What about Ustase?

Are they any good?

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good enough for me i suppose, not croatian though so i dont have an intimate attachment


I tried to find out of they were of Zionist origin because most of the deadly organizations are, but so far no links to kikes.






Shitskins larping as white, Ustase is like those beta mongrel neo Nazis we all laugh at, but a whole party of them



They were halal. But no really tho, they admired islam and wanted to sell Croatia to the Italians.


Like Nazi Germany, Cr*ats loved to kill fellow whites.

Serbia is better than Croatia.

Vajdu ga. Tip je retardiran u pičku materinu!

serbs seem to hate them so they can't be that bad.
found a picture related to your post my american friend

we wuz ghots and shiet.

They are scum.

Communist Croats are better.

this is in russian, not serbo-croatian, did you know that? it's soviet globalist propaganda that wasn't even translated into the local language. if you're wondering it was addressed to serbs, not russians, so that's not an excuse either.

No, they were cucks despite the all scary stories you hear about them, most of them is exagrated in the post-WWII period.

Tito is a Slovene, Croat, and Yugoslav, you dumb ass.

yes, the perfect commie mutt. shame he ended up telling the soviet union to fuck right off, huh? btw i meant the language in the pic is russian.

They even hired an American nigger to run the boxing team.


When the Independent State of Croatia was formed, its Minister of Sports, Miško Zebić talked Lyggett into training the Croatian national boxing team. He prepared the Croatian team for the cancelled 1940 Olympics.
Despite his race, Lyggett was not interfered with by the Axis allied government of Croatia.
Lyggett was an anti-Communist. Before the end of the war, his brother invited him to return to the US. Finally he accepted the invitation and convinced his wife to move to the US. In 1945, they set off for the US via Italy. They waited for months the ship that would take them to United States. His wife got ill and died in Milan. Broken, Lyggett returned to America alone.


Am I supposed to feel bad for commies?

absolutely not. What they did in the 40's was disgusting and unnecessary. They revel in the fact that they commited genocide against their European neighbors.

>inb4 t. Jovan Jovanovich

That fucker should shave.

Beard makes it easy to gas him.

There were also reverse atrocities against Croats from their direction as well. Have not heard for Borićevac oder Jadovka? Unfortunately that is not allowed to speak in mainstream academia as it goes against official narrative.

Are there a lot of muslims in Croatia?

About 1% of the population. Ovehemigly are from Bosnia, which is ok as they are basically islamised Croats and other Slavs.

>Serbia is better
Never uttered by anyone, anywhere, ever.

yes and no
they were based as fuck but they also were too crazy
tito? that's hermann goring


>I tried to find out of they were of Zionist origin because most of the deadly organizations are, but so far no links to kikes.
you got to be kidding me

delete this you stupid goy, this is serb made propaganda

The guy Josip Frank who is the ideologically ancestor of the Ustaše was a Jew and Zionist.

he was the most prominent leader of the anti-serb movement even before yugoslavia came to exist
he literally organized crystal night in the center of zagreb except the victims were serbs and their shops

i'm glad i see some croat not being ignorant of that though. ustase had a fuckton a lot to do with jews, even to this day

I am 3rd generation American of Croatian blood. An immigrant Bosnian family opened a store in my small midwest town. I was concerned that they might be muslims but they have given no indication of their religion. The daughter who works at the store is pretty hot too. She looks like Mila Kunis. Totally unexpected.

>crystal night in the center of zagreb
This was not a crystal night. It was an political brawl between his supporters and pro-Yugoslavian faction. Again, I can concede many things but also your problems is that you use serbian sources of Croatia who have often anti-croatian bias.

Also, his fraction was a shill party of the Franz Ferdinand at that time.

usually you can just tell if they're muslim from their last name. can you post it here?

I appreciate fascism but I'm convinced they had ties with jews, just like the Italians. So no. They were used to weaken Hitler's influence and taint Croatian nationalism forever. I don't believe in anything related to Jasenovac but today's nationalists are spiteful edgelords and inbred blockheads who stupidly take pride in everything Ustaše supposedly did.

no, that's literally taken from croatian source

>“S još nekoliko studenata posmatrali smo pomahnitalu franko-furtimašku
rulju, kako naoružana toljagama, krstareći ulicama i trgovima grada Zagreba,
inzultira svakog susrelog građanina, koji im je bio prokazan kao pravoslavac
(kurziv M. A.), pali, razara, pljačka radnje trgovaca i obrtnika Srba, prosvjet-
no-kulturne-privredne ustanove uz mirno posmatranje policajaca i žandara,
predvođene agentima i konfidentima. Spopao nas je, kao i mnoge druge pro-
laznike, bijes radi naše nemoći jer se nismo mogli oduprijeti toj rulji, sprije-
čiti uništavanje imovine.”

>Ovaj prilog detaljnije prikazuje štete koje su počinjene pojedicima u tim
izgredima i odštetu koja je za to isplaćena. Na udaru su bile ponajprije trgovine
srpskih trgovaca, ali i kuće i stanovi pojedinaca. Razjarena masa išla je ponaj-
prije za razbijanjem i uništavanjem imovine, a ne za krađom.


>Also, his fraction was a shill party of the Franz Ferdinand at that time.
well, josip frank did more than shilling for franz ferdinand for sure. he was greatly opposed to serbs and as you said yourself an initiator of croatian irredentism at a large scale

you're right about the first part, i advise you read the posts above