Why didn't she like Snail?
Why didn't she like Snail?
You'd be mad too if you got cockblocked by a ghost.
She wanted to confess to a pedophile but he was too busy playing with an imaginary little girl.
Proof or it didn't happen
>even she knew that snel was superior
I had a dream Redditgahara was my girlfriend last night. We rode the bus because she's poor!
because snail is shit.
Dont bully the poor Senjo
Better than Tumblrasa
I wouldn't bully my girlfriend.
Imagine seeing this.
I just finished koyomimonogatari and even though I understand Gaen's moties, what was the thing Koyomi failed to do? I know it has to do with the thing she gave him but I just can't remember how was that relevant.
He "failed" to make Shinobu into a god. It's just a petty way of twisting his refusal to give her up.
Being worst girl, Senjougahara is jealous of everyone, which is why she went after the girlfriend position asap.
Because Araragi is a pedophile and Gahara was losing to her.
>losing to her
Yes. That fanart sure proves your point and crab has more on-screen kisses than Hachikuji.
She couldn't see snail
So she just said she didn't like kids to cover for it
>couldn't see her
I'm pretty sure that was cat
That's Hanekawa who was also lost.
She read her backpack
I mean, Snail is the most kissed character on screen.
No. Araragi told the kanji to her.
Hold up
She told manlet not to leave her alone with that child
Araragi read it and asked her how to pronounce it. She makes a point after to tell him how she was seeing him fight with air and not telling him because she was afraid there was something wrong with her. Other than being a shit.
Because she couldn't see her.
Araragi told her that there was a child there. She was just playing along.
Why do crabfags make threads? Hitagi is so irrelevant it's not even funny, it's actually a bit sad how she get's shafted.
This OP was so good.
It's established multiple time how easily Crab gets jealous.
I hate you aog
She doesn't do much more than petty bitching even as he gropes his sisters and makes out with lolis.
Please no hate.
Yeah she's pretty much all talk and just lets Araragi do whatever he wants.
This guy is a CAD
Because she's the only one who get his dick and true love
Why is Chiwa Saito so perfect?
>true love
>his dick
>his true love
Keep telling yourself that.
Compete with Crab?
Amazing figure.
No really, she's beautiful but what can she do against a child body to which her boyfriend is more attracted to.
Her voluptuous femininity is her biggest weakness when it comes to Araragi.
>Amazing figure.
Crab is too skinny. Now here's an amazing figure.
All the Gatari girls are amazing.
Anons think a skinny girl has an amazing figure. Kanbaru is boarding anorexic you dipshit.
Just wanna let you all know that Koyomi has the best scenes with cat, bat, snail, and monkey.
This is what crab actually believes
remember that crab's bipolar so she's prone to delusions
Go back 2 tumblr
She never met snail, because she never intentionally tried to get lost nor did she ever not want to go to a place.
We all know Ghost in the Shell sucks.
She will like snake when Shinobu cucks her
I think she looked better with long hair, and I'm a guy that prefers short hair girls
Are you me? I was pretty neutral with short-haired Kanbaru even though I normally prefer short hair, but never would I have thought that her having long hair would do such wondrous things to my dick.
>tfw you will never challenge monkey to crush your dick with her asshole
How has the superior Snail not been posted yet?
She's in the fourth post.
Snake and Crab just can't get along. I think Crab would also hold the whole "I'm going to kill you and your bf with a fucking spear and plaster your vital organs all over this old shrine" thing against snake for a long time, she's kind of a bitch.
She's pretty normalfag tier, so naturally hates lolis; The type of person who won't stop getting triggered over people liking lolicon.
Too bad she and Araragi are the canon OTP.
I wouldn't say any of them fit that bill.
Until she dies from old age and he officially gets with bat, whos his soulmate.
Don't feel like it desu.
It is inevitable with so many superior girls.
Tsukihi, Karen, Hanekawa, Snail, Shinobu are all better than her.
she has good taste.
>being this denial
That doesn't really mean anything in this series.
Crab might be a literal cuck but she's still best girl.
I am on board with you anons. Long hair Kanbaru > short hair Kanbaru
>crab being best anything in the first place
Tsukihi is a cuck in the most literal sense, thank you very much.
Araragi should've just stayed there.
She doesn't like children, pretty sure she says so herself.
>wanting to be femdom'd by a bipolar std so bad
to each their own i guess
She'll be back for Zoku Owari.
