Brit/pol/ - When Our England Died edition

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Watching Match of the Day lads.


Transgender equality when

Anyone here fucked a milf? Tell us your stories.

When will the books be balanced lads?

Not all people are equal, pretending that they are will lead to resentment and endless trouble.

>wulfstan and athelstan

Supposedly we're getting close to it.

What did they mean by this?

>he doesn't wish his parents gave him a proper English name


Are trans gendered people not allowed to vote? Never knew Anjem and his boys took over our government so quickly. What else have I missed?


Are bulgarians/romanians huwhite?

Democracies can work with a competent electorate, that's our problem right now, so many people are too dim-witted. People can happily recite from memory the list of players from their favourite football team, but ask them to name 10 kings or queens and you'll most likely draw a blank.

Does anyone have a link for Terry Davis's stream pls? I thought I added it to my browser, but apparently not.

London is SHIT

We need a new capital


The HMS Windrush immigration runs from the West Indies in 1948 was the beginning of the end.

Cheers lad, you're a goodun.

Holy fuck lads, this has to be the cringiest comment I've seen on a youtube video

Thanks lad you are a goodun too.

Didn't Atlee name the mission ''KUKC'' or something? Not even fucking around here, but I can remember reading about this before.

one of the categories of his citizenship act was Citizens of the United Kingdom and its colonies (CUKC)

This guy is probably American, kek.


You ain't seen nothing yet.

First for Winchester

I was waiting for some larper to say this. Bravo.

not terrible names even today

>the virgin withdrawal
>the chad reconquista



[spoiler]with less asians[/spoiler]

Kek, no.

Anyone watching Terry Davis livestream?

Kek, we beat you faggot.

>AGAIN no links.

You're getting very lazy, Anglo-senpai dears.

which one of you is Carol? is it ellipsis poster?

Oxfords looks fucking worse than tower Hamlets at parts center is nice though

The most realistic city for capital 2.0 would be Milton Keynes

They were good people though, they worked,they were Christians & they came to this cold island.

Blame the cunts who slaughtered our own people in wars before blaming windrush people.

oxford had a rape gang uncovered lately. it's PAKI'D. also, full of student twinks.

what do Brits think of The Royal Family?

what do you mean

democracy is utter bollocks but good luck unearthing it from the mound of established politick that currently buries it into the wheels and workings of our society.

they vary. It's not as simple as just being one entity that you love or despise.

i remember there was this teacher at uni, this skinny little english manlet, sort of left wing in a boomerish 'dude the beatles lmao' nostalgic sort of a way. anyway, this guy was talking about the immigrants from the west indies, and how there was a backlash because they basically plied white women with marijuana to get sex. you should have seen the way he described how these 'cool, exotic men' (those were the words he used) were screwing white women. there really is nothing more repulsive than a cuck.



>still gets cucked by England
>still not independent
>still shit

Hang them all. Republic NOW!

York is the only answer


Okay lads so how the fuck are we gonna sort out all Muslims raping all our girls, bombing us, running us over with vans and then all the wogs in our capital pouring fuckin ACID in people’s face!? I wish this was just a troll but it’s a serious question.


>Replace London for London without the redeeming bits


We start Muslim acceptance groups and reason with them.

London is the best city in the world


The MagnaCarta was signed in a place called Runnymeade not far from London, that is the real seat of power in the UK.

Military dictatorship? Who knows

i think we all know what has to be done, it's just a question of getting there.

that is literally disgusting. Makes sense that that's where plenty of our homegrown mixed race mongrels come from drug plied fucked up mothers with absentee drug dealing fathers.

Mixed race brits can be even worse than the actual blacks and other subhumans themselves, imo. They vary but Ive seen some horrific examples in my working life.

You do support the genocide of the mud-people

right, user?

I nominate Dublin. So Anglo-senpais can pat Micks as they go to work.

Yeah the mongrels are the violent little shits. They are so short and ugly, must have a whole host of mental health problems.

I support the genocide of anyone Non Anglo

Accepting child rapists? Grow a spine man.

