Has anyone watched this documentary?

Has anyone watched this documentary?

Other urls found in this thread:

zeitgeistmovie.com/Zeitgeist, The Movie- Companion Guide PDF/index.html

(((Documentary))) that tried to disprove our savior using faulty shit evidence.

Most people at least acknowledged Jesus existed, whether he is the messiah is up to each person, but a historical jesus existed.

I did. Thought it was okay.

Some of the information didn't seem accurate though.

more bullshit (((propoganda)))

It's garbage extrapolated from grains of truth. Skip it.

Yup, its ok. Mildly respilling back then

Part one - interesting, well put together analysis. Pretty eye opening for some people. Some of the animations feel a little too much like fedora tippin reddittry.

Part two - I consider it the perfect entry level 9/11 red pill. It covers all the big points iirc. Great starting point for those ready to dive into that issue.

Part three - not as well documented as part two, but still quite enlightening. Seems somewhat out of order, maybe part one should've came last.

Pretty good movie altogether. Serves as a good point for launching a personal research project and I appreciate that they uploaded it for free. Second movie is an absolute slog.

>Jesus is actually the Sun, not the Son, because English speaking Hebrews in the year 80 AD made a typo.
I turned it off.

The 9/11 shit was alright, the utopian bullshit propaganda was stupid.

Still, if there are even grains of truth there, it's wierd how these grains are still mostly unknown unless you do your own research, 10 years after release.

I remember seeing this and that Bill Maher documentary when I was a hardcore fedora tipper back my freshman year of high school, it was practically gospel ironically enough.

zeitgeistmovie.com/Zeitgeist, The Movie- Companion Guide PDF/index.html

Btw: here's from the website with sources to alot of stuff. It was mentioned it the movie for those wanting to do further research.

The man Jesus Christ NEVER existed. You can be butthurt all you want but it doesn’t make falsities true. Jesus is an allegory for the sun. Hence “Son of god” and that his 12 desciples resemble the 12 seasons. Jesus resembles man in a state of balance with natural law. Meaning how he thinks, so he feels, so he acts. He is living in the balance in the higher order of the macrocosm. The whole bible is an allegory.

Zeitgeist is for people who can actually ignore their emotional obnoxious fallacies of what they think is true and open their mind to what the Truth really is.

Haters gonna hate

What i found most interesting about back then 10 years ago? Was how much Jordan maxwell was influential to many people, he really did affect a lot of truffers.

Stop being so new, how dare you post let alone waste a fucking thread. Piss off back to fucking plebbit.

I really like the 3rd one, moving forward. But the shilling for the venus project is stupid.

>Documentary claiming all religions are bullshit including judaism.


You just might be retarded. Or 16. Either way, OUT OUT OUT.

Also, whatever happend to his next project InterReflections? He scammed quite a bit of donation on it already

Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica are also great conspiracy kino. They are probably full of shit, but they were made like 10 years ago when people were not as red pilled/woke. Check them out if you are entertained by this shit

Enlighten us then, great wielder of neckbeard.

Except he didn't.

What about the pharmacratic inquisition.
Anyone remember this?

Post brett keane and amazing atheist red pills. Have you guys seen v for vendetta? It's a clever dig at how we are descending into a right wing anti-gay dictatorship. Gays will soon be persecuted simply for being who they are.

Jewish propaganda.

> Documentary
HAHAHAHA, it's basically Peter Joseph's art project in retrospect. He made some money, fucked over Jaque Fresco now Jacque is dead and their technocratic Marxism is confined to the dustbins of pan flash popularity history.

It's okay though, I promise the Free Market and automation will get us as close to post-scarcity as possible, just without all the weird direct democracy, technocratic marxism bullshit and authoritarian transition plans of plastic bubble houses being forced through a global military the way Jacque wanted.

Engineering is cool but.

