Spaniards are white

Why some Americans think that not?

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Well that settles it and I guess Chadians and Nigerians are white as well right? Fuck off with the haplomeme threads

Spaniards are white.
Mestizos are not white.

All europeans are white......... But haplogroups donĀ“t prove anything.

50% white

Because Americans confuse Spain with mexico, properly because they both speak Spanish.

when will you haploshitters learn?


This. Unfortunately it's only accurate for tracking historical events like invasions and migrations.
But the actual core of the Iberian peninsula is white as far as I know, weren't they basically Celts long time ago?

Why do you care what a 56% white country thinks of a 90% white country?

Because anything Spanish related is associated with Latin America here.

No they are not.

Moorish and Jewish(Semite) blood.

>But the actual core of the Iberian peninsula is white as far as I know, weren't they basically Celts long time ago?
It's more complicated than that. Some were Celts, some were Celticised to varying degrees, and some were not at all.

Lovely picture, we aren't defined.

Only blonde hair blue eyes are white.

Blue eyed white people first showed up on the coast of Spain while Northern Europe was under Glaciation still.
But that was not their homeland. Those blue eyed Phoenicians came from Atlantis, and were flooded in the Agassiz flood.

blue eyed people are nigger tier, look at literally anyone of note greasy degenerate toad

Specifically, Bell Beaker culture, which predated Celts by millenia. The Beaker culture is believed to have emerged from the Anatolian region and spread across the Mediterranean as a seafaring population, eventually forming their own civilizations in Iberia, which then branched out from there to England, and from England and Spain to Scotland, Ireland and coastal western and central Europe..

Ive been there thats why I know it

jesus christ, what are greeks then?


Greeks are European (i.e. White).


Wew, such an objective classification.