Why are lolis so verboten?
Why are lolis so verboten?
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No please not the lolis
Easy bully target because nobody is willing to stand for them.
Please stop you are hurting the cause
You don't need a 24/7 loli general of image dump.
In fact Sup Forums would be better since you can see cunny there at least and thats pretty much all you guys care about.
>24/7 loli general
But that never happens. If there's any loli thread that lasts for a long time, it's because it's really slow.
You speak as if people do nothing but image dump until these threads get to the limit and then make new ones, which isn't the case. Please lurk more.
>it's because it's really slow
Just say its because everytime its about to die some random retard bump the thread back up to page 1 with a random loli image even though he have fuck all to say.
I check Sup Forums like twice a day and there's always a loli thread up though.
Where did this anti-loli faggot even come from?
People necrobump for various reason, I'm not a fan of seeing that happen either but often enough they're helpful for a few threads. Why not suggest something like making threads that reach page 10 be unable to get bumped on /qa/?
What would that change? We would just bump at page 8.
They need to make it so certain users can only bump a couple of times or something.
>Sup Forums
You mean the place where loli threads get spammed to death with gore and spiderman until it dies by Edgy 14 year olds?
That would still make it so if someone isn't paying attention and a thread drops to page 10, it's over. Limiting the amount of bumps per IP is a pretty good idea though, I'll admit, even though it wouldn't do all that much given the power of restarting routers.
>the power of restarting routers
I am fucking sick of this meme. At least in America this doesn't work. Sup Forums uses your ISPs WAN ip which DOES NOT change even if your routers IP is reset.
I was about to suggest the same but then I realized just how dumb limiting bumps per IP is.
However a good idea would be the have the amount of bumps related to unique IP.
No that's still dumb.
Just reduce the bump limit.
At Sup Forums's current activity, 350 would do most threads just fine. As long as generals are being cracked down on, there's absolutely no reason to have a bump limit as ridiculously high as 500. The only times threads go through that many posts in a 24 hour period is on their new release/airing days. The rest of the time, they run their course in about 300 posts and spend the next 200 being occasionally bumped off the dead pages for half a week by content-less "we must keep our thread alive at all cost" posts.
But then threads for popular shows on airing days would need to get remade even more often and this extremely comfortable speed where threads die after around one hour without any replies is great. I think that idea about a maximum number of bumps per IP would be good despite not being the optimal choice because it would give a harder time for threads with no content like that, but still let people necrobump near-dead threads if they're late to a new episode or something.
Do normal people seriously not like lolis or are they just pretending?
It's just a handful of newfag shitposters.
I want to stop my loli addiction. I want to be normal.
I like loli.
I don't like your shitty circlejerk general.
And yet it's only loli threads that get shitposted to death.
Not even close.
>I like X but I hate X threads and I'm going to derail them whenever I can, but really guys you gotta believe me I like X
What would be a loli thread that isn't a "shitty circlejerk general" in your opinion, then? You can apply that description to literally every single thread on Sup Forums about something you dislike ever.
>MMO with lolis that get Western release always has people like the faggots ITT
>spend every day bitching about the loli race while still playing the game
why do people stay in threads they hate?
Oh yeah I forgot I gotta mention how much I want to fuck a loli every single time right or else that mean I hate loli.
Sorry my bad here let me try.
Was that good enough? Just on par with the quality that goes in these threads.
Maybe not a 24/7 general? Maybe some actual discussion? Maybe not just some guys dumping uncensored loli from anime? Don't act like you don't know who im talking about.
>24/7 general
When you literally make shit up it's hard to take you as anything more than a shitposter.
There is always a loli threads up at all time. Why are you denying it so hard?
This is actually the first loli thread I've seen in quite a while.
Because there isn't.
A good example of an 'on-topic' loli thread would be one where people discussed whether loli artists going legit could be considered selling out.
Except we had that exact thread earlier today and it was still full of raging newfriends, so I guess there's no pleasing them.
Why don't you faggots stop sucking each other off and post loli goddamnit.
There literally isn't. At most you'll get some throughout the day but it is by no means a 24/7 chain general which hits 500 then another one is made to hit 500 again etc. You're a genuine retard.
So you want an image dump? Are you dubm or soemthing?
Alright we'll see.
>inb4 I wait 10 minutes before making a new thread so its not a general haha
Yeah, I'm dubm.
Anyone who isn't a newfag shitposter can already see with just the archive. Just fuck off already, your shitposting crusade won't pay off.
If threads get remade instantly, it's usually because a dumb mod deleted them. Even so, often enough people will wait some time before trying to make a new thread.
Seriously, all your doubts could be answered by lurking.
By all mean I want you to prove me wrong.
