Death to all white subhumans, your time has come to an end

Death to all white subhumans, your time has come to an end.
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!

We must love Palestine.

>ayy lmao

>From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!
From the window to the wall, I hope the jews kill you all



>t. Jew

Jews deserve nothing but death

Palis just keep getting cucked out of their land. How you gonna accomplish that pic, Mohammad-kun?


Is it a meme flag?

Trump is going to expose everything the zionists have done. Israel will be doomed for destruction.

Trump is an Israel friend, don't you follow politics?

Nice talking point. He's not.

The Trump's wall is building by an Israel's corporation.

Doesn't matter. The false flags will be exposed. The genocide will be epxosed. Israel won't exist. The Rothschilds will fall.

Palestine is a bunch of sandniggers. Why would you be so bold with your statements?

>Trump is going to expose everything the zionists have done. Israel will be doomed for destruction.
56ers actually believe this

Until he gives a Jackson-esque speech to AIPAC I'll continue to laugh at his slights toward Israel as I did with Obummer

Actions speak louder than words

I hope conflict between Palestinians and Jews never ends so that you guys keep killing each other forever.


Fuck off shitskin


Would be interested to see how the (((mods))) define a Palestinian IP range. If they claim Gaza is Israel, I'm out. Same with Golan Heights in Syria.

Stop Larping, OP. Don't give them a bad name.

There are no jews in Gaza

hey wayne how are the child molestation charges coming along?

>he said in English

No such thing as Palestinians. THey are jordanians. Long Live Israel!

fuck off Rabbi.

thats really the trick isnt it, that the jews have trick everyone that they are White, and all anger should be directed at the whites. Them simultaneously claiming to Not be white.

You fell for it op. All you pakis are ailke.

you realize both you and the kikes are semitic people, jews are not white. also kys you pedo worshiping sandnigger

Hi, Schlomo

Do you guys really like to fuck goats?

False flag hasbara thread
OP is a kike, support Palestine and whites

How about support whites period.
Fuck the middle east and fuck you OP, you pedo shitskin

id rather support Israel.