Can't believe its been like 10 years already. How much things change. 2004 I was reading Michael Moore books and laughing at 'lel Bush is stoopid, stoopid xtians', was socialist for couple years, then 2007-2008 was David Icke + Ron Paul + Zeitgeist + Alex Jones etc, then 2010-2016 was some period of inner apolitical confusion and growing resentment, until this conservative renewal. Anyone else know these feels?

I know your feels. Things were so much simpler and the biggest outrage was like the Bilderberg conference not refugees literally raping and exploding European peoples/cities.

Baby's first conspiracy flick, saw it back in 2007.

It began my journey through the rabbit hole. Watched all Alex Jones 'documentaries', was heavenly invested into 9/11 truth.
I was a 'paleo-conservaive' believing evil Neocon Bilderberg Nazis are about to take over. I was like that all though highschool, I became so interested in politics that I decided to study international politics and economics at Uni.

Lost all interest in this crap as I became more educated and started frequent Sup Forums in late 2010. 9/11 truth movement died out online about the same time.

Now I'm a radical nationalist, I don't believe in conspiracy theories anymore, and I've been on the inside (NATO).



Is it illegal to kill time travelers?

Lurk more newfag,
Like seriously.
Lurk the fuck moar before posting.

Ugh Religulous, thanks for reminding me of the hours I wasted being brainwashed by this creepy Hollywood pedophile jew.

This is 100% correct user

>ήλιος = υιός

It's similar to another YouTube doc. Look up Leonard Ulrich

You could point us to a piece of evidence against a conspiracy for instance. Give us a reason to believe you and your education.

>not understanding that words, concepts and ideas can have multiple meanings each as true as the others

There are 4 seasons you idiot.

The first part on Christianity is pretty cool until you find out some parts are inaccurate. Still pretty decent. The rest is boring though.

>Has anyone watched this documentary?
I find consiritards who take this much time to propote their idiocy amusing.
That neing said am I the only one who sees how fast the globalist shills act to reinforce disbelief in these conspiritards.

Couple of FACTS anons.
The only info about the Congressional investigation that has be redacted / blacked out permanently is about Isrieali and Saudi involvement. This is undeniable.
The other thing I know for a fact is There was only ONE SINGLE jet liner in the air after all flights were grounded and that was the plane rounding up members of the Saudi royal family... many of them wives and children of Osama Bin Laden. Tell me about his blood line anons.
Sup Forums could have real power to stop the globalists but you are so easily distracted.

I think he meant that the 12 disciples refers to the 12 signs of the zodiac which also have meaning within the 4 seasons. Pic related

I got my dick sucked while it was playing in the background. I came while watching the twin towers fall.

Yeah, and it's full of straight lies and half-truths. A lot of it was completely false and easy to check against just doing a quick google search or even going to the library. I'm not sure what the intent of it is, whether as disinfo. or what, but it at least does make you start questioning certain things. It's not worth the time honestly though, there are much better documentaries out there.


I would bet 99.9% of the posters here can't define the word "zeitgeist" without looking it up on google...be honest.

>started frequent Sup Forums
>in late 2010

I find left wing conspiracies really funny because they can often pinpoint problems however come to some really odd conclusions and use some real shady evidence to reach them. It's like a tease, hanging real stuff in front of the viewer but then clouding it with misinformation and falsehoods.

I watched these just last week and frankly they are a waste of time.


It's garbage, the first fooled me for a while but when the second part came out it was obvious it's commie shit. I was going to become ancap soon. Now from the perspective of years the first part is:
not naming the usual suspect with regards to financial crisis and banking,
railing on christianity (hmm I wonder why, not) and wrong (Wallace Thornhill),
and completely butchering 911 story being just another coverup. Hint: dr Judy Wood is correct. And safe, it seems masses won't swallow this pill ever in meaningful numbers. Fuck this place is even more cancerous than usually, I need a break.
and please kys soros' whore, do it

yeah. the guy who made that film is a bell end. but, he is a pretty good marimba player.

Those of you babbys who are waking up to the signs and symbols need to listen through bill Cooper's mystery Babylon.

