How will Doga Kobo recover from this turd?
New Shit
Next season
Wasn't it literally the hit of last season?
just insulting the anime is lame, you have to be creative
Try harder.
I'll do my darndest, user!
No Mao san please!
>light blue hifumi
You're a turd.
>The president of Chiku Work slams a sloppy onahole against the desk as if it were a gavel, instantly calming a chaotic boardroom. “Alright, here’s the deal. We’ve got three days to make a new product. What recent anime could we quickly base something on?”
>“New Game!” someone yells amongst all the cries for Garfield and Friends.
>“Okay! New Game! What’s it about and does it have a sexy female character?”
>“The show follows a development team makin’ a video game and it has a variety of best girls, yeah”.
>Pleased with this suggestion, the president slumps back in his chair. “Video games you say… that’ll do!” Meanwhile Jim Davis storms out of the room, frustrated that his Garfield onahole idea was shot down once again.
>Later that day, Chiku Work’s cleverly titled parody toy Insert Game! hits retail shelves.
I am interested in those shoes
It was Doga Kobo? No wonder the animation was good. Shame it was so painfully boring as a show.
I can't believe how much they wasted such a good and interesting setting into something so boring, they literally used the most generic and cliched characters they could and the most generic and cliched situations the could, Nene put some spark into the show but it wasn't enough. The only thing I will, and I can remember is the very last scene with the girls and the cop, it was the only moment in the show I wasn't rolling my eyes back and actually laughed, why the whole series couldn't have been like that?
People might take your opinion more seriously if you learn not to comma splice, my man. Try it out next time.
Don't mind me, just posting best new game
thats a boy and hifumi is not in the background
I wonder if she liked Mao's cultural revolution if you know what I mean.
By shitting out the next one, like they did since forever. Did they ever get anything good after Yuru Yuri?
New Game.
user, are you blind?
>tfw no stacked tomboy dork gf