What does Sup Forums think about Medaka Box?
What does Sup Forums think about Medaka Box?
males are all bros, females are all hoes.
Pretty much this. It's bros and hoes: the series.
Shit story, would've made a decent SoL
Kumagawa is a fantastic character. There are some other great ones too, like Ajimu and Tsurubami. It's basically a series that got carried by its characters and not its plot.
The ending was very obviously rushed though. Nisio probably wanted to move on to something else ASAP.
The best thing about it was Medaka chest.
Yep, there's pretty much no guy I dislike in this series except maybe for that mind control narcissist. 90% of the female cast are all shit though.
Sounds like you are talking about planet earth.
>Not Kikaijima's permanent blush
sum of its parts are better than the whole
Zen was always the actual MC (like Kyon in Haruhi)
I wanna hug Medaka
I'm a mangafag who normally can't watch adaptations. But I liked the second season of the anime and watched it all.
It's the eyebrows. The manga had angry eyebrows almost all the time. The anime characters have more normal eyebrows so it felt fresh. And I liked Medaka's voice.
Kumagawa and Ajimu were entertaining. Medaka was okay. Zenkichi was bland.
Kumagawa was shit. It was delicious licking Kumagawafag tears for the last 2 arcs and how he was completely irrelevant.
Kumagawa is literally me
Awesome art and shit plot with some cool characters like Kumagawa, Zenkichi and Nabeshima.
What is the author up to nowadays? I really enjoyed the art.
Best boy
Why did the anime stop?
Best character was basically completely irrelevant for the entire run after the first arc, and then when she "got her own arc" it had nothing to do with her herself but only her bloodline.
What, the epilogue bit was a whole volume (the flower run+few years later), that's not what I call rushed.
I've always seen medaka ending as a really good ending.
I liked it better when it was just about Medaka trying to solve everyone's problems around school.
The author is Nisio Isin, the *monogatari guy.
The artist hasn't really done anything else relevant.
Adapting the best arc would make too much sense so they had to stop.
The manga was enjoyable, but they completely missed the voice for Medaka in the show. I had to turn off the volume and figure out the right voice and tone every time she spoke, gave up on ep2
Glorious trainwreck.
Medaka Box is everything that that "Bellowstory" game that Sup Forums never shuts up about wishes it was