>crabfags still think there's a shot of seeing a hitagi/koyomi child even though she dislikes children
Maybe a marriage at most, but he's going to live the rest of his life with Bat after everyone else dies of old age.
She couldn't see hacikuji
> Still going for the 'Araragi will have a longer lifespan' meme
Literally all he got from his time as a vamp are a severely weakened healing ability and slightly better eyesight.
If he DID live longer than a normal human, I imagine it'd be by like, 10-15 years at best, certainly not to 400 or 500.
Koyomi literally declared that the one he wants to die with is Bat.
Doesn't mean he's going to live to 400-500 years?
>i know the mechanics of the world better than the author
>severely weakened healing ability
Come again?
>If he DID live longer than a normal human, I imagine it'd be by like, 10-15 years at best, certainly not to 400 or 500.
I guess those last 15 years belong to Shinobu then.
>Implying Gahara won't go full Hitagi Frog and develop a desire to be pumped full of a new generation of ahoges
The transformation is already beginning.
Doesn't he come back as normal? I thought that was the point of him dying.
Those 10-15 years will belong to bat then and you can take it to the bank.
He's fully human for about 2 days. Then he's right back to semi vamp like he was during Bake because he wants to stay with Shinobu. What killing him accomplished is reversing the fact that he was slowly turning into a vampire independently of Shinobu's influence.
Maybe Nisio will go full Katanagatari and silence the Batfags once and for all.
>implying that hitagi will be relevant enough in the future novels in the first place
to each their own
So crab dies and he spends the rest of his life with Shinobu? That's looking like the plan already.
Nisio wouldn't kill the face of the series.
>Maybe Nisio will go full Katanagatari and silence the Crabfags once and for all.
> Come again
His healing power is miniscule compared to when he was a full vamp, yes.
> I guess those last 15 years belong to Shinobu then.
Shinobu can do whatever the hell she wants, I'm just saying that Araragi likely won't live longer than a normal person, at least not by any substantial amount, considering how much his powers have been reduced.
Did the author say he would live for 400-500 years? All we really got was Shinobu musing on the fact, she doesn't actually know either way.
The fact that Koyomi literally states that he wants to die with her along with Shinobu musing on the fact all points to him living a very long life with her.
>“Oh! There you are, my master!”
>Shinobu is the first one to notice me.
>Seeing that beautiful, elegant, lovely, radiant—at any rate, that blonde beauty with a first-rate figure, who there could never be enough flowery words to describe, innocently waving her hand (actually, she’s waving the sword) and calling out to me like that feels a little awkward, or rather, disorienting.
>“That took you long enough! We’ve been waiting for you—we were growing bored, so we decided to partake in a game of croquet to pass the time!”
>So it was croquet…
>I’ve heard that croquet was the prototype for baseball, but I have close to no knowledge of what the sport actually entails.
>“Ha! “Haha! “Hahahaha!” she laughs.
>After rushing up to me, Shinobu lifts me up and spins me around in the air—it’s a motion almost like a Giant Swing, or maybe reminiscent of an adult horsing around with a small child, but given our current height difference, it’s become perfectly doable for her.
>It’s the height reversal phenomenon.
>But man, you’re in awfully high spirits, Shinobu-san.
>You could say this is the most spirited I’ve seen her since spring break.
>I seem to remember her enthusiasm back then came from her delight at having her true form restored… Maybe it would be a delight, having your true body back.
>While I’m being literally tossed about by Shinobu, Hachikuji and Ononoki-chan look on with indescribable expressions. Perhaps to them, watching me undergo the same treatment I give them on a regular basis—more than it evokes any sense of satisfaction at seeing me get my just deserts—is just a depressing sight to see.
Owari 3 can't come soon enough.
Koyomi stating that he wants to die with her =/= Koyomi living a substantially longer amount of time than a normal person, just that he wants to be with her when he dies, and again, Koyomi has no fucking idea whether he'd actually live longer than a person, the only people who would maybe know are the specialists.
> Shinobu musing on the fact
Again, musing, she has no idea. Me musing as to whether I'll live to 100 doesn't mean I WILL live to 100. Thinking about something doesn't mean it will happen, and again, considering how much his powers from when he was a vampire have been cut down, it really doesn't seem like he would live longer than normal, or at least not by much. Why would his aging be the one thing he still have full power on? That's just retarded.
Holy shit those string orchestrations.