onionjuice per kg bodyweight each day? Only onionchads do that.

Yeah but what are the amounts? 1/5 of an onion daily? That's nothing. To get a full glass of onion juice you'd need like 6-8 onions or so.

Believe it nigger

You know, this is what "superfood" is. Too bad you're only like 30 years too late to a debunked (leftist) meme.

I doubt people consume like two cups of onion juice a day. Even if you do eat a whole onion a day, I doubt that would be more than a cup.

Soyboy detected.


A couple of glasses a day... just drink one in the morning, one at lunch and one with your dinner


Cabbage to flush out female hormones

King of the veg patch, cabbage is full of a chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which rids your blood of girly hormones. Healthy men took 500mg daily for a week at Rockefeller University; their oestrogen levels halved, making testosterone more effective.

ITT: OP trolls desperate idiots into smelling like absolute shit because they actually eat whole onions.




doesnt onion juice contain sulfuric acid, dont seem like a good idea to drink

I prefer Bourbon, Gin, and Moonshine but vodka is fine.

>he doesn't shoot 50ml of zwiebel juice right into the glutes every other day

lmao soyboys are pathetic

So many cucks here can't eat onions. Not sure why. They're delicious.


Help me become a man guys

>a couple glasses
>lists three

Jokes on you, i jack off while drinking soy milk because feminization is my fetish

>doesnt onion juice contain sulfuric acid, dont seem like a good idea to drink

Low T detected, the sulfuric acid burns the soy out of your blood. Stay cucked with your silky soft throat, I bet abdul enjoys it.

Enjoy your tits.

I wholeheartedly encourage this. Dumb niggers get what dumb niggers deserve.

you are a cunt.

Might it be that instead, only real men will continue to consume the onion juice, and the pansies all dropped out of the study?

Based Jean pierre

Aquafresh are like more masculine French (invading other countries and importing their peanut butter). Of course there is a reason for their high T, pic related.

whats the implication here?

bourbon gives you tits?
Gin gives you tits?(i could see that)
Moonshine gives you tits?(moonshine is just clear grain alcohol like vodka).

are there any other studies that confirm this? any studies done on humans? can't find anything else besides the one article

i put onions up my ass

Why the fuck would you want to increase your testosterone levels? Like, what benefits do you get aside from dying earlier?

mfw dicing unyoen

You go bald and grow muscles, like a real man.


Soyboy shills are out in full force today, wonder what soyxtremist is funding them..

not being a limp-wristed scheming soyboy cuck.


Idk, obviously you want a balance, but testosterone levels are so much lower than they have ever been, 3x would probably bring it back to the 1900s era average

>onions are as strong a steroids

Yeah right. If this was true bodybuilders wouldn't do steroids, they would just eat onions.

sidenote: the hops found in beer contain a plant chemical that imitates the hormone estrogen, known as a phytoestrogen

>germans today

How is the sissyfication going there Hans?


Do not drink onion juice it contains large amounts of sulfuric acid which can be toxic

God Bless, and pass the onions.

what poorly researched data. So unreliable...

I'm going to buy an onion you fags better not just be memeing


Don't you want to feel angry and frustrated all day like a REAL MAN?

>he doesn't know bodybuilders mix test e and onion juice to potentiate the effects

lmao never gonna make it

We nuked the wrong ones

Show me your big, hairy chest, Jakub.

If you really need to increase testosterone without exercise and steroids simply take these 3 supplements


>Cebularz, originating from Jewish cuisine, is a wheat dough pancake, with a diameter of 15-20 cm, topped with diced onion and poppy seed (15-20%), characteristic for Lublin cuisine.[1]


You literally injected onions into us so that we can protect the jews back in the days

Right don't just eat onions from Iran. Do be immune to even more Jewery also eat 'deenz from Morocco.

>trusting Israel
soyboy for life

>trustin Iran
High Test Onionesque Life Experiencer

Keto. Intermittent fasting. No artificial sweeter. Only whole foods. Raw is better than cooked with vegs. Not to much but not to little healthy animal protein. Plenty of sleep and workout at least 3 times a week. Do it or enjoy the bitch tits.

Also onions. Onions are good.

>[Oy vey'ing loudly]

Actually, frustration is a sign of high cortisol levels, which also negatively impacts testosterone levels.

Women, for example are incredibly high in neuroticism and so have massively high cortisol levels.

sure thing. Nice flag.


Nothing wrong with a light flavoring of the things but if you go drinking glasses of the juice or eating whole onions on the reg, you're going to smell very distasteful.
Just cut the soy out and you're mostly good.

>Onion Juice also increases hair growth speed.

I'm going full Jon Snow mode lads.

I eat slabs of raw onion on ham sandwiches. Very little ham, 1/2" of onion, all on Tuscan pane. Plus Coleman's mustard if I'm in the mood. Can't say it makes me feel manly at all, though it is tasty. Other sandwiches are gay.

>store bought mayonnaise

if that were true women would be men by now given by how much salad they eat

Big if true

see how much of a fag you become. you literally want to jerk ofF to manly, hairy chests.

Exactly, I eat one of those each week.. that's why I'm so H I G H E N E R G Y right now.

Bury this before the trannies find out


>hasnt had dukes.
also, he didnt mention mayo.

True if big.

If you're all so worried about estrogen, stop consuming beer. That shit has hops and is far more estrogenic.

Is there any credible study linking onion consumption to increased test levels in humans?

Poltards are now washing down their stupor male vitality and brain farce with onion juice. You cant make this up

George Soyos

What, are you too ashamed to show off your moobs?

have you ever heard of stone cold steve Austin

It's winter, user. Slavs get a little bit blubber to hibernate, like bears.

>Do not drink onion juice it contains large amounts of sulfuric acid which can be toxic

WRONG. Onions are not poisonous. Any burning you may feel is just the testosterone rushing through your veins and turning your sissy body into a real man.

No pain, no gain, m8.

Haha well meme'd sir, well meme'd.

worse than soy desu.

back in the days beer was just a relief because you were so packed with testO