Germany yes! NEUWAHLEN
FDP has canceled the coalition talks with the CDU (Merkel) and the green party.
>It's better not to govern than govern wrongly.

WTF I love Lindner now! Will the AfD get more than 20%? Will Frauke Petry fly out of the Bundestag? Exciting times, lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake news, fuck off faggot.

Check out how salty Grüne and SPD are:

Your intellect is fake news, Mohammed.

> “Today there was no progress but rather there were setbacks because targeted compromises were questioned,” FDP leader Christian Lindner told reporters.


FDP gains
SPD gains
AfD gains
Greens stable
Linke stable
CDU loses bigly
CSU gets 45% in the Landtagswahlen 2018

>Liberale brechen Jamaika-Verhandlungen ab

>Die Sondierungsgespräche von Union, FDP und Grünen über eine mögliche Jamaikakoalition sind gescheitert. Das teilten die Liberalen mit: "Es ist besser, nicht zu regieren, als falsch zu regieren."
Can you read german, Merkel-voter?

Are those the first coalition talks you ever followed in Germany, Kevin? You need to be 18 to post here.

> AfD gains
Kek, with Frauke gone?

The Yes! meme is when something horrible-globalist happens. It's No! When good things do

>a modern european country can not form a government
what has even happened to germany? are our favorite krauts getting another taste of weimar?

More salt:

>Will Frauke Petry fly out of the Bundestag?
Whould would she fly out of the Bundestag, i heard there were some internal problems in AfD is she not /ourgal/ anymore?

>AfD gains
All the protest voter will be gone now.

But Muslims hate other Muslims

All coalition talks I followed were rather relaxed. SPD + CDU =

She spoke shit against the party two days before the election, then got out of the party after the election, but clinges to her seat in the Bundestag. Now that she has no party, there is no chance that she will be in the next Bundestag.

Who cares about that traitor?
Everyone knows muh protest voters are just a meme for actual right wingers and conservatives.

Sorry, I am not a meme professional. News had me excited.
True, true.

Lindner's statement:
He basically says, green cucks are at fault.

Of course they blame each other. I wish we could get a protocol about the talk to get more insight.

>Everyone knows muh protest voters are just a meme for actual right wingers and conservatives.

You know that's just wishful thinking. The voter potential of the AfD is way too dependent on the policies of other parties, at least for the next election cycles.

I think it's quite funny that the only statements of the other parties are angry tweets. Perfectly symbolizes the state of our politics.

FDP will steal some votes from AfD and Greens, however AfD will also steal votes from CDU-voters who are dissappointed that their party tried to form a government with green cucks blocking any immigration limit.
Lindner is really smart to blame stupid green immigration policies.




proper thread