Looks like germany will get reelections. Merkel failed to form a majority government.


Other urls found in this thread:


Crash and burn?
Or a snap election that will turn into "talk" for months?

Dank, any government where "greens"(commies) and libertarians work together with so called "Christians"(who are godless social leftists lmao) is retarded

Or a minority government sanctioned by the opposition - though the afd will only agree to it, if merkel gets btfo in that case.


Merkel could form a minority government I suppose, but the right flank of her party won't play ball anymore. Her biggest enemy is wobbling himself and next year there's an important regional election in his home state.

I don't know the exact process of a reelection because it didn't happen before afaik, but it's probably half a year or so until it happens.

30% afd
29% cdu

lets make it happen

I can't see how Merkel is getting through this. She seems weak now.




QRD? What does that mean?

Opening for the AfD?

It's true!!!

Europe is obviously going to turn to the far right, this is yet another sign

Nobody knows yet. It really is a historic thing, I don't know what is going to happen next.

With some luck this will signal the possibility of a new political paradigm with the public and more people will vote AfD.


FDP = Freie Demokratische Partei, free democratic party, something like soft libertarian, was in coalition with Merkel's party for a long time. Kinda it's poodle in a sense. A few years ago they had fallen below th 5% entry barrier and managed to get into the bundestag again the first time since 4 years ago.

CSU = christlich soziale union, christian social union, which is the sister party of the CDU = christian democratic union. They pool their votes and the CSU so far only runs in Bayern, which like the closest thing we have in comparison to texas. The CSU is more towards the right than the CDU.

The Grüne are our greens, hippies, tree huggers, and pedos.

Digits of truth, far right is better than far wrong.

We can only hope

Try afd 51% and the beginning of the fourth reich

True, Right Wing parties may not be winning yet but they gain seats. Wasn't it the first time Germany gets a Right Wing party since WW2?

thoughts and prayers with you

She just can't accept a limit on the Ahmeds, they are the future of Germany for her. I hope you idiots stop voting for her.

praise kek, the winter is comming

Europe is in for a political shift similar to or greater in intensity to the Revolutions of 1848/49. If I were a migrant I'd be worried.

yes first right wing party to get elected federal. if you dont count csu .


in 20 years a new hitler will raise ,there is nothing to be afraid

How did a woman like Merkel manage to rule for so long? How did no one in Germany take the proverbial bullet? How did no one make her dead?

If this is real then this may be one of if not your only chance to save your country krauts, get out there and campaign for AfD whenever and wherever you can and send those commie bastards packing


They always could just go home. Most have two passports anyway. Syria is safe now too.

I wish you best of luck to get rid of Merkel.


inb4 germany goes 4th reich in 2020

Hopefully not. What Europe needs is a return to it's pre-WW1 state, at least in a cultural sense.

That's a good sign if you also take in account the rise of firearms since the Cologne Rape. Even the shops run out of pepper spray

Holy fuck is this real?
This is an historical moment if true.. Has never happened since the BRD exists
I'm curious to see if there will be reelections


I wanna dick Weidel straight

posting more AFD speeches

does that make merkel up for election as well?

Africans aren't from Syria hans

perfection does exist and it is in Bavaria

How you gonna get rid of the people already there though? Nobody has any balls now, including America, we aren't rounding up fucking immigrants that are here illegally let alone doing shit but slowly watching our nation turn into a dump. Europe is even more cucked than our sorry asses are.

short euro

K.keep me posted.

Merkel has to be disposed from her dictatorship

Kek wills it, Brazilian qts too.

cute kuruminha

>How you gonna get rid of the people already there though?

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

can we influence the german elections with meme campaigns?

yep. The whole federal election would be repeated.

Well one can hope but I'm tired of hoping I want to see some fucking action. Trump needs to abolish birth-right citizenship so these spics stop getting welfare through their roach egg babies

>because of how race mixed brazil is , overwhelmingly spaniard/negroid and only a tiny minority native, its only identity it can cling to with the least amount of shame is still the native identity despite that being the smallest portion and in no way a real reflection of modern Brazil

AFD general when?

This is somewhat complex. It's probably fair to say that she enjoyed sucking cocks in America and in exchange got the help of the internationalists who had been in charge there. For instance, back in the day when she wasn't elected yet, she went to America to say Germany (or rather her party) wouldn't stand for the former chancellors position on the Iraq war. So with her Germany would've joined the freedom coalition. She's also part of a semi-secret organisation called the transatlantic bridge, which promotes internationalism as a NGO or think tank. Many government officials are part of that group where as the american side of this thing can be traced to american intelligence and... Henry Kissinger.

