I don't post here often, but I just finished this fucking masterpiece earlier and wanted to know what others here think of it, and what everyone's favourite Urasawa work is. Any recommendations for similar anime or manga is welcome to.
And on another note, if anyone has that fucking pdf of the translation of Urasawa's 'Another Monster', if you could please upload it somewhere and post the link itt, you would be a hero to so many people.
Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Other urls found in this thread:
>this fucking masterpiece
If you rate that a masterpiece than I can't say many good things about your or your taste.
Urasawa's only good work was 20th Century Boys
His best work imho.
Though it is well known his endings aren't great, I felt this was by far the strongest and felt his art was the most well done here.
Finished Billy Bat and that was a trainwreck near the end. A shame it ended this year instead of prolonging it a bit further and giving the mc a proper ending.
>Any recommendations
And I know this is a "ITT: Overrated shit" bait thread in disguise. Kill yourself OP.
Try boku no pico then if you need more ask in
Started off well but it got really contrived and drawn out after the halfway mark. By the end I was so bored of it and I just watched it to see what would happen (ending sucked too, btw). Tenma is a boring protagonist and I didn't care much for the other characters either.
If anything, the best written parts were the side characters that only got one or two episodes. IMO the best part was that arc about the recovering alcoholic detective that gets killed by Johan at the end.
Try Sanctuary. Great manga.
And yes Monster IS his best work. Don't pay attention to contrarians. Also
>drawn out
nice attention span
I'm at ep 29, when does it get good?
I really liked how open-ended Monster is. The series touches a lot on the will of a human to stay by their beliefs and the will to change yourself for the better, and doing what is ultimately the right thing. Johan may have left the hospital and gone into hiding forever, silently living out the rest of his life, or he may have just left and killed himself. Either way, I'm glad that in the end, Tenma was able to pull through as himself, and to make more happy memories for him, Nina, and Dieter.
I started Billy Bat and I'm liking what I've read so far.
Remember to sage and report rec threads.
>let me spoonfeed you before telling you to not ask for spoonfeeds here
>the recovering alcoholic detective
That guy was based. In fact I liked all the characters except Tenma and Johan. Nina and the Vietnamese nurse were cute, Grimmer was chill as fuck, and I wasn't sure what to make of BKA at first but he was a fairly engaging character as well.
I was hooked from the beginning, but the general opinion is that the series gets much better from episode 40 onwards.
tenma misses out on so many opportunities to kill johan it's like a comedic gag
after they spent like 20 episodes running around looking for some dumb red rose mansion and book i was about ready to shoot myself
Read the manga instead, you get through it quicker.
I made a thread to discuss a series I finished. I didn't say "recommend me stuff please", I said recommendations were welcome.
Pluto is my favorite Urasawa work, but I also love Monster and 20th century boys. Still haven't read Billy Bat though.
>reading manga
>I said recommendations were welcome.
So a rec thread, then. Well, that's one way to show you're an idiot.
Like another user already said, Sanctuary is good read.
i actually liked having the plot go at a slower pace during some of the events, i feel like that makes it all the more realistic
especially if you're into watching things like investigation shows, detectives looking for answers don't always find clues nor the suspect at hand immediately
Save yourself the time and headache, series falls off in the middle when they introduce super natural elements and change the mc 3 fucking times.
Also as I said before, the ending is utter shit....even worse than Monster, Pluto and 20th Century Boys combined.
>And yes Monster IS his best work. Don't pay attention to contrarians.
20CB is his best-selling work, though.
The ending doesn't suck, you just didn't understand Johan to be able to understand it.
Best selling =/= best work
Seriously, 20CB is fucking shit entirely.
>Also as I said before, the ending is utter shit....even worse than Monster, Pluto and 20th Century Boys combined.
Wow, fuck. It seems like Monster is the only work in which he didn't create a shit ending. Where would you recommend dropping if I were to ever pick it up?
This is somewhat shameless shilling, but I recently finished making a video explaining the ending of Monster.
Maybe it'll give you some introspection into the show you just finished watching or something.
stop teasing me juju