>Ignore the aliums shit
>And he was oblivious about race, being an old white dude in rural 90s America that didn't understand what was beginning to happen in the cities
>Was also very harsh to a young Alex Jones who was making lots of mistakes back then
>Everything else is great though

Could you give me a basic gestalt?

Which documentaries do you recommend user? I've watched all of Alex's documentaries and most of the NWO ones as well. I'm curious if you have any on the topic of population control

Same as the morons who believe that the creation account in genesis is the same as the creation myth of the sumerians.
In it one god rips apart another god and creates heaven and earth out of the two halves.
How this is even remotely related to Genesis I will never understand.

It's a worthless piece of shit.
Just search YT for 'Zeitgeist debunked'.
There are several.

>implying Sup Forums wasn't around by late 2010
I remember the Norks firing missiles on that South Korean island around that time. The first of many disappointing """happenings""". Also, Baba Yaga prophecy got BTFO.

>.t 15 year old
I think its you that needs to leave kiddo

>I'm curious if you have any on the topic of population control

There is no population control, if there was Africa would be under control.

And I remember Alex Jones claiming Bill Gates is evil, because he wants to control Africa's birthrates.



my first redpill. was blown away when i first saw it. i was 15 and a normie back then.

It was a decent introductory piece.

The three acts drama was well thought.

completely debunked by the way:


>thinking atheism is red pilled
>thinking that a right wing anti-gay dictatorship would be worse than the (((globalist))) hell we are only just transitioning out of now

>See guys sun = son
Lol This is literally the stupidest argument

>There is no population control
i disagree. if you are not obedient to mutt type of future aka pepsi cola gloabal existance propagated by bureaucrat cunts you get population controlled. no soup for you, replaced by poos and kebabs. maybe not where you are, but soon i guess...soon

This was literally my first step towards taking the redpill, back when I was green lad. I remember it fondly, even if I can see through a lot of the bullshit in it now.

Another documentary series I watched around the same time is called 'The Arrivals' - it's Shia muzzie conspiracy film series that my paki friend convinced me to watch, Not gonna lie, it almost got me to convert to Islam back when I was 13/14.

The religion part is based off the work of jordan maxwell. watch the naked truth youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8E1LtkMI8

There's more evidence pointing towards Jesus being a retelling of a minor solar deity than there is horus. It's interesting to note that with the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt that Ra was combined with Amun. The greeks associated the Hyksos with King Belus who's name probably refers to Baal. Did the Hyksos exist as nomad shepherds for a 100-200 before entering canaan? Anyways the Jewish claim that they were slaves in egypt and built the pyramids is complete bs. The whole exodus tale is complete shit.

Christianity has weakened the west to the point of complete capitulation. Merkels christian democrats and the pope washing inavder's feet are just the tip of the iceberg. The biggest enemy within our borders are christians who believe every single nigger and dune coon need to be succored in western nations.

The question is whether the current state of christianity was originally intended to weaken white countries or if it has been engineered to do so since then.

Between the machinations of rampaging romans, international jewry and the onslaught of islam and the catholics going on book burning rampages it's very difficult to deduce what actually happened. There is so much disinformation in the old and new testament.

And don't forget mohammed was a fucking jew.

I have no idea how anyone could trust the level of obvious kikery on display. You have a few thousand years of kike lies in a book and you're so ready to believe it. Sad.

Literally no historians have written about a man performing miracles in these days.
Only the most (((famous))) historians have written that he existed. (((They))) were 4 major historians, and they wrote their piece in the 19th and 20th century just when europeans became enlightened.

I did several years ago. i used to like it now i think it's jew related.

Have you ever watched ENDGAME: BLUEPRINT FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT by alex jones?


You would think the first christian emperor of rome setting the stage for the decline of the empire would beg enough proof that it was a dangerous ideology. If it weren't for christian abolitionists and other assorted bleeding hearts the west would be strong and firm and not infested with marxists and subhumans.

Absolutely no good has come from christianity and the people who watch Zeitgeist and believe it are the same retard pussies you see in antifa and other marxist groups.