So does Japan consider him a villain, or a hero?
So does Japan consider him a villain, or a hero?
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They consider him a meme. He was the guy who "killed the bird" for the longest time but now we're so far removed from those events it's funny to talk about him genociding monks and shit. Sort of like how people will talk about Hitler 500 years from now.
Depends of what politics the author of whatever media is writing about him
I'm pretty sure conservative japs think he's a hero and the progressive japs think he is evil
Depends where people stand.
Much like how people either like or hate Columbus for his work on America.
He's a "villian" that did nothing wrong
But wasn't he progressive in a way?
>the holocaust was a meme
I can see it now.
See as well
I don't know jackshit about him but eh, it's a nip thing
>Implying we don't talk about Hitler in that sense already
burgers are fucking dumb
You mean Colon
He was chuuni as fuck
I prefer the timeline when he was a she.
When will they reveal who this mysterious man was?
He's usually considered the most ruthless and cruel of the Big Three. Some defend his unnecessary slaughtering of nearby civilians at Mount Hiei because he wanted to end the fighting quicker with shock and awe: if you go against me, you're fucked, so give up and let me unify the country already. Others say he was a friend of merchants and local business, and the economy in the areas he controlled prospered. The fact remains that he was a bloodthirsty butcher to his enemies and a very difficult character with a short temper to his allies and retainers. If nothing else, he was a brilliant military commander and strategist.
That androgyne on the horse sliced an arrow in twain but completely missed the camera that was flying directly into their exposed eyeball.
S2 when? This is probably the only isekai anime that deserves one.
What are you doing? Studying for the GRE?
Who are in the big 3?
Nobunaga - kicked off the reuinfication of Japan before he got assassinated
Toyotomi - finished what Nobunaga started, then nearly squandered everything by going off on military adventures in Korea
Tokugawa - consolidated the gains made by the other two and created a shogunate lasting over 200 years
Which one?
He can be seen as a progressive leader who's advance beyond his time, a ruthless monster who destroy everything that stand in his way, or even both. Kind of like Cao Cao, see him as a villain or a hero.
Nobunaga, Toyotomi, and Tokugawa. Seen as the three unifiers of Japan. Tokugawa get less credit than most since he's seen as swooping in at the last moment and taking over after Nobunaga and Hideyoshi died.
How do we fend off /jp/ attacks?
I miss my dank masked man memes.
>backstabbing bitch
>can't make takoyaki
Who is the worst girl, and why is it Mitsuhide?
He could have become the new emperor of the Chinese continent if it weren't for some shitty 16th century disease
Keep in mind history is mostly written by the victors.
But she gets my dick so hard.
So does Britain consider her a villain, or a hero?
>backstabbing bitch
I'm curious if this is still even possible in the LN.
The Wikipedia page says she often has a sense of foreboding of a dark future awaiting her. Haven't read the actual books because I can't find them. Is the series anywhere close to finishing? I know they sell very well.
Jesus that's like a fucking sixhead.
Hero or villain one things for certain.
Respect for the Deadman
Is she a distant ancestor of Takagi-san?
but seriously, we all know who was really best girl
pic very related
>I prefer the timeline when he was a she
Me too user.
Just for the record, I wouldn't rape her.
this show was so bad
How about the timeline when he was voiced by WAKAMOTO?
I fucking hate Sengoku Basara. Only fujos like it. I thought Zoro voicing Date Masamune with Engrish was funny, and TM Revolution's songs were cool but the rest of the anime was bad.
Not even best loli
No idea, I haven't kept up wit the LN either. Though it might be close to ending, the Amazon page's summary for the latest volume said something about battle of Sekigahara, then again the timeline of events is all over the place for the LN.
As an argentinean I think shethe former, because not only she took oportunity of the war for her own career, she stopped any chance for the peace treaty that was being made at the time (wich was about sharing the sovereignty of the islands, something rightful for both parts) and continued that foolish war.
So yes, she was a villain that neither deserve compassion nor empathy
Hitler was the best waifu.
>that stupid green tanuki will kill MC and his harem
I always knew Ieyasu was worst girl. Has Ishida Mitsunari even appeared, though?
eh's a pretty cool guy
He's a Cao Cao who won.
>As an argentinean
Opionion disregarded, white gentleman.
He's a historical figure who was active over 400 years ago, so most people don't actually have an opinion of him one way or another. He's the guy you hear about in history class while you're nodding off to sleep, only to see the drama/anime of the year featuring him when you get home, and have your opinions (at that moment) of him being formed there.
you can say that again
Nobunaga is practically a household name, people form their opinions on him without the help of drama or anime. And kids actually pay attention in class when he and the other warlords show up because the Sengoku era is one of the more exciting parts of Japanese history.