That's one thing. Beyond that she's like populism surfer who rides the waves while being glued to the surfboard. He basic strategy was to ignore scandals and pretend those didn't exist until they would blow over, or she would sacrifice some dumb fuck and go back to business. She's very good at killing any potential rivals, selling herself as without alternative to her voters who see her as the lesser of two evils, or used to.

That said, she never got an absolut majority in the Bundestag and her whole power structure build upon clever alliances, partially taking the topics away from other parties making moves to the left and so on. Doesn't matter, because she doesn't have principles besides wanting to stay in power.

Also one should mention she might have STASI informant history and the Americans tapped her phone obviously. So this could explain her pandering at least.

>Well one can hope but I'm tired of hoping I want to see some fucking action. Trump needs to abolish birth-right citizenship so these spics stop getting welfare through their roach egg babies

With Europe, this is a prediction I'm making. Not wishful thinking. In America there is still time for reform.

Weimar 2.0 is going down lads. Crack open a cold one and sit back for the show. This should be fun.

merkel and niggercuck greens were about to agree on letting in 10 million sandniggers
but based FDP said NO

> a fucking leaf

They claimed to be, now they are. This is Syrias problem not ours.

She took so long to get to the point but damn the climax was epic

Probably. If you can't convince common krauts to vote right, you can seek out, troll and bog down their lefty agitators.

I can't wait desu

I am sure if nothing is done Canada will be the same. A bunch of race mixed people who are maybe a few percentage points native but all will cling to the native heritage.

id like to help win a good party for you guys somehow, any germans want to let me know what issues or towns would benefit most from online memes? you have to be patient though, i dont even know basic german politics like which parties are the good ones you want but id like to help by making and spreading memes and campaign slogans and such

the biggest bulk of germans are not into le ebin internet culture

>That said, she never got an absolut majority in the Bundestag and her whole power structure build upon clever alliances, partially taking the topics away from other parties making moves to the left and so on. Doesn't matter, because she doesn't have principles besides wanting to stay in power.
This part is so true!


wtf does this mean AFD opposition if SPD & CDU/CSU form a coalition?


source that immigration was the deciding/dividing factor?

> a fucking leaf

It would seem as though the German people are in trouble and need some sort of "leader".


i meant more like just spreading links to news stories and such on twitter and facebook, that sort of thing. just let the truth speak for itself

all the rapes by migrants, that sort of thing. the kind of thing the leftist parties there try to hide

It's just.. I don't know maybe it's my 'Murican talking, but if we ever had a leader like Merkel doing half the shit she's been doing (like the unlimited number of refugees allowed to come in) she'd have caught a bullet really quick.

>you will be forced to accept both homosexuality and female leadership roles in order to get another Hitler type leader


summed up pretty good

Familienmachzug digger. Haste die letzten tage verpennt?

Merkel in her Nazi days.

These photos are from a visit that Merkel and Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (dressed in red in the second photo) paid to the Elbterrasen youth club when they were ministers of the German government.

What does kuruminha mean, bolinhobro?

They appear in photographs with a crowd of skinheads.

the last cruzade is about to begin

In one of the photos, dating to 1992 or 1993 in Magdeburg, one of the people does the Nazi salute in the presence of young Merkel.

Dude, one of your presidents was Lyndon B. Johnson. The fucking guy most likely killed Kennedy. You also literally poisoned a whole french city with LSD baguettes. I don't know what the fuck you're on about, because I could go on for hours. Just the shit Obama pulled alone was close to Merkel. You have what, 10 million illegals now? I know it's not you, but America is pretty far out there.


Antifascist organizations have described the youth club as a Nazi hideout. In the same club, a young anti-fascist had been murdered just months before.

The best thing that can happen to the west is Schultz getting elected and fucking everything up even more
Germany needs to be sacrificed for the greater good


all talk as usual.
you are sitting at one of the biggest sources of shit , decay and suffering the world has ever seen - armed, as you love to point out - and you dont do shit. you never will.


together one last time


ITT: things better than sex

it's deriveted from the word "curimim", which basically a native toddler.

I fucking called it.

All amerimutts thought Germany was finished when AfD got only 12.6%.

But it looks like that small number was enough to BTFO Merkel.

Is she going to be able to stand in the new elections or will the party force her out?

Can any kraut give me a rundown on whats likely?
