
Why the fuck do Finnish people do this stupid shit.

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>soldiers of odin
now that's cringeworthy


Because they want

do what?

Its part of our humble but strong culture

Protip: That group closed down.

good, the name is cringy as fuck

Tengri wept.

They were also too dumb to register the name, so someone registered it and started to sell ’soldiers of odin’ rainbow flags and unicorns.

There were also counter group ’loldiers of odin’


good idea, poor execution

the counter-groups were just as bad, making the entire thing double in cringe effect

>fighting cringe with cringe


The soldiers of Mars will take care of them

>soldiers of odin
we have this group here as well, you see them mostly around munich.

This is why they used "Odin" and not [Finnish mytology god that no one has heard of]

>good idea, poor execution

Not really though:

How did you call that god? Perun here.

Stormfags gonna storm

What would you do to stop them

Perkele (obviously related to the Russian name) or Ukko (Old Man) as an euphemistic term

have you got any Thursday-related sayings or holydays?

None that I would have heard of. How about you?

We unironically have a nazi party. They also participate in local elections. But they never get any votes.

Either these guys or some other stormie group tried to found a nazi party some years ago but I don't remember if they managed to get it registered

Great Thursday is an important holyday for Christians here. In fact Thorsday was a Perun's day. The day to begin important things. We also have a syaing "After the rain on Thursday" it is when we want to say we are noy going to do something or we will do it after quite some time.

I wouldn't do anything

If Great Thursday is the Last Supper thang then that is of course an important religious holiday for Christians of all types.

I can understand thursday being the day for starting important projects from a mythological POV, but the that other saying you presented is counterintuitive as fug. You would think Thursday would be seen as a time when the sky is active.

Afaik the reason why Thursday is associated with thunder gods is that it is the day dedicated to the planet Jupiter that was also the Roman thunder god, as you know, and Romans spread this concept around Europe

>soldiers of odin


>You would think Thursday would be seen as a time when the sky is active.
Perun is the god of thunder.

>hursday is associated with thunder gods is that it is the day dedicated to the planet Jupiter that was also the Roman thunder god, as you know, and Romans spread this concept around Europe
I see so our mythology mixed with theirs. BTW our monks used to call all Europan pagan religions "Greek faith" for some reason. Greece was probably seen as the source of all things by them. One our Ptriarch even said: "I'm Russian by birth but Greek by faith". Iki would be proud.

Then just call yourself Suomi Es Perkele or something

horde of odin

>A patriarch said he is Greek (pagan) by faith

They are 2 intelligent to use logic when naming their organization

Meant to reply to

Ehh better at lest try instead of just posting on internet

Woah why was my thread moved here

They're over here too.

finns really are autistic

What's wrong with wanting migrants to stay out? The fuck.

Jesus lol. It's amazing they are stockpiled like this, but christ that goes back so far. Was you or someone stalking him for years after the first post?

Lol @ asian-tier empathy.
She looks disappointed.

They dont.

Go on Sup Forums, everyday there's a finnish thread where they basically glamorize asians and arabs. its fucking weird ass hell. they always put cuck/white girl porn as the OP pic