Why are survivalists always white?

Why are survivalists always white?

It's like the least diverse hobby on earth

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Because they're the only ones who care.

>Delaying gratification and forward planning

Darkies have little sense of planning ahead, whether in ordinary life or shtf.

Canadian Prepper on YouTube is black though but he's probably only half.

i wonder when they set up camp and throw back a couple of beers if they get a lil horny and start jerking each other off

Because shitskins continued existence depends on welfare from whites, either through tax or "foreign aid".

Because shitskins can't rely on themselves. They rely on us to survive.

Is that Fruity Roody?

Maybe whites are more able to do the stoic thing of voluntarily experience discomfort to improve themselves.

>least diverse hobby on earth
That would be Ham Radio, which mixes well with survivalists.

I was actually shocked to hear a black guy when I EchoLinked to a Detroit repeater for the Technology Roundup chat.

those porch monkeys can't plan their money to last at the end of the month let alone for something that could happen in 20 years

>being this autistic
autism really is the white man's disease

I'm not white, serkku.

What are you talking about, 99% of Africans play the survivalist game daily.

Because rejecting comfort in exchange for self reliance is an exclusively white trait. Chinese had ocean going vessels hundreds of years before euros, and yet they never engaged in colonialism. The other races didn't even come that close. Only white people do survivalism because exploring and colonizing is a white people thing


Same with things like "caring about others", or "caring about the future". or "caring about animals/nature"... and pretty much everything else that makes this world less pleasant to live in.

>opening your UN care package then raping a baby then burning down a house some white guy built 30 years ago then smashing an aid worker's head with a brick then crying to a reporter that you don't get enough UN aid packages is survivalism

I meant "more pleasant"... was going to write "less shitty" but changed mid-sentence.

I think they are playing in ironman mode.

notice how no gays are survivalist to


Why the fuck did you post that webm and why the fuck did i click it!!!!??? you asshole

>having a innocuous hobby is autistic
i don't know what generic macedonian name to call you derisively but fuck you

- Joe Teti

with UN care packages

>Sheeeeeit dem whiteys didn gibs
>Better eat some mud
>Sheeeeit fuck whitey

non-whites are afraid of nature because they never conquered it

Well yeah, survivalism is a hobby to white people
To everybody else, it's mandatory.

God damn I love being white.

>who is alexander
also stop being autistic
no one that isn't autistic has ham radio as a hobby

found one! didn't even had to exit this thread

The only thing that scares shitskins more than being innawoods, is being innawoods with white men who have sharp objects, guns, and rope.
>t. /out/doorsman and survivalist for 10+ years

I really want to get into this. I've done basic stuff like camping and eating fish I've caught but nothing really beyond that.

There's always something really satisfying when you volountarily deny yourself comfort and tough it out, even in little things like having a cold shower. I'd love to be able to live off the land and be fully self sufficient.

I want to be a survivalist but my mom won't let me be one.

Naw. When the shit hit the fan, killing gays will be the new sport.

non-whites don't like to go into the woods, only exception being asians.

There was a huge push during the obummer years to get nigs to go to national parks, but that trip would use up all their welfare money and they wouldn't be able the buy the newest pair of jawdinnz

welcome newfriend!

that's bc we are the worlds best on it , we invaded every fucking envirement on earth, not slowly but just in the last 500 years , not biologically adepting to it but just forcing our way with our technology,
we survive, and if the evirement kills us we kill it

My wife isn't autistic and she's gotten her boyfriend and his son into the hobby and neither of them are autistic.


no we are so cloistered we go where other races live all the time and act like it's some kind of a sport. white people are very far from being in harmony with nature.

When supplies get low, you eat the sherpas.

This is not a safe place.


whites have the lowest time preference out of all the races

for what purpose?

Who needs harmony when you have brute force?
Whites have adapted far enough to make the fucking world adapt to us.

Fucking why

>jumps right on the chance to post some shitted

We all think he's hot.

non-whites are afraid of the great outdoors. Whites dominate national park visitor numbers so much that butthurt leftists write articles about "diversifying nature"

yeah i can wait for shit really easily

>coming here
>asking why
>giving it a reaction
>letting it know it got to you

you don't know how this shit works do you?

But there's millions of black survivalists in Africa.

He wanted to drain the tomato juice under his fingernail.

somebody got trips

>don't survive because AIDS

gotta drain the blood stuck underneath in order for it to heal
most people use a large sewing needle and just lance it usually

...yeah it is honestly. if you dont think 90% of a SHTF scenario wont involve roving gangs of rape psychos youre wrong

To relieve the pressure from the blood under the nail, he's not actually drilling into his finger

i'm asking why he'd think that was a smart idea you retard
i'm not asking why you posted it

Because whites have the most people in the overall bloodline that are even cognitively able to see past the immediate future, and recognize the concerning likelihoods of things not always being as they currently are.