If you wanted that you'd just hit up the archive. Honestly kid you'd have more luck complaining about loli on /qa/ than thinking you can solo shitpost loli off Sup Forums, considering it's been the fucking literal #1 fetish of the board for years.
I seriously doubt that.
That's because you're a newfag who's guaranteed to not have been here for more than 2 years, and that's a generous leeway. Granted, it does somewhat fluctuate between yearly polls, but the top 3 fetishes of the board are consistently loli, incest and yuri.
Close but no sugar and that was in like what 2014 or 2013? Surely you remember surveryfag right but hey im the newfag apparently.
I agree that these threads have no place on Sup Forums. They belong on /l/.
>tries to prove he's an oldfag by posting an image with a 14xxx... filename
>just stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself at this point
Why did you post the character preference and not the H fetish preference? Considering "vanilla" shouldn't even be a fetish it should be ignored and "DFC" is a massive overlap with loli which needs to be considered, you'll find that what I wrote is completely accurate.
Another separate poll taken in the same year.
And another poll taken in 2013. Now fuck off newfags.
>have nothing to say
>haha dude your filename
Yeah loli wasn't #1 in 2014 what make you think that its the most popular fetishes on fucking late 2016 Sup Forums right now? These threads are one of the slowest compare to other fetish threads on Sup Forums.
Finally someone understands my frustrations.
Although Spidey threads rule...
>used to find all these things disgusting or obscene
>now I'm fine with everything but "extreme" stuff gore, scat, and necro
I think I'm falling down the slippery slope.
Vanilla isn't a fetish, and loli was only slightly behind incest in that poll, and I did admit earlier that the results fluctuate. That's why I posted 2 other polls. I stand by my statement that the top 3 fetishes of Sup Forums are consistently loli, incest and yuri.
Also Sup Forums's traffic hasn't grown much in the last 2 years, so I seriously doubt the demographics have changed that much. The main problem these days is vocal minority shitposting normalfags.
This just goes to show that Sup Forums is getting more normalfags as time goes.
Good thing surveyfag disappear I fear about what the result of 2016 would have been.
its thanksgiving break. all the kids are back here again
You guys are really like this right?
You only like loli ironically, right?
Ignore fags and post lolis
is that way
>Being normal.
>Liking Loli.
You are normal user-kun
This and apparently some rebdit admins have been involved in some sort of censorship scandal, so we have a lot of people from that site jumping ship and coming here.
Ironically, one of the first things they do after fleeing that censorship is try to censor here.
Liking loli is okay. What are you?
>being fine with NTR
I don't like sjw attitude of you.
You talk like a 15 year old.
By the way, sport, the saying is " close but no cigar."
Me on the right.
Why do you know about reddit, user?
Well im a little girl right mobile poster?
Uh oh..
>polls posted
>shitposter fucks off
So was he a newfag who got told or a defeated shitposter eagerly awaiting the next thread to shitpost?
Anyway this thread's probably going to die, shitty OP and already derailed.
>He doesn't rename all of his images like that to trigger autists like you
>haha i am merely pretending
>he called me out on being a retard
>I know I'll point out that he's on mobile!
I'm on my phone at home taking a shit and I can still type better than you.
Only normalfag have a phone.
Who's excited for ro kyu bu 2? Haven't had a decent loli anime in years.
If there aren't spats, I will riot.
I will miss Tomoka, though. That butt was legendary.
Am I wrong?
Judging by that promo image, it's going to have loli stockings. That's good enough for me.
shit thread, shit fetish for subhumans
When I was twelve, I was ready to plunge my dick into anything.
Is it not the same with girls of that age as well?
You are the only subhuman here
Your time has come, subhuman. Kino mod is going to make Sup Forums great again.
>make Sup Forums great again.
Take your memes back to ``please''.
Yeah by removing normalfags like you.
On the subject of clothing... what's the best loli clothing?
Stockings cover pantsu. They are boring. They are also inherently less lewd than spats.
If the stockings disappeared and we had just the skirts, I'd be good, if still slightly disappointed. Spats are too often ignored in the animation world.
Hes on my side, pedro.
>no 30+ category
the wizard council will hear of this!
Ooh so frightening!
Back to pol fagboy
>literally says nothing about loli
Your point is..?
and take him with you as well. Any mod who's familiar enough with Sup Forums would know how much this board despises that kind of shit.
Are no loli's sacred to any of you? Or are all of them just a piece of meat in your eyes?
>what's the best loli clothing?
Diapers and pajamas
Yeah we will get rid of pol if it angers us.
You better be scared, subhuman.
He links to a list of threads that hes going to start deleting off Sup Forums. Loli threads are one of them.
Or you can fuck off, because you don't belong here. Pic related.
You won't do anything, Pedro.
You have no side though.
How the hell is her hair that fluffy?!
Seems like you need a ban