I wish she had more scenes in the game. I would also love a sequel too.
You have my attention.
It had cool SFX, Shio was quite likable, Galiko was cute, and the first few episodes were okay. I also liked how Dogoo's design incorporated doguu and leporids. Everything else was garbage, save for OP and ED.
Alright, think make a bit more sense after reading the description of volume 15. So apparently Mitsuhide's mother was captured and she was forced to betray the Oda clan and then shot Nobuna's brother who was escaping. Meanwhile, Nobuna and the Oda-clan risk complete anhilation after being betrayed by the fucking Tanuki and is now surrounded by both the Takeda-clan and the Tokugawa-clan. In order to help Nobuna, Saru, who's still fighting in Kyushu, challenge Ryuzouji Takanobu to a decisive battle.
As for Volume 16, Saru and Nobuna's brother joined force in order to save Nobuna. Hosokawa Fujitaka join the Eastern Army under the condition that Mitsuhide marry him(?). In order to stop the war, Imagawa Yoshimoto and Date Masamune finally make their moves. Also, a missionary name Gaspal appear at Mitsuhide's side.
Mitsunari appeared already, she's Saru's sister-in-law and is serving Nene. She' s about 13-15 years old. No image of her yet.
Best representation of Nobunaga in anime.
So does Japan consider Mishima a villain, or a hero?
Fuck. Are the raw novels on Nyaa or Baka-Tsuki? Last I checked they seemed to have been removed.
Nyaa have up to Volume 16th so that should be all of it.
Some people say, the main purpose of Korean campaign was to dispose of some feudals.
this post was so bad.
People celebrating her death are speaking for themselves
>Cao Cao didn't win
He would have won if he stayed alive.
Cao Cao was based.
He's best girl too.
I've never seen or played Koihime Musou.
What is Zhang Liao like? He's my favorite Three Kingdoms person.
Hero of course.
He united Japan.
Technically not him, but he paved the way.
A titty monster who love to drink, also a great warrior and general. Grope Guan Yu from time to time in the original game.
>Mitsunari appeared already, she's Saru's sister-in-law and is serving Nene.
Wait, did Saru married already? With who? I only read till vol 9 or something.
He made a black guy a samurai so there's that
Is that from the new game?
A legend.
Cao Cao truly is the best. Zhuge Liang is great too.
Literally indefensible. He was completely retarded, achieved nothing of value, and committed many acts of moral depravity.
Nobunaga, essentially, united the nation and brought about some positive chance, no matter what his critics will say.
Why does every Nobuna thread inevitably bring in Three Kingdoms fans.
Was that Masamune girl even relevant in the novels
Could Nobunaga survive the Black Mesa incident?
I was waiting for this
There's a lot of overlap in the fanbase.
You can probably thank Koei for that.
What's there to like on Columbus for his work on America?
Guy didn't even set foot on America
She also have a weird kansai accent.
Nobunaga is seen as a poor man's Cao²
Yes, but not much. Basically Saru tell Masamune that her heterochromia is super cool. And Masamune who is already chuuninbyou with being 666 apocalypse beast and what not goes full ballistic and force conscript all men in Northern Japan by saying that her 'mystic' eye will kill them if they don't join her army to pick a fight with Oda and Takeda and try to destroy Japan. And even send a 'Declaration of War' letter to Papal state. Saru was like wtf that is not what I mean, you are too early for this shit. And tell her to go back to her mom. Some drama happen and Masamune go back to her home town to save her mom.
>committed many acts of moral depravity.
Such as? I don't know anything about new world history.
systematic slavery, slaughter and rape of natives
>De Las Casas writes that when slaves held in captivity began to die at high rates, Columbus switched to a different system of forced labor: he ordered all natives over the age of thirteen to collect a specified amount (one hawk's bell full) of gold powder every three months. Natives who brought the amount were given a copper token to hang around their necks, and those found without tokens had their hands amputated and were left to bleed to death.
I'm not really an expert, but even among european colonizer standards he's a nasty one I would say.
Genocide of natives, babies included. After they revolted for being put in chains and having their hands cut for not bringing enough gold.
Jump to 11:37
Holy shit. He sound as bad as Cortez.
Neither anime nor manga
Mods, do your jobs
Everything you knew about Columbus is a lie
Isn't he Italian or something too? Always thought he was from Romania.
Hyouge Mono was so good. How far is the manga now?
Centralizers that win write history about how they're unites.
Centralizers that lose have history written about how they're tyrants.
Although he didn't win per se, Hideyoshi wasn't that far removed from him so history is mostly sympathetic to his cause.