Being a people that in large part, formed in generally snowy areas with limited growing seasons as one of the environmental factors; where those that plan ahead more than for just tomorrow or following week are generally deemed the most fit to survive, has a tendency to produce that sort of effect on a population.
This facet of whites imo, clearly shows to be of great benefit to creating a successful civilization.
It has become a part of white nature, and thus it becomes a part of white culture. Blacks don't do 401ks, per se.

Ancient Big Chief Numbnuts on the African Savannas, nutted more bushbitches than whatever hypothetical darkie that saved his zebra jerky for the hard times did. Chief Snowcone saved his stagbutts and boned white bitches in his longhouse, while some other hard dicked white guy and his skanks starved.

If said two darkies were in some cold-ass Austrian mountain, who lived might of been different.

It doesn't even mean that the Savanna or the Alpines or the Mountains are necessarily harsher or easier than the other. It just means certain things work better there and certain adaptations would arise. And those certain things, may themselves work better in a modern situation. Chief Numbnut's descendants seem to do overall more successfully in a modern gibs environment, in the long run, than Snowcones do. Provided it remains stable of course. There we have survivalism.

Poor people are actually trying to survive. Whites have their things in order so they can LARP surviving.

Because monkeys are so lazy wild animals and the climate would kill them because they know nothing of building, architecture and harvesting

CGI bruh, don't worry.

>poor people surviving in a welfare state is the same as prepping for the collapse of said state
You have to try to be this dense.

i-is he gonna be ok?

That, and Bigfoot hunting.

I have an Asian friend that does it...unsurprisingly

>be white
>be building machiens
>one of these days these things are going to rise up and kill us!
>keep building machines

>Walking to the welfare office/soup kitchen

No red circle so 50/50 that he is alive.

Prepping requires a broader understanding of the world at large and a logically consistent worldview. It requires forethought and a willingness to put off gratification now for success later.

None of these traits are widespread among minority populations. Your average black or hispanic cannot plan through the next month's rent, let alone a potential stock market crash a year from now.

Take the current Pneumonic plague outbreak as an example; an outbreak that could have been ended overnight exploded and is spreading at a previously unheard of rate because there is simply no way for negro minds to process the ramifications of a causal relationship. The idea t hat dancing with corpses helps spread disease and in turns kills them and their family later is beyond them.

I forgot you burgers have different meaning of survivalism.

What is your idea of survivalism? Getting free shit while putting in little to no work?

You're going to have to explain how survivalism could ever be described as being poor in a welfare state. I guess you just reduce everything down to whatever it takes to survive even if that means cashing in your food stamps ends up being the same as living off the land in the wilderness?

No you just can't tell the difference between a regular and autistic shitskin...

Same reason they're the only stoics?

This is why ultimately white people will never go extinct, once whites start dwindling there won't be enough IQ around to deal with the complexity of industrial civilization and things will begin to collapse, urban shitskins will be mass culled and rural whites will continue on as normal using 1860's technology

lots of black preppers on youtube... why does it come down to race for you?

Never said they were good enough at it to get the high score

Hmmm, let me think...

>Progressives hate us and want to take our guns

>They undermine the family unit which will destabilize society

>They crank up the deficit which will lead to economic collapse

>We're generally one of the more productive ethnicities which means we're generally better prepared, Asians would probably be better than it than we are

Yeah that about it.


Whites are the only people affluent enough to need to simulate struggle for fun


Going in the wildernis and spending a few days living off the land before returning to civilization. While by poor people I meant dirt hut dwelling Africans and people in communist regimes.

So go do it... start by obtaining and purifying your own water, then add skills each time you go..

>Asians would probably be better than it than we are
Are you sure about that? I'm not so sure how they fare in a survival situation outside of their homes or places of business. The only asians I ever see innawoods are flipflop wearing tourists if a national park or reserve is nearby.

In Brazil we gays "viado" (deer).

>in harmony with nature.
A phrase spoken by nobody but urbanites who wouldn't last a weekend in a camp-site.

Chinese and other asians can operate a stable society well enough, though such will likely remain localized around the Chinese Mainland. It is probable that their expasnive boarder with the rest of central Asia (and the muslim world) would take up much of their attention.

I'd say Japan has a very good chance of a larger Pacific Island Empire but they're likely to be wrecked by the Chinese in the short view of a 'global collapse' simply out of some combination of spite and resource competition.

Best become a survivalist argument ever

here here

Well they would probably be good at it before the collapse, because they go overboard on everything but maybe not after.

Niggers know the whites will provide for them.

Their collectivist tendencies would certainly help.

You know what user, I might just do that. I'm going to go up to the lake district in spring and tough it out for a few days. I love going to the lake district. I like the cold but I don't think I'm experienced enough to tough it out in the winter.

not openly gay, you don't know what goes on in those tents user

sweaty gay man sex is what goes on

well, they must suck at it because all their children are undernourished

>Hurr durr I have things to be proud of
>Just have to reach back to 330 B C
