Are jews turning into niggers?

dropping test scores and increasing admission rates reeks of desperation from the kikes.

asians have less than half the overall population of jews in the US yet are taking as much as twice the amount of math/science awards, even from gentile whites.

will "lynch the chink" be the new "gas the kike" in a few decades?

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they're really digging the bottom of the barrell lmao

notice how caltech and MIT are often regarded as having the best student bodies?

never appoint kikes to positions of power

(((new york)))

They are getting dumber. The cause is dysgenics.

they're falling for their own liberal meme and pursuing worthless degrees at college, plus having the highest intermarriage rates will kill them within a generation or two.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are breeding at the highest rates. Secular Jews are dying out.

The smart ones barely have any kids too.
>have 150 IQ
>marry black with 110 IQ (oh wow, so well spoken!)
>have one kid
why are there so few smart jews now?

true, a friend of mine visited new york and said the rat haredim pump out 7-8 inbred kids and raise them to be pussy leaches from birth. the same is happening in israel adding in the already high palestinian birth rates and plummeting iq its fucking over for israel tbqh.

most smart jews are often old, leftovers from the previous generation. notice how most jewish nobel laureates this turn of the century are very old and are awarded based on research they did decades ago when it was the peak of jewish intellectual accomplishment? the future is white, and asian i guess.

Besides the Japanese, asians severely underperform their IQ in discoveries.

This is true. Jewish youth are being indoctrinated all the same.

most jap nobel laureates have been awarded this century, with more to come imo. nips have more established scientific infrastructure, with china and japan following behind. the chinese will start making significant scientific discoveries in the 2020-30 timeframe usurping the japs, and the koreans will follow making contributions in the 2040-50s. there were few US laureates for the first three decades of it being awarded, which is due to undeveloped science infrastructure at the time.

>generational inbreeding
>low IQ

i was in a cafe in (((golders green))) and overheard three jewish women talking about fucking arab men and how wild the experience is. even made sucking hand gestures ffs. its over for the shlomos.

>schlomo drank his own kool-aid

Continued Palestinian population growth despite the Israeli boot all but ensures the erasure of jews

China still has massive academic fraud. They aren't close to having a functional scientific community.

they'll all be fucking arabs by the end of the century, less even lmao

I'm not worried about Asians, because they're color-coded. If asians fuck you over, you have a visual indicator of when they're present and can discriminate against them in future. The problem with Jews is that they hide among whites and insert their agenda into everything we do. There's really no telling how many there are, plus their sick allies the Christian Zionists would betray us all and sell their own children into slavery for the Jews because they're fanatics. There's no telling how many of these people there are or where they'll strike next. I'm much happier with the notion of a visual indicator of who may be against me than with a psychotic, invisible, intractable enemy who attacks from any direction at any moment.

Hasidic inbreeding is cartoonishly prevalent. If the matter were properly studied I'd bet certain sects of jews have rates of consanguinity that would make even some real backwards tribal Muslims blush. The rates of retardation in israel must be just fucking unreal...

agreed, but they have goals and i dont think they're spending 2.1% of their gdp on r&d just to commit academic fraud.

"Ninja moves"


You can see more impressive fighting skills on an elementary school playground.

thats why, if anything its preferable for asians to replace them, easier to point fingers at, though i do hope whites fill the power vacuum before asians get there. the media has been desensitizing us about chinks for decades now, if they step out of line we'll know.

the fuck... jesus. i cant believe these are the people that rule america.
jews really are a matriarchal lineage.

jewish women are stronger than their men srs

more about kike niggardry

we had several israeli exchange student when i attended a private school. they were all excused from participating in rugby because they couldn't handle the physical aspect of it lmao

A simple sperm donation eugenics program could turn everyone into math geniuses after 2 generations of genius sperm therapy.
Let's not get caught up in racial dick measuring contests.

Jews being smart is a meme. They are just sneaky and engage in other underhanded practices to put other Jews in power. The only thing they excel in their bs arguing tactics. Once you know that you realize they are all the same

I don't think I've ever heard of a jewish weight lifter, the concept is a contradiction.

yup, but jews being the liberal nigger-lovers they are would argue against a eugenics program.

the founders of the ifbb were jewish funnily enough, i think even the father of modern bb was of jewish descent (eugen sandow). weird how they pursue shit they'll never be good at because of poor genetics.

>"b-but muh nobel prizes goy"