Possibly yes, possibly no. There are a few ways things can go from here but to me ethnic violence seems likely once the muslims hit saturation point (voting bloc/power) which will be sooner than you might think, possibly even in time for the next election.
Shit will probably go down in skirmishes, doubt we'll see full scale conflict, and it certainly won't be endorsed by our government. But I think some things will happen. Look at those lads busted in the army recently for being natioGCHQfuckoffal action boyos. Think they were the only ones? the fire rises.

This too. Once we get to the point of violent removal there will be a snowball effect that's very hard to stop, and that's probably not a bad thing, it's not like these people don't deserve it.

reminder, the beginning of the century leading up to the mid point, is often in history a time of social insurrection and a 'changing of the order' in many countries, but particularly in europe.

the way this guy was talking about it was as if it was consensual but considering all that's happened since i've little doubt that this was the origin of the grooming methods they use today. afro-caribbean nogs have been involved in these in the UK, people just overlook it because it doesn't fit the narrative about islam (as if the pakis would be perfect angels without their dogshit religion) and sheltered idiots just love 'ARE BLACKS'.

Don't know how anybody can buy the 'mixed race are more attractive/healthier' meme that is occasionally tramped around by media or think tanks. If you've ever interacted with them you can blatantly see it's not the truth.

They have no connection to either their wog side or white side so they have a identity crisis, most of the time it's trying to act extra niggy and copying americans(see lewis Hamilton) and sometimes being extra white and lashing out at blacks (see > c o p e)

do you like them?

I'd genocide her nether wattles, iykwim anyone seen this? pretty funny. Should have a UK equiv

Agreed, tend to either become pisstake English 50s style in flatcaps (which I respect for trying I guess) or just US fags. Age divide in that as well

Ever notice how mixed people almost always have acne?


desu Roger Scruton said recently the end to the present solution is going to be a war. Terrorist attacks are actually good for us


>Green probably going to go

FUCK lads what the fuck? How long does this government have? kek

>mfw going into the armed forces under a labour government most likely


I want a Hitchens OS.

I live in south Croydon full of these halfie shits
Even Mohamed redpilled on halfies and called them ugly kinky haired negros in a interview with paxmen live on BBC

Tbh it would be dead easy

1) Cancel child benefit unless you can prove your grandparents were born here
2) Wait out the riots

Wouldn't be that huge a leap. I reckon 30% of the pop are already prepared to go there.

Its going to come from a government policy, we aren't revolutionaries

only if there are no frogposters

Forgot pics
there's literally tons of evidence proving that race-mixing leads to outbreeding depression. moreover, people are more attracted to faces similar to their own, and third cousins produce the most and healthiest offspring.


Corbyn WILL be our next PM. I am resigned to that fact now.


>However, the crunch is coming fast.

>'m told on Monday there will be a significant meeting of the small cabinet committee that decides the Brexit negotiating strategy.

>Several government sources say the meeting of the Brexit strategy group could change the course of our departure.

>The question to be answered on Monday could be profound.

>One source told me: "People have to decide if they really want to make progress and support this prime minister, or not."

>For some in government that tight group of cabinet ministers must on Monday take a decision as vital as that - do they want to do a deal with the EU, or not?

Looks like Whitehall user wasn't larping after all

i feel sorry for these poor sods. i remember seeing a young guy very like this kid a while ago, ginger and freckly but with a negro's face and hair. he just looked so out-of-place and wrong. it should be a crime to impose that on a child.

I knew one from school, when he was in his early teens he looked on the verge of a midlife crisis (full beard and everything)
He used to spend every lesson talking about how he wished he was black

Nah, only if we try fight an election with May

Rees Mogg could win, Gove could win, Boris or May or some worse variant (Amber Mud) would usher in the trotsky's.

A Corbyn economic collapse would probably slow immigration though haha

Franz of Bavaria
Jacobite claimant

>I'd genocide her nether wattles, iykwim
What the fuck are you on about?
You want to sterilize her?
